Page 34 - MIN ECEM 3 JULY 2017
P. 34

                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 3 July 2017

                  Shoco Beer Co. Donates $10,000 to Arikok National Park

                                                                      for  a  fund  that  will  go  to-  selections,  Blood  Orange  the next few months, beer
                                                                      wards  more  conservation    Blondes and Long Legged  lovers can look forward to
                                                                      projects at the park.        Lager,  debuted  at  the  Pineapple  Wheat  Wave,
                                                                      Craft beer first hit the Aru-  Craft Beer Festival held this  TanLine Tangerine IPA, Sun
                                                                      ban  market  in  2014,  and   past  May  at  the  Renais-  of  a  Beach  Prickly  Pear
                                                                      has  been  on  the  rise  here   sance Convention Center,  Wheat, and One Hoppy Is-
                                                                      since.    Now,  Aruba  has  its   and  were  an  instant  hit  land Toasted Coconut Pale
                                                                      first craft beer.  In May of this   right out of the gate.  Over  Ale.q
                                                                      year, the Shoco Beer Com-
                                                                      pany launched its first two
                                                                      beers in a series of six. “We
                                                                      wanted  a  series  of  craft
                                                                      beers  that  embody  our  is-
                                                                      land lifestyle.  We wanted
                                                                      it to be authentic and rec-
                                                                      ognized by the Brewers As-
                                                                      sociation as craft beer, so
            ORANJESTAD  –  On  Thurs-    breweries  that  are  lauded   we  met  with  a  few  craft
            day,  June  29,  the  Shoco  for  their  charity  work  and   brewers  in  the  U.S.  to  find
            Beer Co. marked its dona-    contributions  to  their  local   one  that  understood  our
            tion of US $10,000 to Arikok  communities.                vision  and  could  capture
            National  Park  during  a  The  Shoco  Beer  Company      the flavors and tastes that
            check  presentation  at  the  is proud to honor this tradi-  we  wanted.    After  a  few
            Visitor’s  Center.    The  beer  tion here on Aruba, with the   trials  and  errors,  we  found
            is  named  after  the  shoco  donation  going  towards    a brewmaster in Kentucky,
            owl,  an  endangered  en-    the  shoco  relocation  proj-  and together we formulat-
            demic  species  of  burrow-  ect (moving the owls from    ed six different craft beers
            ing owl and one of Aruba’s  their burrows in dangerous    that  would  become  part
            national symbols. An impor-  areas like construction sites   of the Shoco Beer Co.,” in-
            tant part of the craft beer  to  Arikok  National  Park).   forms senior sales manager
            culture  is  the  social  con-  Additionally, a percentage   Taylor Escobedo.
            sciousness  of  these  small  of  sales  will  be  earmarked   The  first  two  Shoco  Beer
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