Page 35 - MIN ECEM 3 JULY 2017
P. 35

                      Monday 3 July 2017

            Scholl Family Honored at the Casa del Mar Beach Resort

            EAGLE  BEACH  -  Recently
            Mr.  Jonathan  Boekhoudt
            from  Aruba  Tourism  Au-
            thority had the great plea-
            sure  to  honor  Mr.  Robert
            and Mrs. Carolyn Scholl as
            Goodwill  Ambassadors  at
            the  Casa  del  Mar  Beach
            The  Scholls  have  been
            coming  to  Aruba  for  over
            30 years and are from Con-
            necticut.  Amazing  is  that
            Robert “Rob” is still a prac-
            ticing  lawyer  at  the  age
            of  86,  and  he  swears  that
            Carolyn is the drive behind
            The honorary titles are pre-
            sented in the name of Min-
            ister  of  Tourism  as  a  token
            of  appreciation  for  visiting
            Aruba for 20-to-34 consec-
            utive years. The ceremony
            was  held  at  the  Casa  del
            Mar  Beach  Resort  in  the
            presence  of  GM  Mr.  Bob
            Curtis  and  Shahaira  from
            his staff.

            Zika Cases on the Decline, But the War on Mosquitoes is Far from Over

            Port of Spain, Trinidad and                                                            CARPHA  member  states  laboratory  received  thou-
            Tobago.    1st  July,  2017.                                                           (CMS).    A  Zika-associated  sands  of  requests  for  test-
            “Even  though  the  number                                                             case  of  microcephaly  has  ing, and as of April 2017, 24
            of  cases  of  Zika  have  sig-                                                        also  been  reported  in  one  Members  States  reported
            nificantly  declined  from                                                             country. No reports of sexu-  locally transmitted cases of
            the outbreak of 2016, there                                                            ally  transmitted  Zika  cases  the  virus.  In  2013,  CARPHA
            is  still  need  for  continued                                                        in  CMS  have  been  docu-   declared  July  2nd,  Carib-
            vigilance  and  action  on                                                             mented.  These  associated  bean  Public  Health  Day.
            mosquito  borne  diseases,                                                             complications  can  have  The  date  also  coincides
            which pose a health secu-                                                              a  marked  impact  on  the  with the anniversary of the
            rity threat, a tourism threat,                                                         people  affected  and  their  official launch of the Carib-
            and an economic threat,”     ism sector.  It also highlights  of laboratory requests and   communities.  Dr  Hosped-  bean Public Health Agency
            stated Dr C. James Hosped-   actions  of  member  states  confirmed  tests  peaked     ales  said  “The  Region  has  whose  mandate  is  to  pre-
            ales,  Executive  Director   and  partners,  new  tech-   in  August,  then  began  a   seen  dengue,  Chikungu-    vent disease, promote and
            of  the  Caribbean  Public   nologies  and  approaches,  steady  decline  to  Decem-   nya,  and  now  Zika  which  protect the health of peo-
            Health Agency (CARPHA).      and what CARPHA is doing  ber.    The  Zika  epidemic     is transmitted by the same  ple of the Region through:
            These  statistics  were  re-  to help its member states.   has shown signs of a signifi-  mosquito,  and  the  key  to  -monitoring health and dis-
            vealed as part of an infor-  This newest mosquito borne  cant  slow-down,  and  the    tackling them is prevention  ease spread,
            mation  package  dissemi-    disease  to  the  Region,  risk to residents and visitors   and control.  We must con-  -responding  to  emergen-
            nated to Member States in    came  on  the  heels  of  chi-  is  deemed  much  lower.   tinue  to  literally  wage  war  cies  and  threats,  -nutrition
            observation  of  Caribbean   kungunya  which  affected  However,  the  region  con-    on  them.  But  we  need  to  and  food  security,-provid-
            Public Health day 2017.      the  health  and  economic  tinues to struggle and fight   be  smarter.  We  need  new  ing   laboratory   services,
            The  package  profiles  Zika   structure  of  most  countries  against the Aedes aegypti   approaches and technolo-  -conducting   health   re-
            since its arrival in the CAR-  and territories.  In late 2015,  mosquito  responsible  for   gies  and  partners  against  search  into  priority  health
            PHA  Member  States  and     the  Caribbean  confirmed  its  transmission.  Zika  has   this  threat,  which  is  pres-  issues, and
            addresses  the  epidemic     its first case of the Zika virus,  been  associated  with  an   ent throughout most of the  -assuring   environmental
            and  its  impact  on  health,   followed by a dramatic in-  increase  in  Guillian  Barre   tropical   world.”CARPHA  health  and  pharmaceuti-
            the economy and the tour-    crease in 2016.  The number  syndromes  (GBS)  in  five   revealed that its reference  cal quality.
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