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                                                                                                                           Thursday 5 OcTOber 2017

            CIBC FirstCaribbean Hosts Walk for the Cure 5k Fun Walk

            -All  proceeds  will  be  do-  this event together with the  ted  to  make  a  great  con-
            nated  to  Foundation  Pros-  Fitness  Event  that  was  re-  tribution as well to the local
            tate Cancer.                 cently  organized,  will  be  community.
                                         donated to the ‘Fundacion   Because  of  the  hurricanes
            TANKI  FLIP  -  CIBC  FirstCa-  Contra Cancer di Prostaat’.  that recently had hit some
            ribbean  has  organized  for  For all people that had al-  of  the  islands  where  the
            the  first  time  in  Aruba  the  ready  purchased  a  ticket,  bank  operates,  the  event
            amazing Walk for the Cure  CIBC  FirstCarbbean  would  will  be  cancelled  in  An-
            5k  Fun  Walk.  This  will  take  like  to  remind  them  that  guilla, British Virgen Islands,
            place  Sunday,  October  8,  they  can  pick  up  their  t-  Dominica, St. Maarten and
            2017  and  the  fun  walk  will  shirt at the branch in Tanki  Turks  and  Caicos  Islands,
            start 6:00 am at the parking  Flip  on  Thursday,  October  was  the  announcement
            lot  of  CIBC  FirstCaribbean  5, 2017 and Friday October  of  the  walk’s  Executive
            Branch  located  in  Tanki  6, 2017 from 1:00pm to 6:00  Co-Chairs  and  Managing
            Flip.  Tickets  are  available  pm.  For  those  who  didn’t  Directors  at  CIBC  FirstCa-
            for only AWG 15- which in-   buy a ticket yet, do it quick-  ribbean,  Mark  St.  Hill  and
            cludes  a  t-shirt,  water  and  ly as only a few are left.  Trevor Torzsas.
            fruits.  The  tickets  are  avail-  As  announced  in  earlier  They also revealed that all
            able  at  the  ‘Fundacion  press  releases,  CIBC  First-  of the pre-walk funds raised
            Contra Cancer di Prostaat’,  Caribbean  has  a  great  so far in those territories by
            at the CIBC FirstCaribbean  commitment with the com-      the local walk committees
            Branch located at Tanki Flip  munity at all the 17 territo-  will be donated to cancer
            or you can call 522-5600.    ries  where  the  bank  oper-  care and support organiza-
            CIBC FirstCaribbean Aruba  ates. Aruba will be part of  tions  on  those  islands  that  The  walk  in  St.  Kitts,  which  the weekend of November
            would like to emphasis that  this  event  for  the  first  time  have  been  impacted  by  was also impacted by Irma  5, 2017.
            all proceeds gathered from  and  the  bank  is  commit-   the hurricanes.              has  been  postponed  until         Continued on Page 15
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