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LOCAL Thursday 5 OcTOber 2017
CIBC FirstCaribbean Hosts Walk for the Cure 5k Fun Walk
Continued from Page 13 support services, in the impact-
ed islands, the need for financial
“We are truly saddened at the support has become even more
loss of life and widespread de- critical,” said St. Hill.
struction and suffering which The funds raised by the initiative
these two massive storms have are used to provide assistance,
wreaked across these islands,” care and counseling to patients
St. Hill and Torzsas said. “Our and their families as well as to
bank, along with our parent raise awareness through educa-
company CIBC in Canada, has tion campaigns across the re-
already announced donations gion. They also help the various
totaling USD $450 000 toward re- organizations to assist with the
lief efforts in the affected islands, purchase and maintenance of
with a further amount being re- equipment used in the diagnosis
served for assistance to Domi- and treatment of patients.
nica, and our business has been CIBC FirstCaribbean Aruba and
working tirelessly to tailor special The Fundacion Contra Cancer
financial solutions for all of our di Prostraat, would like to give
clients to help them mitigate a big thank you to the spon-
the devastating effects of the sors that have joined this great
storms and start the rebuilding event here in Aruba. Without
process,” the co-chairs added. them this couldn’t be possible.
“Last year we raised USD$500, A big thank you goes to: Ge-
000 all of which we donated to nAir, Aledda N.V., Terraza Hold-
support the life-changing work ing, The Seaport Cinemas, Click
of our partner cancer care or- Print, Safecom, Red Cross Aruba,
ganizations in each of the coun- Save A Lot, Total Cleaning Ser-
tries where we operate. This vices, Fruteria Virgilio, IBISA, Ca-
year, with the destruction and ribbean Trucking, BrandTastic,
disruption caused by the storms DHL, Gerira Marketing, Andina
to many of the essential medi- Ice, Stichting Contra Cancer di
cal, diagnostic and aftercare Prostaat and CRD Group.q