Page 7 - aruba-today-20240415
P. 7
LOCAL Monday 15 april 2024
Aruba’s Bocas: home to the rarest fossil reefs on the planet!
(Oranjestad)—If you’ve been to of Bari Aldo Moro, presented their
the northern coast of Aruba al- research on these fossilized coral
ready, you’ve probably noticed reefs at the University of Aruba.
how the ground differs entirely from Their focus for their research includ-
the sandy beaches on the southern ed studying the health and forma-
part of the island. These hard sur- tion patterns of these coral reefs,
faces, with sharp bumps and holes and to investigate how these reefs
are actually fossilized coral reefs, have responded and can respond
of which its growth and changes to fluctuating sea levels or extreme
can be traced back to the last gla- weather, like hurricanes and tsuna-
cial period. mis.
On May 30 2023, geoscientists, Dr. Through underwater and land sur-
Patrick Boyden from the Marum veillance, and 3D models of the
research faculty at the University reefs, they were able to narrow
of Bremen, Prof. dr. Alessio Rovere down when these formations start-
from the Ca’ Foscari University of ed to take place. They were also
Venice and Prof. dr. Gianfranco able to track the fluctuation of sea
Scicchitano, from the University levels during the past hundred or
even thousands of years, and the a clear view of how these reefs
effects that this fluctuation has had have formed.
on the coral reefs of the windward
side of Aruba. This research is also important for
the future of coral reefs on the is-
These findings can certainly put land. By studying rising sea lev-
things into perspective. The ground els and climate impact on these
on which we have walked many coral reefs, we are able to take
times in the northern part of the concrete action in protecting and
island hold such rich history, histo- preserving our coral reefs. So, if you
ry that dates back to a time that are ever visiting one of the bocas
most of us cannot even imagine. or driving along the northern part
As the scientists themselves have of the island, please be conscious
pointed out, these fossilized reefs to help protect our natural histori-
on the windward side are truly an cal remnant. Oh, and wear (coral-
incredible and rare remnant of friendly) sunscreen!
geological history, as they provide
The Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins and its history
(Oranjestad)—The Bushiribana lump of gold while out herding his leaving clumps of gold behind. The span: only 10 years in service, but
Gold Mill Ruins is one of the most father’s sheep. His father took it to a next step was melting the gold and its structure remained relatively sol-
visited places by tourists on the is- local merchant who then sold the letting it attach to quicksilver in or- id till this day, and is now a histori-
land, as it lies along the northern lump for $70. Unbeknownst to the der to obtain pure gold. All these cal remnant.
coast line near the mini pool and boy and his father, they quite liter- processes were done at the Bushiri-
on the way to the Natural Bridge. ally struck gold, and as word got bana Gold Mill. Sources: Etnia Nativa & goldminer-
Despite its seemingly plain ap- out, a gold fever spread among
pearance, this ruin represents one the locals who started searching The gold mill itself had a short life-
of the most important histories of for more gold. About 25 pounds
the island: The Aruban Gold Rush. worth was found.
Built in 1872 by English company At the same time, the Aruban gov-
Aruba Island Gold Mining Compa- ernment took immediate actions,
ny Ltd, the gold mill at Bushiribana and informed Curacao that gold
was constructed in the area where was found. At first, everyone could
most gold was found by locals. The look for gold, as long as they sold it
story of gold on Aruba actually to the government. However, after
dates back to 1725, when a first some time, the government decid-
exploration for gold on the island ed to implement stricter rules and
was commissioned by the Dutch banned local search parties.
West India Company. Under the
leadership of Mr. Paulus Printz, a Over the years, concession-holding
three-year search was conducted had seen different companies from
on Aruba, to no avail. Though they around the world, all of which used
found some gold, it was enough to primitive methods to dig and carve
motivate a further search, and the out gold from the rocks. Aruba Is-
assignment was discontinued by land Gold Mining Company Ltd.
Printz himself. was no different, but used a unique
method that involved grinding the
It wasn’t until 100 years later, in rocks and letting the dust be blown
1824, when a young boy found a away by the strong northeast wind,