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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 10 OcTOber 2017

                                                                      Cheers to Kevin & Katy from Pennsylvania

                                                                      PALM BEACH - What can be more roman-       vania did last week. They gave Hadicurari,
                                                                      tic: dinner on the beach at Hadicurari Res-  which is located between the Marriott Surf
                                                                      taurant, feet in the sand, a beautiful ocean  Club and MooMba Beach, a try and loved
                                                                      view and a glass of your favorite wine to  it.
                                                                      toast each other with.                     So cheers to Kevin and Katy, who are look-
                                                                                                                 ing  gorgeous  and  happy.  Please  come
                                                                      That is what Kevin and Katy from Pennsyl-  back soon!q

            Kay’s Fine Jewelry partners with

            Mary Joan Foundation of Aruba

            ORANJESTAD  -  October  is  Breast  Cancer  Awareness
            Month,  and  Kay’s  Fine  Jewelry  has  partnered  with  the
            Mary Joan Foundation of Aruba.

            Kay’s  Fine  Jewelry  hopes  to  increase  awareness  about
            breast  cancer  and  to  raise  funds  for  research  into  its
            cause, and preventions. $5 will be donated to the Mary
            Joan Foundation of Aruba for every bead sold. Together
            we can make a positive impact for our community!
            To reserve yours, visit Kay’s Fine in Downtown at Haven-
            straat 25-A, or email q
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