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A28    u.s. news
                        Diahuebs 5 Mei 2022

                              Supreme Court draft suggests Roe could be overturned

                                                                                    and minority women will dispropor-  In a joint statement from Congress’
                                                                                    tionately bear the burden of the new  top  two  Democrats,  House  Speaker
                                                                                    restrictions.                       Nancy  Pelosi  and  Senate  Major-
                                                                                                                        ity  Leader  Chuck  Schumer  said,  “If
                                                                                    The  leak  jumpstarted  the  intense  the  report  is  accurate,  the  Supreme
                                                                                    political reverberations that the high  Court is poised to inflict the greatest
                                                                                    court’s  ultimate  decision  was  ex-  restriction  of  rights  in  the  past  fifty
                                                                                    pected to have in the midterm elec-  years — not just on women but on all
                                                                                    tion year. Already, politicians on both  Americans.”
                                                                                    sides of the aisle were seizing on the
                                                                                    report to fundraise and energize their  New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, also a
                                                                                    supporters on either side of the hot-  Democrat, said people seeking abor-
                                                                                    button issue.                       tions could head to New York. “For
                                                                                                                        anyone who needs access to care, our
                                                                                    An  AP-NORC  poll  in  December  state  will  welcome  you  with  open
                                                                                    found  that  Democrats  increasingly  arms. Abortion will always be safe &
                                                                                    see  protecting  abortion  rights  as  a  accessible in New York,” Hochul said
                                                                                    high priority for the government.   in a tweet.
                                                                                    Other  polling  shows  relatively  few  Mississippi  Attorney  General  Lynn
                                                                                    Americans  want  to  see  Roe  over-  Fitch said in a statement, “We will let
            (AP) — A draft opinion suggests  known as Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s      turned. In 2020, AP VoteCast found  the  Supreme  Court  speak  for  itself
            the U.S. Supreme Court could be  Health Organization.                   that  69%  of  voters  in  the  presiden-  and wait for the Court’s official opin-
            poised to overturn the landmark                                         tial election said the Supreme Court  ion.” But local officials were praising
            1973 Roe v. Wade case that legal-   The court is expected to rule on the   should leave the Roe v. Wade decision  the draft.
            ized  abortion  nationwide,  ac-    case before its term ends in late June   as is; just 29% said the court should
            cording to a Politico report.       or early July.                      overturn the decision. In general, AP-  “This puts the decision making back
                                                                                    NORC  polling  finds  a  majority  of  into the hands of the states, which is
            A  decision  to  overrule  Roe  would  The  draft  opinion  in  effect  states   the public favors abortion being legal  where  it  should  have  always  been,”
            lead to abortion bans in roughly half  there  is  no  constitutional  right  to   in most or all cases.     said  Mississippi  state  Rep.  Becky
            the states and could have huge rami-  abortion services and would allow in-                                 Currie.
            fications for this year’s elections. But  dividual states to more heavily regu-  Still, when asked about abortion poli-
            it’s unclear if the draft represents the  late or outright ban the procedure.  cy generally, Americans have nuanced  Congress could act, too, though a bill
            court’s  final  word  on  the  matter  —                                attitudes on the issue, and many don’t  that  would  write  Roe’s  protections
            opinions  often  change  in  ways  big  “We  hold  that  Roe  and  Casey  must   think that abortion should be possible  into federal law stalled in the Senate
            and small in the drafting process.  be  overruled,”  it  states,  referencing   after the first trimester or that women  after passing the House last year with
                                                the 1992 case Planned Parenthood v.   should be able to obtain a legal abor-  only Democratic votes.
            President Joe Biden said Tuesday that  Casey that affirmed Roe’s finding of   tion for any reason.
            the “basic fairness and the stability of  a constitutional right to abortion ser-                           At Supreme Court arguments in De-
            our law demand” that the court not  vices but allowed states to place some   Alito, in the draft, said the court can’t  cember,  all  six  conservative  justices
            overturn  Roe.  While  emphasizing  constraints on the practice. “It is time   predict  how  the  public  might  react  signaled that they would uphold the
            that he couldn’t speak to the authen-  to heed the Constitution and return   and shouldn’t try. “We cannot allow  Mississippi law, and five asked ques-
            ticity of the draft, Biden said his ad-  the issue of abortion to the people’s   our  decisions  to  be  affected  by  any  tions  that  suggested  that  overruling
            ministration is preparing for all even-  elected representatives.”      extraneous  influences  such  as  con-  Roe and Casey was a possibility.
            tualities for when the court ultimate                                   cern  about  the  public’s  reaction  to
            rules and that a decision overturning  A Supreme Court spokeswoman said   our  work,”  Alito  wrote  in  the  draft  Only  Chief  Justice  John  Roberts
            Roe would raise the stakes for voters  the court had no comment, and The   opinion, according to Politico.  seemed prepared to take the smaller
            in November’s heated midterm elec-  Associated Press could not immedi-                                      step  of  upholding  the  15-week  ban,
            tions.                              ately confirm the authenticity of the   People  on  both  sides  of  the  issue  though  that  too  would  be  a  signifi-
                                                draft  Politico  posted,  which  dates   quickly gathered outside the Supreme  cant weakening of abortion rights.
            “If the court does overturn Roe, it will  from February.                Court waving signs and chanting on a
            fall on our nation’s elected officials at                               balmy spring night, following the re-  Until  now,  the  court  has  allowed
            all levels of government to protect a  Politico  said  only  that  it  received   lease of the Politico report.  states to regulate but not ban abortion
            woman’s right to choose,” Biden said.  “a copy of the draft opinion from a                                  before  the  point  of  viability,  around
            “And it will fall on voters to elect pro-  person familiar with the court’s pro-  Reaction  was  swift  from  elected  of-  24 weeks.
            choice  officials  this  November.  At  ceedings in the Mississippi case along   ficials  in  Congress  and  across  the
            the federal level, we will need more  with other details supporting the au-  country.                       The  court’s  three  liberal  justices
            pro-choice Senators and a pro-choice  thenticity of the document.”                                          seemed likely to be in dissent.
            majority in the House to adopt legis-
            lation that codifies Roe, which I will  The  draft  opinion  strongly  suggests
            work to pass and sign into law.”    that when the justices met in private
                                                shortly  after  arguments  in  the  case
            Whatever  the  outcome,  the  Politico  on Dec. 1, at least five voted to over-
            report  late  Monday  represented  an  rule Roe and Casey, and Alito was as-
            extremely rare breach of the court’s  signed the task of writing the court’s
            secretive deliberation process, and on  majority opinion.
            a case of surpassing importance.
                                                Votes and opinions in a case aren’t fi-
            “Roe  was  egregiously  wrong  from  nal until a decision is announced or,
            the start,” the draft opinion states. It  in a change wrought by the corona-
            was signed by Justice Samuel Alito, a  virus pandemic, posted on the court’s
            member of the court’s 6-3 conserva-  website.
            tive majority who was appointed by
            former President George W. Bush.    The report comes amid a legislative
                                                push  to  restrict  abortion  in  several
            The  document  was  labeled  a  “1st  Republican-led  states  —  Oklahoma
            Draft” of the “Opinion of the Court”  being the most recent — even before
            in  a  case  challenging  Mississippi’s  the court issues its decision. Critics of
            ban on abortion after 15 weeks, a case  those measures have said low-income
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