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world news Diahuebs 5 Mei 2022
EU takes major step toward Russian oil ban, new sanctions
(AP) — The European diesel, S&P Global analysts President Vladimir Putin and
Union’s top official on said, and a cutoff could send members of his family, the
Wednesday called on the already high prices for truck EU previously approved an
27-nation bloc to ban and tractor fuel soaring. embargo on coal imports.
oil imports from Russia
and target the country’s If approved, the ban on oil The EU has started discus-
biggest bank and major imports would be the second sions on a possible natural
broadcasters in a sixth package of EU sanctions tar- gas embargo, but consensus
package of sanctions over geting Russia’s lucrative en- among member countries
the war in Ukraine. ergy industry since the coun- on targeting the fuel used to
try invaded Ukraine on Feb. generate electricity and heat
European Commission Pres- 24. homes is more difficult to
ident Ursula von der Leyen, secure. The region gets about
addressing the European In a video message posted on 40% of its natural gas from
Parliament in Strasbourg, Twitter, Ukraine’s Foreign Russia.
France, proposed having EU Minister Dmytro Kuleba Hungary and Slovakia previ-
member nations phase out welcomed Von der Leyen’s ously said they wouldn’t take
imports of crude oil within proposal for an oil embargo. part in any oil sanctions. Von territory of Ukraine.” not getting away with this,”
six months and refined prod- He said Ukraine is not happy der Leyen didn’t elaborate on von der Leyen told the law-
ucts by the end of the year. it will be delayed for several whether they would receive The EU and Russia are play- makers.
months, but “it’s better than an exemption from the sanc- ing “a game of chicken. It is
“We will make sure that we nothing.” tions, although it appeared hard to say who will swerve/ EU diplomats confirmed that
phase out Russian oil in an likely. blink first. The Russians for the European Commission’s
orderly fashion, in a way that “I think what should be clear fear of running out of mon- plans also include an asset
allows us and our partners now is that (the time) for Slovak Economy Minister ey. Or Europe for fear of the freeze and travel ban on the
to secure alternative supply half-sanctions or half-mea- Richard Sulik said Wednes- lights going out,” James Nix- head of the Russian Ortho-
routes and minimizes the im- sures when it comes to sanc- day that Slovakia was not ey, the director of the Russia dox Church, Patriarch Kirill
pact on global markets,” von tions is gone,” Kuleba said, against the punishing mea- and Eurasia program at Lon- of Moscow. The diplomats
der Leyen said. arguing that the EU can no sures but is asking for a don’s Chatham House think have direct knowledge of the
longer support Ukraine on transition period of three tank, said. discussions but were not au-
The proposals must be unan- one hand by imposing sanc- years. Czech Prime Minister thorized to speak publicly as
imously approved to take ef- tions, while continuing to Petr Fiala said his country is Von der Leyen also said that negotiations continue.
fect and are likely to be the pay Russia for oil and gas and ready to support the package the EU should target high-
subject of fierce debate. Von support their “war machine.” but also needs to be allowed ranking military officers and Kirill is a longtime Putin ally
der Leyen conceded that get- more time — about two or others “who committed war and has justified Russia’s in-
ting all 27 member countries “As long as Russia continues three years — before it can crimes in Bucha,” a suburb vasion of Ukraine.
— some of them landlocked to receive revenues in billions implement a ban on Russian of the capital Kyiv. Ukrainian
and highly dependent on ... from the European Union oil, in order to increase the officials have alleged that re- Von der Leyen said that Pu-
Russia for energy supplies — ... we cannot speak of defeat- capacity of pipelines to get oil treating Russian troops car- tin’s intention is “to wipe out
to agree on oil sanctions “will ing Russia,” he said. “They from other sources. ried out mass killings of civil- Ukraine from the map,” but
not be easy.” will continue financing their ians in Bucha. predicted he will fail in his
war machine from oil and gas Ukraine’s Kuleba said that deadly enterprise. “Ukraine
The EU gets about 25% of revenues.” any country which continued “This sends another impor- has risen in bravery and in
its oil from Russia, most of to oppose the embargo on tant signal to all perpetrators unity,” she said. “And it is his
which goes toward gasoline In addition to sanctions on Russian oil could be consid- of the Kremlin’s war: We own country, Russia, that Pu-
and diesel for vehicles. Rus- various entities and indi- ered “complicit in the crimes know who you are. We will tin is sinking.”
sia supplies about 14% of viduals, including Russian committed by Russia in the hold you accountable. You’re
North Korea fires ballistic missile amid rising animosities
(AP) — North Korea ar weapons “at the fastest tive South Korean president maintain a solid joint defense about the pressing situation
launched a ballistic mis- possible pace” and threat- takes office for a single five- posture. in the East Asia,” he said.
sile toward its eastern wa- ened to use them against year term.
ters on Wednesday, South rivals. Japan also detected the North Japanese Vice Defense Min-
Korean and Japanese offi- South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Korean launch and quickly ister Makoto Oniki said that
cials said, days after North The launch, the North’s Staff said in a statement that condemned it. the missile was believed to
Korean leader Kim Jong 14th round of weapons fir- the missile was fired from the have landed in waters out-
Un vowed to speed up the ing this year, also came six North’s capital region and “North Korea’s series of ac- side of the Japanese Exclusive
development of his nucle- days before a new conserva- flew to the waters off its east- tions that threatens the peace, Economic Zone. There has
ern coast. It called North Ko- safety and stability of the in- been no report of damage or
rea’s repeated ballistic missile ternational community are injury reported from vessels
launches “a grave threat” that impermissible,” Japanese and aircraft in the area.
would undermine interna- Prime Minister Fumio Kishi-
tional peace and security and da told reporters during his It wasn’t immediately known
a violation of U.N. Security visit to Rome. what missile was launched by
Council resolutions banning the Democratic People’s Re-
any ballistic launch by the Kishida said he’ll discuss public of Korea, or DPRK,
North. the launch when he meets the North’s official name.
Italian Prime Minister Ma- South Korea’s military said
The statement said that Won rio Draghi later Wednesday. the missile flew about 470
In-Choul, the South Ko- “Naturally, we will exchange kilometers (290 miles) at
rean JCS chief, held a video views on the regional situa- the apogee of 780 kilometers
conference about the launch tion in the Indo-Pacific and (485 miles), while Oniki of
with Gen. Paul LaCamera, East Asia, and I will thor- Japan said it traveled about
an American general who oughly explain the reality 500 kilometers (310 miles) at
heads the South Korea-U.S. of the region including the the maximum altitude of 800
combined forces command North Korean missile launch kilometers (500 miles).
in Seoul, and they agreed to today, to gain understanding