Page 19 - DESPA 15 JUNE 2017
P. 19
LOCAL Thursday 15 June 2017
6-Course Taste of Art Charity Dinner with Artist Elvis Tromp
PALM BEACH - Local ning, ocean-view Had-
artist Elvis Tromp and icurari, these guests will
Hadicurari Restaurant’s be treated to live music
Executive Chef Ronald during dinner and will
van Hasenbroek have be presented with a din-
teamed up for an ex- ner plate by the hand
ceptional evening, of Elvis Tromp, a self-
which has been named taught artist, afterwards.
`Taste of Art’. This unique dinner plate
On Saturday, June 17, depicts Hadicurari, the
six wonderful courses, home of the fishermen
paired with superb of Aruba; starting June
wines, will be served to 17th.
discerning guests. Seat- Executive Chef Ronald
ed either on the beach van Hasenbroek is great-
or on the porch of stun- ly looking forward to the
charity dinner of which ticipating in this wonder-
part of the proceeds will ful food and wine pair-
go towards SABA, the ing event, please call
foundation of homes for 586-2288 or 594-2774 to
Aruba’s elderly. ``It’s go- make your reservations,
ing to be a wonderful or you can email to had-
evening,’’ he predicts. icurari@arubawineand-
If you interested in par-