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A4   U.S. NEWS
               Wednesday 15 January 2020

                                                                      Trump admin weighs shifting

                                                                      billions more for border wall

            This  Dec.  12,  2018,  file  photo  shows  traffic  on  the  Hollywood
            Freeway in Los Angeles.
                                                     Associated Press
            Trump administration

            signals compromise                                        In this Sept. 18, 2019, file photo, President Donald Trump tours a section of the southern border wall
                                                                      in Otay Mesa, Calif.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
            on gas mileage rules                                      By COLLEEN LONG and AN-      following  the  longest  gov-  that  the  administration  is

                                                                      DREW TAYLOR                  ernment  shutdown  in  his-  considering  diverting  bil-
            By TOM KRISHER               be a win for all Americans,"   Associated Press           tory.                        lions  more  in  Defense  De-
            AP Auto Writer               the statement said.          WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  But  he  issued  a  controver-  partment  funding  to  sup-
            DETROIT (AP) — The Trump  Last  year,  the  administra-   Trump    administration   is  sial  declaration  of  a  na-  port  wall  construction  this
            administration   is   signal-  tion's   proposed   freeze   weighing  whether  to  shift  tional  emergency  shortly  year.
            ing  that  it  could  increase  touched  off  a  huge  le-  billions more in military fund-  afterward  that  allowed  He declined to respond di-
            fuel  economy  standards,  gal  fight  with  California,   ing to build the border wall  him  to  shift  almost  three  rectly  beyond  saying  the
            possibly  compromising  on  which  has  authority  under   after already moving more  times as much money from  Pentagon  considers  the
            its  push  to  freeze  them  at  the Clean Air Act to set its   than $6 billion, prompting a  military  construction  ac-  Southwest U.S. border to be
            2020 levels.                 own greenhouse gas emis-     fresh round of criticism from  counts to wall building. The  part of its mission to protect
            In  one  of  the  administra-  sions,  and  by  extension,   lawmakers.                Supreme  Court  ruled  this  the  homeland,  and  that
            tion's  hardest-fought  bat-  gas  mileage  standards.    But  senior  administration  summer the funds could be  the Pentagon supports the
            tles to roll back Obama-era  Trump  revoked  California's   officials cautioned that no  used. In total, about $12 bil-  DHS in that respect. Asked
            environmental  regulations,  authority,  and  the  state   final  decisions  have  been  lion has been allocated for  whether  that  meant  sup-
            two  federal  agencies  sub-  challenged the decision in   made,  and  no  official  fig-  the wall. And billions more  porting  DHS  financially,  he
            mitted  a  final  rule  on  gas  court.                   ures  have  been  decided.  have been requested.          said, "If that's what it takes,
            mileage  and  greenhouse  Later,  the  auto  industry     The  officials  were  not  au-  Homeland  Security  offi-  we prepared to support."
            gas emissions on Tuesday.    split on the matter with four   thorized to publicly discuss  cials, who manage border  House      Appropriations
            But they would not give de-  companies,  Ford,  BMW,      internal  deliberations  and  security,  referred  questions  Committee   Chairwoman
            tails until the rule is reviewed  Volkswagen  and  Honda,   spoke on condition of ano-  on the funding to the White  Nita  M.  Lowey  and  other
            and  formally  published  by  siding with California. Most   nymity.                   House, which did not com-    lawmakers said the admin-
            the Office of Management  other  automakers  went         The  border  wall  is  one  of  ment.                     istration  was  planning  to
            and Budget.                  with Trump.                  Trump's  signature  issues  —  Acting Secretary of Home-  "steal"  $7.2  billion  in  coun-
            Still,  the  National  Highway  When  the  Trump  admin-  he's  been  talking  about  land  Security  Chad  Wolf  ternarcotics  and  military
            Traffic  Safety  Administra-  istration  released  its  pro-  building  a  "big  beautiful  disputed  the  critics  who  construction  funding  to
            tion says in a statement that  posed  "Safer  Affordable   wall" between the U.S. and  say the new construction is  pay for the wall.
            it believes  the rule, written  Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Rule"   Mexico since his early cam-  only replacing old fencing.  "Having  failed  to  get  his
            jointly with the Environmen-  in  August  of  2018,  it  was   paign days.             The new, 30-foot (9-meter)  way  in  Congress,  it  ap-
            tal  Protection  Agency,  will  panned  by  environmental   Then, he was claiming he'd  walls do replace other bar-  pears  President  Trump  is
            improve  gas  mileage  and  groups who said the calcu-    make Mexico pay for it. But  riers, but those were shorter  now  once  again  forcing
            reduce  emissions  from  the  lations were flawed.        American  taxpayers  are  and  easier  to  cross.  Wolf  servicemembers  and  their
            U.S. fleet of new vehicles.   Even  the  EPA's  Science   paying instead — and wall  said he's confident the ad-    families  to  pay  for  his  wall
            The statement also said the  Advisory Board, mainly ap-   funding  has  been  a  major  ministration will build or start  by  cancelling  even  more
            rule  would  make  new  ve-  pointed  by  Trump,  ques-   source of conflict between  to  build  400  to  450  miles  vital  military  construction
            hicles  more  affordable  for  tioned  the  rationale  in  a   Democratic   lawmakers  (644  to  724  kilometers)  by  projects,"  Lowey,  of  New
            Americans, thereby putting  draft  report  late  last  year.   and Trump as they negoti-  the end of the year.      York,  and  other  Demo-
            more  new  vehicles  on  the  "There are significant weak-  ate  agency  funding  bills  At  a  Pentagon  news  con-  cratic  lawmakers  said  in  a
            road  that  are  safer  than  nesses in the scientific anal-  each year. Last year Trump  ference  Tuesday,  Defense  statement.  "He  is  choosing
            the ones they replaced.      ysis  of  the  proposed  rule,"   was forced to settle for just  Secretary  Mark  Esper  was  politics over their readiness
            "When finalized, this rule will  the board wrote.q        $1.4  billion  in  wall  funding  asked  about  the  reports  and quality of life."q
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