Page 21 - HOH
P. 21

               Wednesday 15 January 2020

                                                                                           Not by Bread Alone

                                                                      mune responses especially  the Boston University Hospi-   dangerous  health  conse-
                                                                      in the gastrointestinal tract.   tal, in a clinic pathological  quences can all be effects
                                                                      In other words, many peo-    review  of  celiac  disease  of  wheat  allergies.    If  any
                                                                      ple  are  allergic  to  gluten.   stated  that:  "...there  is  in-  of  these  symptoms  are  a
                                                                      Grains  can  present  many  creasing  evidence  that  problem, a visit to your clin-
                                                                      other  problems  including  most  people  with  gluten  ical  nutritionist  could  help
                                                                      negative  reactions  to  the  sensitivity  have  latent  ce-  you  safely  change  your
                                                                      grain  contaminated  with  liac disease with such mild  diet  and  regain  your  opti-
                                                                      pesticides,   preservatives,  manifestations  (in  the  di-  mal health.
                                                                      and molds.  But, that will be  gestive tract) that the diag-  Get  the  Point!    We  have
                                                                      another article.             nosis is never made.         known  about  the  disease
                                                                      Celiac  Disease  is  the  best-  Wheat intolerance or aller-  bearing  consequences  of
                                                                      recognized  form  of  gluten  gies are associated with a  eating  wheat  and  other
                                                                      allergy  and  is  also  called  variety of autoimmune dis-  grains  for  years  already.
                                                                      gluten intolerance.  Actual-  orders,  carcinomas  of  the  Why have you not been in-
                                                                      ly, I am not the only medical  gastrointestinal  tract  and  formed by public health or-
                       By: Dr. Carlos Viana                           professional  who  believes  lymphomas.    Increased  in-  ganizations?    What  about
                                                                      that every person with type  cidences  of  diabetes,  au-
                                                                                                                                fiber?  Brown (whole grain)
            Foods  made  from  wheat  and  other  grains  are  staples   O blood is gluten intolerant  toimmune  thyroid  disease,  rice,  which  is  not  known
            in North American and European diets.  We have been       and,  thus,  on  the  waiting  sarcoidosis,  vasculitis,  pul-  to  cause  health  problems
            programmed to have grain products be our diet founda-     list  to  develop  type  II  dia-  monary  fibrosis,  encepha-  in  any  blood  type  is  full  of
            tion.  Shifting our eating habits towards breads and other   betes. Symptoms of celiac  lopathy and cerebellar at-  nutritious  B  Vitamins  and
            processed flour products has been easier for government   disease  can  range  from  rophy have been reported  eaten  daily,  keeps  your
            agencies and the food industry to manage.  Less refined   diarrhea,  weight  loss,  and  in  celiac  patients.    This  is  colon  clean  and  healthy.
            grains, often in combination, as with granola cereals and   malnutrition, to isolated nu-  serious  stuff.    This  relation-  If you want to check what
            whole wheat breads fortified with bran, coarse flours, and   trient  deficiencies  with  no  ship  re-stated  as  simple  as  food  and  chemical  intol-
            other additives are now eaten in large quantities because   gastrointestinal  symptoms.  possible says "cereal grains  erances  are  negatively
            they  have  been  presented  as  ‘health’  foods.    Unfortu-  The  disease  is  thought  to  cause  cancer"!    Now,  the  affecting  your  good  looks
            nately, wheat and its close relatives, barley, rye and oats   be  highest  among  people  implications are more eas-  and health, check in with a
            have been proven to cause health problems in the diets    of  Northern  European  de-  ily understood.              Certified Clinical Nutritionist
            of many people.  Wheat intolerance or allergies rank sec-  scent,  but  we  now  know  We have had patients with  or holistic physician trained
            ond only to milk allergies when we review our patient’s   that it also affects Hispanic,  inflammatory  arthritis  that  in nutrition.  Who knows, the
            medical complaints.  It could be that in the Bible’s Luke   Black  and  Asian  popula-  improved     dramatically  bread  or  the  cancer  you
            4:4, which says: “Not on bread alone shall man be liv-    tions equally as well.  Those  when  we  removed  milk  avoid might be yours.q
            ing, but on every declaration of God", has relevance in   affected suffer damage to  and  grain  products,  espe-
            today’s world.  By the way, the bread of this time was usu-  their  intestines  when  they  cially wheat, from their diet.
            ally made from the less offensive, whole grain millet, not   eat   specific   food-grain  The  occurrence  of  pain
            wheat.                                                    antigens  that  are  found  in  in  joints,  particularly  the
                                                                      wheat, rye, barley or oats.  hands,  with  slight  swelling,
            Grains are popular foods because of their ability to re-  The  gastrointestinal  tract  is  stiffness and loss of mobility
            act with live yeast to form the rising or lightness and taste.    the  primary  target  organ;  is the early presentation of
            The component that allows this reaction to take place is   however hidden symptoms  allergic arthritis; can occur
            proteins in the grains collectively called “gluten”.  The ce-  may show as irritable bow-  strictly as a manifestation of
            real grains, wheat, rye, oats and barley all contain similar   el syndrome with iron defi-  gluten allergy.
            proteins.  In many people, especially in individuals with   ciency  anemia,  with  little  High  cholesterol,  skin  dis-
            blood types O and A, gluten reacts by exciting our im-    or no diarrhea.  Dr. Kelly, of  orders,  obesity  and  its
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