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Technology Wednesday 18 OctOber 2023
Chinese search engine company Baidu unveils Ernie HEALTH
4.0 AI model, claims that it rivals GPT-4 DOCTOR ON DUTY
ogy such as autonomous AI industry, requiring com- Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
driving and more recently, panies to carry out security Tel. 527 4000
generative AI to stay com- reviews and obtain approv- San Nicolas
petitive. The company's als before publicly launch- Imsan 24 hours
Hong Kong-listed shares fell ing their products. Compa- Tel.524 8833
1.7% Tuesday following the nies that provide such AI Women in Difficulties
announcement. services must also comply PHARMACY ON DUTY
Baidu introduced its Ernie with government requests
Bot in March. In August, it for technology and data. Oranjestad:
made the model available The U.S. does not have such Kibrahacha: tel. 583 4908
Medical Center : tel. 584 5794
to the public. regulations.q
Ernie 4.0 is not yet available Women in Difficulties
to the general public but OTHER
some people have been Dental Clinic 587 9850
invited to try it. Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
An attendee walks past a display at the Baidu World conference Li said Baidu plans to incor- La Cabana Beach and casino Urgent Care 586 0448
Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
in Beijing, on Nov. 1, 2018. porate artificial intelligence +297 588 0539
Associated Press technology into its search eagle beach Women in Difficulties
By ZEN SOO the latest model was "signifi- engine, maps and cloud studio week 39 room EMERGENCY
# 335 b $5 K
AP Technology Writer cantly improved" compared drive services, and its busi-
HONG KONG (AP) — Chi- to its original Ernie Bot model. ness intelligence offerings for 1 br WK # 42 room Police 100
527 3140
# 413 c $ 6 K
nese search engine and In a live demonstration, Li enterprise customers. He did 2 br WK # 41 room Noord 527 3200
artificial intelligence firm prompted Ernie 4.0 to gen- not give a timetable for that. # 139 a/ b $ 10 K Sta. Cruz 527 2900
Baidu on Tuesday unveiled erate advertising materials The technology can trans- call: 011-297-630-1307 San Nicolas 584 5000
a new version of its artificial including advertising posters form how certain products Police Tipline 11141
intelligence model, Ernie and a marketing video. He work. Baidu's search engine Ambulancia 911
4.0, claiming that it rivals also asked Ernie 4.0 to come might generate a custom- Fire Dept. 115
582 2219
Red Cross
models such as GPT-4 in up with a martial arts novel ized answer to a query in- Marriott surf club
the U.S. Baidu's CEO Robin complete with characters stead of just providing a list Palm beach TAXI SERVICES
Li demonstrated Ernie 4.0 with various personalities. of results and links. Gold season Taxi Tas 587 5900
at the company's annual Baidu is a frontrunner among China has recently sought 2 br 2 bath Garden view $8 K Prof. Taxi 588 0035
Baidu World conference in a slew of Chinese compa- to regulate the generative 2 br 2 bath Ocean Front $17K Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
Beijing. He said the model nies racing to come up with call :011-297-630-1307 A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
has achieved comprehen- artificial intelligence models, Women in Difficulties
sion, reasoning, memory after OpenAI's ChatGPT took TRAVEL INFO
and generation, which uses the world by storm last year.
algorithms to produce and Beijing sees artificial intelli- Renaissance ocean suites Aruba Airport 524 2424
create new content. gence as a key industry to Private islands American Airlines 582 2700
Li said that Ernie 4.0 was rival the United States and 1 br WK # 41 room # 2517 Avianca 588 0059
able to understand complex aims to become a global 1 br WK # 42 room # 2501 Jet Blue 588 2244
582 7896
questions and instructions leader by 2030. 1 br WK # 43 room # 2530
and apply reasoning and Beijing-based Baidu started Price : $ 7 K each week Women in Difficulties
logic to generate answers off as a search engine firm call :011-297-630-1307 AID FOUNDATIONS
to questions. and over the past decade FAVI- Visually Impaired
"It is not inferior in any aspect has invested heavily in arti- Tel. 582 5051
to GPT-4," Li said, stating that ficial intelligence technol- Alcoholics Anonymous
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