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              Wednesday 18 OctOber 2023
                                                                      Millennial Money: The questions you

                                                                      aren't asking (but should) during open


                                                                      By KATE ASHFORD
                                                                      of NerdWallet
                                                                      Open  enrollment  is  no
                                                                      one's idea of a good time,
                                                                      but  health  coverage  is  a
                                                                      crucial  part  of  your  finan-
                                                                      cial health. Whether you're
                                                                      getting  insurance  through
                                                                      an  employer  or  the  Af-
                                                                      fordable Care Act market-
                                                                      place, it's important to ask
                                                                      the  right  questions  before
                                                                      you  choose  a  health  plan
                                                                      for 2024.
                                                                      Here's  how  to  weigh  your   The  website  is  photographed  in  Washington,
                                                                      options.                     Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018.
                                                                      ARE YOUR DOCTORS IN                                                   Associated Press
                                                                      Plan networks change from  of Health Advocate, which      expert  and  president  of
                                                                      year  to  year.  If  you  love  provides integrated health   employee  benefits  com-
                                                                      your  doctor  or  specialist,  advocacy and health ben-   pany Rubicon Benefits. The
                                                                      make sure they're still in the  efits programs.           best  thing,  he  says,  is  to
                                                                      network of the plan you're  WHAT  ARE  THE  OUT-OF-       look at your current claims
                                                                      considering for 2024.        POCKET COSTS?                information  and  imagine
                                                                      You  should  also  consider  Every plan has set costs, like   that  the  next  year  will  be
                                                                      whether you want the op-     the monthly premiums, plus   identical.  On  which  plan
                                                                      tion  to  go  out  of  the  net-  the costs of care, which in-  would you be better off?
                                                                      work  —  which  you  can  clude  the  deductible  and     "It's  the  best  predictive
                                                                      usually  do  in  a  preferred  any  copays  and  coinsur-  modeling  you  can  do  at
                                                                      provider  organization,  or  ance.  Comparing  plans      this point," Rosenfeld says.
                                                                      PPO,  plan,  although  it  will  means   estimating   how   IS   A   HIGH-DEDUCTIBLE
                                                                      cost  more.  Health  main-   much health care you'll use   PLAN RIGHT FOR YOU?
                                                                      tenance  organizations,  or  next year.                   A  high-deductible  health
                                                                      HMOs, tend to be cheaper  On  the  one  hand,  you        plan, or HDHP, in 2024 is de-
                                                                      but lack the out-of-network  have  the  costs  you'd  pay   fined as a plan with a de-
                                                                      flexibility.                 if  you  don't  use  the  plan   ductible  of  at  least  $1,600
                                                                      ARE  YOUR  MEDICATIONS  much  beyond  preventive          for  individual  coverage
                                                                      COVERED?                     care.  On  the  other  hand,   or  $3,200  for  family  cover-
                                                                      If  you're  on  prescription  you  have  the  maximum     age,  with  out-of-pocket
                                                                      medications,  check  plan  amount  you  could  pay  in    maximums  of  no  more
                                                                      formularies  to  make  sure  each plan if you're a heavy   than  $8,050  or  $16,100,
                                                                      you  understand  how  your  health  care  user.  You  can   respectively.  HDHPs  usu-
                                                                      drugs  will  be  covered  in  easily  compare  these  situ-  ally  have  lower  premiums,
                                                                      2024.  Drug  coverage  can  ations.                       and sometimes companies
                                                                      change from year to year,  There's  a  squishy  middle    kick  in  a  contribution  to  a
                                                                      even  if  you  stick  with  the  ground,  however,  where   health savings account, or
                                                                      same plan.                   the  best  plan  for  you  de-  HSA, to help cover the de-
                                                                      "Even if you were in an Aet-  pends on the amount and     ductible.
                                                                      na  plan  before,  and  you  type  of  care  you'll  need   An HDHP can be an appro-
                                                                      say, 'Well, I'll stay with Aetna  next year.              priate plan for people in a
                                                                      again,' you still want to look  "The  tricky  part  is  we  nev-  variety of health situations,
                                                                      and  make  sure  the  medi-  er  really  know  how  much   as long as they're prepared
                                                                      cation  you're  taking  is  still  we're  going  to  spend  in  a   to  pay  the  deductible  if
                                                                      on the formulary," says Ab-  given  year  if  we're  in  the   they need health care.
                                                                      bie  Leibowitz,  chief  medi-  middle," says Adam Rosen-  "The  question  is,  'Can  you
                                                                      cal officer and co-founder  feld, a health care benefits   afford it?'" says Adria Gross,
                                                                                                                                an  insurance  broker,  con-
                                                                                                                                sultant  and  founder  of
                                                                                                                                MedWise  Insurance  Advo-
                                                                                                                                cacy,  which  helps  clients
                                                                                                                                and  attorneys  with  medi-
                                                                                                                                cal  claims  issues.  If  you're
                                                                                                                                healthy, Gross says, go for
                                                                                                                                the  HDHP.  But  in  the  case
                                                                                                                                of  a  bad  accident,  you'll
                                                                                                                                want  to  make  sure  you
                                                                                                                                have the means to pay the
                                                                                                                                full deductible.q
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