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PAGINA 30  DIARIO                                                                                                                                                 DIALUNA 2 MAART 2015

                                                                                                                       Fraccion di MEP a pidi otro reunion sin

                                                                                                                                    preparacion algun

                                                                                                                    Acusacion di corupcion
                                                                                                                    den proyecto di hospital
                                                                                                                    sin base y sin seriedad

DUFRY, MORE THAN JUST PERFUME. I visited DUFRY’s headquarters on the main street this week,                         ORANJESTAD           (AAN)       Ningun orador di fraccion
to say hello to old friends and meet new ones. The new ones, Julio Ernesto Novas, Retail Operation Director                                          di MEP a haci un solo
and Aaron Wernet, Accounting Manager, Dufry Aruba N.V., share the responsibility of running four local              Diahuebs siman pasa den          pregunta util na Minister
companies including Bijoux Terner, Colombian Emeralds International, and the assortment of amazing retail                                            di Salubridad Publico, dr
stores at the airport. Julio also runs the DUFRY operation in other Caribbean destinations, but doesn’t seem        Parlamento a tuma luga un        Alex Schwengle, riba e
stressed, on the contrary, the man rediates cheer, and we made a date to sip a few cold Presidente Beers, at                                         situacion cu a surgi caminda
some beach bar, sometimes in the future. Aaron is the quiet one, but I am aware that quiet water runs deep.         reunion publico yama pa          inicialmente hospital a mustra
So that’s the extent of the good new, fresh leadership at DUFRY Aruba, part of a global travel retail empire                                         cu un sala di operacion nobo
of 1,700 duty-free and duty-paid shops in airports, cruise lines, seaports, railway stations and central tourist    fraccion di MEP relaciona        no ta necesario den e plan di
areas, employing almost 21,000 people, based in Basel, Switzerland, operating in over 60 countries world-                                            expansion y renobacion di
wide.                                                                                                               cu sala di operacion den         centro aki, pero awor algun
                                                                                                                                                     luna den ehecucion di e
WINE, MADE IN ARUBA. Restaurateur and wine connoisseur Sven Schneider loves the story, and this                     e proyecto di expansion y        proyecto, ta bisa cu si mester
is how it goes. On Friday, the Screaming Eagle Restaurant hosted a wine tasting, not just any wine, but one                                          un sala di operacion cu lo bay
made in Aruba, Adore, by Videira Melatti. They have a nice, over-promising website by the same name,                renobacion di dr Horacio         costa miyones extra cu ya
check it out! Apparently, Luiz Melatti a Brazilian wine-maker with Italian roots visited the office of dentist                                       tabata presupuesta caba.
Mike de L’Isle, and told a good story while the dentist was working on his bite. Thus Mike decided to in-           Oduber.                          Adi Thijssen di fraccion di
troduce the Brazilian-Italian to his enterprising brother, who also tells great stories. That’s how Luiz met the                                     MEP hasta a adverti Minister
mercurial Papi de L’Isle, and the rest is history. They are now cultivating a 2.5 acre vineyard, in Burubundo,      Pa di dos reunion publico        Schwengle cu e lo por bay cera
in the vicinity of Frenchman’s Pass where the clay terroir welcomed the 5,000 imported Brazilian plants. The                                         pa loke a tuma luga pero sin
winery recently harvested the fruit and produced around 250 bottles, for the first time, resulting in a very dry    consecutivo cu fraccion di       duna un splicacion rasonabel
Cabernet Sauvignon. They also planted Pinot Noire and expect to bottle some fruity deliciousness from that                                           di kico e tabata kiermen cu
grape juice. Luiz is the farmer and gardener, landscaper and groundskeeper, also pest controller and water          MEP ta pidi pa yama cu           esaki.
manager, and he reportedly works day and night befitting a maverick founder of a winery in Aruba. He is on                                           A surgi algun confrontacion
the right track, says Sven, the fruit is there, the tannins are there, and I believe that they will figure out the  caracter di urgencia, ta bolbe   cu tiramento di palabra di un
sweetness. After all, wine making is a complex undertaking and Papi de L’isle is not a vintner by profession.                                        banda pa otro y dado momento
If I remember right, up until a few years ago he served as a water-consultant for Web Aruba, then he started        sali na cla cu e peticion pa     a ripara cu e unico discusion
importing generic medications to the island realizing our appetite for legal drugs is insatiable. Apparently he                                      cu lo por tin riba e proyecto
did well because he now joins the ranks of Baron Rothschild and film director Francis Coppola, as the owner         e reunion, ta simplemente        aki, ta pa haya sa e motibo
of a vineyard. Evidently, wine making lures the well-to-do, but not with profits. If you allow me to quote the                                       cu a laga e sala di operacion
New York Times, the newspapers says: If there is one investment that has more to do with the heart than the         otro posibilidad pa inventa      nobo for di e plannan di
head, it’s vineyards. It is also one that lends itself to jokes whose punch lines are always about losing money.                                     renobacion.
We admire the guts it took, or the craziness it required, because agriculture in Aruba is super-challenging. I      weganan politico, sin cu algun   Pues no tabatin nada mas pa
hope Papi and Luiz prove it’s possible.                                                                                                              discuti ariba y tabata fraccion
                                                                                                                    miembro di e fraccion ta duna    di AVP cu a haci un peticion
WEDDING BELLS. Beautiful Sanne Michielse, a wine maven and a cross-fit diva married her sweetheart                                                   pa suspende e reunion te
Steven DeMatteis on Eagle Beach, Friday afternoon, with wedding planner Arlette Oduber helping put                  un aporte na haya un solucion    cu otro aviso pa asina trata
the spectacular backdrop and setting together. The blessing ceremony with reverend Andy Osborne was                                                  di determina e motibo y
followed by a French-Champagne toast, toes in the sand, and an elegant reception at Surfside Marina’s               na e situacion cu a surgi na     motivacion pa inicialmente
oceanfront terrace. Steven came to Aruba from the USA as part of the Holiday Inn construction team. Then                                             no inclui e sala di operacion
cupid struck, hard, and Steven continued to come to the island, long after the Holiday Inn face-lift project        hospital.                        den e plan inicial.
concluded. The love-birds will eventually relocate to Minneapolis, Minnesota, where Steven now lives and                                             Presidente di Parlamento
works, and Sanne is adjusting to the idea of living in cold weather, sporting fabulous boots and coats. The         Tur orador di fraccion di MEP    drs Marisol Lopez Tromp
wedding party with guests hailing from the Netherlands and the USA, also enjoyed a sunset sailing trip on                                            finalmente a suspende e
board a Pelican Tours catamaran with cool music, delicious snacks and cocktails. Shoco award winner Rob-            a dedica nan mes na papia di     reunion y no tin fecha ainda pa
ertson Thomas, was on board the catamaran as crew member. He made sure the boat brought back the exact                                               e continua sperando riba mas
number of party-goers it took out!                                                                                  fraude, di un destaho cu segun   informacion for di hospital
FRESH FISH IS GOOD TO FIND. In quest of fresh fish we traveled to Zeerover in Savaneta last weekend,                nan opinion politico no ta bon,
and in spite of the substantial number of people waiting in line to place their food order, and in spite of the
substantial number of people sitting around sipping their beers, waiting to be served, we had a great time, and     a papia di corupcion y a papia
the food is always good!! Then the following day we decided to visit the Wacky Wahoo on Palm Beach, and
learned that no way, they are busy beyond capacity, and that we should call for a reservation the following         di cantdad di otro asuntonan,
day. Over the next few days we rang, dutifully, and no one had ever picked up the phone. While the answer-
ing machine promised that between 3pm and 5pm, reservations will be taken, it just never happens. Bringg,           sin aporta algo pa yega na
Bringg, no answer . Bringg, Bringg, nada. Bringgg, Bringg, left me hanging. It was a very wacky experience.
Then, one of our friends suggested Simply Fish, at the Marriott Aruba Resort & Stellaris Casino, and even           kico lo tin cu haci pa yega
made the reservation. Not surprisingly they answered the phone, welcomed us with a seaside table, recom-
mended Macadamia Crusted Grouper, which arrived at the table crispy and coated at perfect temperature,              na un sala do operacion sin
on a bed of steamed bok choy, with tasty quinoa on the side, and a light curry sauce. They promised I could
wiggle my toes in the sand for a genuinely unique Aruba dining experience, and they delivered. Thank you            crea problemanan adicional
restaurant manager Juan Vega, Chef Ramirz, Asdrubal and team. The hotel restaurants sometimes suffer
reverse prejudice, as the nightly exodus to free-standing, destination-restaurants unfolds, but in reality they     pa e proyecto cu ya ta den
do an excellent job and are deserving of our business.
experience at the Ritz Carlton Aruba was even more elaborate than round one in December when General                Glenbert Croes di fraccion
Manager Steve Redkoles and his Food & Beverage crew pampered press members over breakfast at the top
floor presidential suite of the resort. This time we met at Les Crustaces, on the terrace where Executive Chef      di MEP a saca documento
Stephen Toevs and Senior Banquet Chef Emily Dillport came up with another stellar menu, featuring their
own restaurants’ specialties. We started with homemade yogurt parfait, grandma’s granola, and fresh fruit           riba destaho publico, di un
served in a coconut shell, then worked our way through a mini frittata, a fully-loaded poached egg in cast iron
casserole with Hollandaise sauce, smoked salmon finger sandwiches, caramelized banana on mini pancake               compania cu a participa y cu lo
stacks, coffee, tea, and conversation. Sales & Marketing Director Mayra Macaraig, Director of PR Cath-
erine Leitner, and Hotel Manager Tiffany Holmes, mixed and mingled on behalf of the company. At my                  tabatin un prijs mas abou cu e
table we enjoyed hearing Catherine’s report from Haiti where former president Bill Clinton just helped open
a Ritz Carlton, in Port Au Prince. After brunch we toured the incredible spa and I would need a full newspaper      compania cu e haya e contract
column to tell you how elegant it is, and how rich and varied its menu of services. Thank you Yahira Santoni,
and Myandra Croes, for putting it all together.                                                   pero aki ta keda confirma cu

                                                                                                                    politiconan di MEP no tin

                                                                                                                    nocion di loke ta nan rol como

                                                                                                                    miembro di Parlamento, ya

                                                                                                                    cu ta tempo perdi papia di

                                                                                                                    destaho na e momentonan

                                                                                                                    aki, si e proyecto ya ta bou

                                                                                                                    di construccion den cual tin

                                                                                                                    varios instancia envolvi pa

                                                                                                                    ehecucion di esaki.

                                                                                                                    Muher turista Venezolano
                                                                                                                        deteni pa buracheria

                                                                                                                    ORANJESTAD (AAN):
                                                                                                                    Un muher Venezolano basta
                                                                                                                    bebi a keda deteni. Esaki a
                                                                                                                    pasa na Occidental den e area
                                                                                                                    di High Rise Hotel. Polis di
                                                                                                                    strandpolitie a bay na e sitio
                                                                                                                    pa atende e caso. Na yegada a
                                                                                                                    purba papia cu e señora turista
                                                                                                                    pero no tabata facil pa atende

                                                                                                                         Polis a haya cu tabata
                                                                                                                    necesario pa detene y bay
                                                                                                                    cune warda. Eynan lo dune
                                                                                                                    un cuarto gratis pa asina
                                                                                                                    garantiza trankilidad na e
                                                                                                                    hotel. Ta e hotel mes a yama
                                                                                                                    polis mirando e comportacion
                                                                                                                    di e dama aki.
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