Page 22 - AHATA
P. 22

                Thursday 17 OcTOber 2019

            The Upcoming Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance Convention to be a Symposium
            for and by Nature Experts, Researchers, Managers and the Youth

            KRALENDIJK, BONAIRE — The upcoming convention of the Dutch Carib-       together at the convention. Thanks to co-financing of the World Wide
            bean Nature Alliance (DCNA) will be taking place on Bonaire this year  Fund for Nature, Rabobank and STINAPA, a weekend-long program has
            and will focus on youth participation, marine park management, coral  been organized, with overnight stays, field excursions and workshops in
            restoration, research and strategic planning. All six National Park Man-  the Washington Slagbaai National Park, especially for the participants. It
            agement organizations from the Dutch Caribbean and the key players  will be a unique experience where they will have the opportunity to learn
            and other local stakeholders are joining forces to jointly enhance stra-  about each other's nature and have memorable experiences. They will
            tegic nature management policies for the coming years. Attending the  complete their program with a presentation. The young nature ambas-
            symposium will also be the World Wildlife Fund (WWF-NL), Bird Protection  sadors will present their own knowledge and experience and how they
            Netherlands, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN-  want to initiate further action together with the respective local organi-
            NL), the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), and coral sci-  zations on their home islands.
            entists from Wageningen University & Research and Reef Renewal Foun-
            dation Bonaire. Also, during the convention youth from the Dutch Carib-  Strategic planning
            bean islands will be brought together to learn about each other’s nature  DCNA’s various partners and other stakeholders in nature management
            conservation activities on their respective islands. There is also a public  in the Caribbean often have similar goals or goals that are in line with
            lecture on coral reefs on October 28 at 7:30 pm at Captain Don’s Hotel,  each  other.  During  the  various  workshops  under  the  theme  "strategic
            Bonaire                                                                 planning",  the  participating  organizations  will  work  on  concrete  work
                                                                                    plans and specific assignment of tasks, thereby optimizing support for fo-
            Collaboration is essential                                              cused conservation efforts. WWF-NL, Bird Protection Netherlands, IUCN-
            A joint approach to address common conservation challenges across  NL and DCNA will all come together in this regard.
            all six islands of the Caribbean will greatly benefit nature protection in
            the  Dutch  Kingdom.  The  park  management  organizations  on  all  six  is-  Coral workshops for biologists
            lands are much stronger together than individually and several Dutch  As part of a soon to be released coral action plan and the coral resto-
            organizations indicate needing the parks to achieve their goals and to  ration work being done by the six Dutch Caribbean islands, a special
            implement joint plans for the enhancement of nature conservation ac-    day of lectures, workshops and a field excursion has been compiled for
            tivities on all six islands of the Dutch Caribbean. The Dutch Caribbean  biologists associated with protected areas in the Dutch Caribbean. In
            Nature Alliance (DCNA), together with the invited organizations, aims to  addition, the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) will be
            expand, professionalize and strengthen the expertise that the protected  present and will facilitate a workshop on the upcoming call for research
            areas in the Dutch Caribbean currently have. It goes without saying that  proposals.
            even things that go well can and should be better in the perspective of
            the serious consequences of climate change. Many issues that all islands  Public reading coral reefs
            face can better be solved together. Together we can achieve more.       For anyone who is interested and committed to the status of the coral
                                                                                    reefs on Bonaire and would like to meet the regional experts in person,
            Youth participation                                                     there is a public lecture by dr. Erik Meesters of Wageningen University &
            Nature management is first and foremost dedicated to the benefit and  Research on Monday October 28 from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM at Captain
            the use of natural resources for the future generations. During the up-  Don’s hotel, Bonaire.
            coming DCNA convention, which will now be organized annually, spe-
            cial attention will be paid to the youth nature programs of the six Dutch  Four themes, one convention
            Caribbean islands. From the youth programs of Fundacion Parke Nacio-    The aforementioned four themes form the common thread of the con-
            nal Aruba, STINAPA Bonaire, CARMABI on Curaçao, Saba Conservation  vention. Together we will make of it a huge success, which will repre-
            Foundation, Sint Maarten Nature Foundation and STENAPA on Sint Eusta-   sent  the  starting  point  of  a  new  phase  in  nature  management  in  the
            tius, four teenagers have been selected per island and will be brought  Caribbean.q
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