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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Monday 5 deceMber 2022
            Rail workers say deal won’t resolve quality-of-life concerns

            By JOSH FUNK                                                                                                        the  years  to  forego  paid
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  sick leave in favor of higher
            OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — When                                                                                             wages  and  strong  short-
            BNSF  railroad  conductor                                                                                           term disability benefits that
            Justin  Schaaf  needed  to                                                                                          kick in after as little as four
            take time off from work this                                                                                        days.
            summer,  he  had  to  make                                                                                          But  to  retired  engineer
            a choice: go to the dentist                                                                                         Jeff  Kurtz,  there  is  still  a  lot
            to get a cavity in his molar                                                                                        of  work  to  be  done  to  re-
            filled  or  attend  a  party  for                                                                                   store  the  quality  of  life  he
            his son’s 7th birthday.                                                                                             enjoyed before he left the
            He chose his son.                                                                                                   railroad eight years ago.
            “Ultimately  I  decided  to                                                                                         He  doubts  rail  workers  to-
            take the day off for my kid’s                                                                                       day  would  be  able  to
            birthday  party,”  Schaaf                                                                                           get  time  off  for  key  family
            said.  “Then  when  I  am  fi-                                                                                      events  on  short  notice  the
            nally  able  to  get  into  the                                                                                     way he did when he found
            dentist four, five, six months                                                                                      out  his  son  was  getting  his
            later,  the  tooth  is  too  bad                                                                                    doctorate   right   before
            to  repair  at  that  point,  so                                                                                    Christmas in 2009.
            I  have  to  get  the  tooth                                                                                        “You  hear  when  you  hire
            pulled out.”                                                                                                        out  on  the  railroad  you’re
            Those are the kind of trad-                                                                                         going  to  miss  some  things.
            eoffs  that  railroad  workers   A rail worker switches a track for a Locomotive in the Selkirk rail yard, Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2022,   But you’re not supposed to
            worry  they  might  still  have   in Selkirk, N.Y.                                                 Associated Press  miss everything,” said Kurtz,
            to  make  after  Congress                                                                                           who  remains  active  even
            voted this week to impose  For Schaaf, he’s not sure if  18 times since the passage  time  and  the  demanding  in  retirement  with  the  Rail-
            a  contract  on  them  to  the new contract will make  of  the  1926  Railway  Labor  schedules  that  unions  say  road Workers United coali-
            avoid the economic disas-    it any easier to find another  Act,  by  the  U.S.  Chamber  make it hard for workers to  tion  that  includes  workers
            ter that would accompany  day off sometime next year  of  Commerce’s  count  —  ever  take  a  day  off  domi-      from every union.
            a  railroad  strike.  Workers  to pay to have a fake tooth  because  of  the  potential  nated  the  contract  talks.  “You  shouldn’t  miss  your
            and  their  unions  say  the  implanted in his mouth.     economic consequences.       The  rail  unions  say  they  kids   growing   up.   You
            deal  didn’t  do  enough  to  “If I had the option of taking  Many businesses rely on rail-  weren’t  able  to  get  more  shouldn’t  miss  the  seminal
            address  their  quality-of-life  a sick day ... I would have  roads to deliver raw materi-  concessions  out  of  the  moments  in  your  family’s
            concerns  and  didn’t  add  never  been  in  that  situa-  als and ship their final prod-  railroads  because  the  big  life.”
            any sick days.               tion,” he said from his home  ucts,  so  a  rail  strike  would  companies knew Congress  Over  the  past  six  years,
            President Joe Biden signed  in Glasgow, Montana.          send  a  catastrophic  ripple  would intervene.           the  major  railroads  have
            a  bill  Friday  to  block  a  Schaaf said it was discour-  through the economy.       The railroads refused to add  eliminated nearly one-third
            strike and force workers to  aging,  but  not  surprising,  Passenger  railroads  also  paid sick days to the deal  of  their  jobs  as  they  over-
            accept  the  agreements  to  see  Congress  step  in  to  would  be  disrupted  be-    at the end of three years of  hauled operations, making
            union leaders made in Sep-   settle the contract dispute  cause  so  many  use  tracks  negotiations because they  the work more demanding
            tember,  even  though  four  ahead of next Friday’s strike  owned  by  the  freight  rail-  didn’t  want  to  pay  much  for those who remain.
            of  the  12  unions  —  which  deadline.                  roads.                       more than a special board  The  unions  say  they  won’t
            include  a  majority  of  rail  Lawmakers  have  made  The five-year deals that rail  of arbitrators appointed by  stop fighting for more paid
            workers  —  voted  to  reject  a  habit  of  stepping  in  to  workers  wound  up  with  in-  Biden  recommended  this  sick  leave,  but  now  they
            them.  Business  groups  had  impose  contracts  when  clude 24% raises and $5,000  summer.                         may  have  to  wait  for  ne-
            been urging Biden to inter-  railroads  and  their  unions  in  bonuses.  But  concerns  Plus,  the  railroads  say  the  gotiations on the next con-
            vene for weeks.              reach the brink of a strike —  about the lack of paid sick  unions  have  agreed  over  tract beginning in 2025. q

                                                                      Keep COVID military vaccine

                                                                      mandate, defense chief says

                                                                      Secretary   Lloyd    Austin  by governors to respond to  died in the United States of
                                                                      said he wants to keep the  natural disasters or unrest.   America. We lost hundreds
                                                                      military’s  COVID-19  vac-   Congress  may  consider  in  DOD.  So  this  mandate
                                                                      cine  mandate  in  place  to  legislation   this   coming  has kept people healthy.”
                                                                      protect  the  health  of  the  week to end the mandate  “I’m the guy” who ordered
                                                                      troops, as Republican gov-   as a requirement to gather  the  military  to  require  the
                                                                      ernors and lawmakers press  enough  support  to  pass  vaccine,  Austin  added.
                                                                      to rescind it.               this  years’  defense  bud-  “I  support  continuation  of
                                                                      This  past  week  more  than  get,  which  is  already  two  vaccinating the troops.”
                                                                      20  Republican  governors  months late.                   Last  year  Austin  directed
            Estonia’s  Defense  Minister  Hanno  Pevkur,  left,  is  greeted  by   sent  a  letter  to  President  Austin  said  he  would  not  that all troops get the vac-
            Secretary  of  Defense  Lloyd  Austin  during  an  honor  cordon   Joe  Biden  asking  that  the  comment on pressure from  cine  or  face  potential  ex-
            ceremony, upon his arrival at the Pentagon, Tuesday, Oct. 18,   administration  remove  the  the Hill.              pulsion  from  the  military;
            2022, in Washington.                                      mandate, saying it has hurt  “We  lost  a  million  people  thousands  of  active  duty
                                                     Associated Press  the  U.S.  National  Guard’s  to this virus,” Austin told re-  forces  have  been  dis-
            By TARA COPP                 ABOARD  A  U.S.  MILITARY  ability  to  recruit  troops.  porters  traveling  with  him  charged since then for their
            Associated Press             AIRCRAFT  (AP)  —  Defense  Those troops are activated  Saturday. “A million people  refusal to get the shots.q
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