Page 9 - aruba-today-20221205
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                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 5 deceMber 2022

            Further Development Information Organizations Carib (DIOC)

            congress held by the Board of Chief of Police

            ORANJESTAD  –  On  No-                                    For this reason, information
            vember 28, 2022, the DIOC                                 management  and  every-
            Congress held by the Board                                thing information related is
            of Chief of Police started.                               a  priority  on  the  strategic
                                                                      agenda  of  the  Minister  of
            In  this  Congress,  all  stake-                          Justice.
            holders  follow  the  intel-
            ligence  training  course.                                According to Minister Tjon,
            They also seize the opportu-                              he is thrilled to see how the
            nity to come to a consen-                                 Board  of  Police  Chiefs  or-
            sus  on  how  to  work  better                            ganized  this  Congress.  The
            and  closer  together  and                                Judicial departments of the
            share duties and consulta-                                Dutch  Kingdom  and  other
            tion structures.                                          entities  came  together  to
                                                                      seek the most efficient way
            The Minister of Justice and                               to  share  information  and
            Social  Affairs,  Rocco  Tjon,                            come  to  agreements.  It  is
            is  satisfied  to  attend  the                            important  not  only  due  to
            Congress  about  the  in-                                 local and international de-
            vestments  required  in  the                              velopments but also due to
            information   departments                                 the  technical  and  judicial
            in  the  Caribbean.  One  of                              challenges. The Congress is
            the most significant issues in                            for three days and includes
            the  Minister  of  Justice  and                           a  workshop  about  the  lat-
            Social  Affairs  Policy  plan                             est developments in the in-
            is  the  fight  against  crime                            telligence  and  information
            by  investing  more  in  the                              world.
            information  departments.
            It is time to realize that an                             The  Minister  thanked  the
            information  department  is                               Board of Chief of Police and
            essential to fight crime effi-                            the  entire  team  for  realiz-
            ciently and effectively and                               ing  this  encounter  to  fight
            not a luxury.                                             against crime through intel-
                                                                      ligence and information.q

              Aruba to me

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