Page 10 - ATA JAN 7,2016
P. 10

                                                                                                                        Thursday 7 January 2016

Loyal Guests Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority

PALM BEACH - Recently the        tive years.                      Aruba.                       to Aruba are the weather,     nice gifts to the honoree
Aruba Tourism Authority          Ms. Darline S. de Cuba rep-      Ms. De Cuba thanked them     the restaurants, the safety,  and also thanked them on
honored Mrs. Katrina For-        resenting the Aruba Tour-        for choosing Aruba as their  and of course most of all,    behalf of the Occidental
rester of Yorktown, Virginia,    ism Authority, Visitors Care     vacation destination and     the people.                   Beach Resort.
as a Distinguished Visitor of    Liaison, bestowed the cer-       as their home away from      Representatives of ‘First     Additional congratulations
Aruba as a token of appre-       tificate of Distinguished Visi-  home for so many years.      Club Guest Service’ were      go to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest-
ciation for visiting the island  tor to the honoree on be-        Katrina stated that her      present at the ceremony       er for getting married on
for more than 10 consecu-        half of the Government of        main reasons for returning   and handed out some           Aruba!q
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