Page 7 - RIU HOTEL
P. 7
Wednesday 22 november 2017
Carry your cup and join the celebration:
Jolly Pirates Rides High on 20 Years of Sailing Success!
comfortable for our guests,
but also that they operated
cleanly. In order to reduce
our carbon footprint, we
installed wind generators
and solar panels to help
power lights and stereo
as well as ensure we used
less diesel fuel,” comments
co-owner Harald, who is
originally from Holland, and
maintains the eco-con-
scious attitudes with which
he was raised.
Co-owner, and native Bos-
tonian, Carla Cavallaro also
seeks to support a healthy
environment.“Giving back
to Aruba is easy when you
consider all that the island
has given me,” remarks
Carla, who watched her
son Tyler grow up with a
love of the sea. Blessed to
find home, happiness and
ORANJESTAD – For twen- also seeking responsible, goals. shop. Through the years, business success in Aruba,
ty years, Jolly Pirates has ‘Green’ ways to enhance and with all its endeavors, she is clearly passionate
graced the tourism land- community efforts. While Jolly Pirates launched its Jolly Pirates also carried about doing her part to
scape, with the billowing visitors can still look forward first schooner in 1997. The out some really great eco- protect the island’s trea-
sails of its twin schooners to perfecting their cannon- beautiful wooden schoo- friendly initiatives. sured marine environment
decorating the seascape, ball off the rope swing, they ner was soon complement- “We worked to ensure for the next generation.
offering excellent sailing can also now toast to an- ed by a teak-decked twin, both our schooners were
excursions during memo- other 20 years with recy- both skillfully captained by not only great looking and Continued on Page 16
rable Aruba vacations. clable cups, use reusable a long-time staff dedicat-
Over the years, it has held bags to carry off their Jolly ed to entertaining growing
to the winning formula of Pirates souvenir booty and fans of the island’s most
majestic wooden ship, purchase fundraising “save popular sail and snorkel
onboard merriment, and the reefs” bracelets in sup- cruises. Jolly Pirates later
expert guidance for snor- port of Aruba’s Marine Park sought to further serve visi-
keling adventures, while and marine protection tors by adding a souvenir