Page 9 - RIU HOTEL
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             Wednesday 22 november 2017

            Jolly Pirates

            Continued from Page 13       time  visitors  and  numerous
                                         return  guests,  Jolly  Pirates
            Adding to the attraction of  continues to ride high, driv-
            a  Jolly  Pirates’  cruise,  the  en by a long history of posi-
            ship’s  capable  Captains  tive  word-of-mouth  and  a
            Julio, Ron and Edwin are al-  lengthy list of rave reviews
            ways  entertaining.  Guests  that  often  relate  personal
            look forward to reconnect-   tales  of  outstanding,  on-
            ing with their crew favorites  board experiences.
            each  year.    Between  first-  “We  want  to  thank  our

                                                                      guests  for  making  their   last  20  years.”  comments  of  those  proceeds  to  the
                                                                      memories part of ours. We    Team Supervisor Anacarina  Aruba  Marine  Park  Foun-
                                                                      are grateful for the support   Matos,  who,  together  with  dation.”
                                                                      of our guests, and proud of   Carla,  leads  Jolly  Pirates’  Dedication  to  both  good
                                                                      our role as members of the   green initiatives.           fun  as  well  as  sustainable
                                                                      Aruba  community  for  the   “We  reserve  a  special  tourism  efforts  keeps  Jolly
                                                                                                   thank  you  to  everyone  Pirates  on  top  as  a  favor-
                                                                                                   who  participates  in  our  ite,  must-do  activity.  Join
                                                                                                   reduce  and  reuse  efforts,  the  20th  year  celebration
                                                                                                   and  who  makes  a  dona-    by  enjoying  a  Jolly  Pirates
                                                                                                   tion  and  wears  the  Jolly  snorkeling  cruise,  raising  a
                                                                                                   Pirates  Awareness  Brace-   toast  in  a  recyclable  cup,
                                                                                                   lets.  In  turn,  we  maintain  and  making  an  indelible
                                                                                                   our promise to giveback to  memory of a fantastic Aru-
                                                                                                   the community – with 100%  ba stay.q

                                                                                                                Paradise in the Caribbean

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                                                                                                                           MOBILE +297 5927275
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