Page 7 - AHATA DEC 12 2020
P. 7
Saturday 12 december 2020
Starbucks Aruba opens its fifth store bringing its unmatchable
Starbucks Experience now at Gloria Plaza
Starbucks Aruba wel-
comes all its costumers at
Gloria Plaza, from Mon-
day through Sunday from
630AM till 11PM serving the
community the best coffee
experience on the island
with enhanced sanitation
protocols and physical dis-
tancing in place, following
all the recommendations
of the local health depart-
About Starbucks Today, with over 32,000 commitment to excellence
Since 1971, Starbucks Cof- stores around the globe, and our guiding principles,
fee Company has been the company is the premier we bring the unique Star-
committed to ethically roaster and retailer of spe- bucks Experience to life for
ORANJESTAD — Starbucks ager at Starbucks Aruba & sourcing and roasting high- cialty coffee in the world. every customer through
Aruba announces the Curacao. “Through each quality Arabica coffee. Through our unwavering every cup.q
opening of its fifth store in opening, we not only seek
located at Gloria Plaza. welcoming place outside 10 years coming to paradise
the country, which will be to provide a warm and
Through this opening, Star- our customers’ home and
bucks reaffirms its com- workspaces, but we also
mitment to Aruba and its carry out initiatives that
local customers with the in- strengthen the communi-
troduction of its second ki- ties where we are”.
osk concept, offering them
both convenience and Starbucks relationship with
connection while providing Aruba began in 2009 when
a safe, high-quality coffee the company opened its
experience and handcraft- first store at Renaissance
ed beverages served by Marketplace. Today, more
knowledgeable and pas- than ten years later, Star-
sionate baristas. Starbucks bucks remains committed
kiosk format is just one way to the Aruban market in the
the company is adapting long-term.
its Third Place, mainly in its
stores in high-traffic, metro- Starbucks stores are de-
politan areas. signed to create a wel-
coming space, rooted in its
“We are proud and excited coffee heritage. This store’s
to expand Starbucks pres- layout is an open and wel-
ence in Aruba, providing coming experience. Its
positive economic impact design consists of earthy
and creating jobs while tones, a trendy green bar EAGLE BEACH — The Aru- a token of appreciation to its safety, and Aruba’s
sharing our coffee passion and touches of brass pro- ba Tourism Authority is guests who visit Aruba 10 warm and friendly people
with the local community”, viding a tropic-chic look very pleased to announce years and more consecu- who have become like
celebrated Mrs. Wanda that can relate to both lo- the restart to their honor- tively. family to him.
Broeksema, country man- cals and tourists. ary program once again!
Recently, Kimberley Rich- The honoree was Leon Lib- Richardson, together with
ardson of the Aruba Tour- in who have been visiting the representatives of the
ism Authority had the Aruba for 10 years con- Paradise Beach Villas pre-
great pleasure to honor secutively. sented the certificate to
Aruba’s loyal and friendly Leon Libin stated that the honoree, handed over
visitors as a Distinguished he loves the island very some presents and also
Visitors of Aruba. The much, especially for its thanked him for choos-
symbolic honorary Distin- year-round sunny weath- ing Aruba as their favorite
guished Visitor certificate er, nice sandy beaches vacation destination and
is presented on behalf of and picturesque sunsets, as their home-away-from-
the Minister of Tourism, as delicious variety of foods, home.q