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a32    local
                     Thursday 14 May 2020
            Aruba Today in partnership with Aruba.TV

            ORANJESTAD  —  Aruba  Today  recently  shared  the  great  news  with  our
            readers and advertising clients that from March on our daily newspaper
            headlines  and  all  our  Ask  Pilar  videos  will  be  broadcasted  by  the  new
            and  fresh  tourist  channel  Aruba.TV.  You  can  find  this  channel  that  is
            dedicated to our visitors on 49 in your hotel room, condo or time share.
            For our advertising clients this means we have your PR’s also promoted on
            television. More exposure is a welcome gift we think. Have a look at the
            new kid in town, there is a lot to discover. Stay tuned for the hidden gems,
            history, culture and culinarian delights on our One Happy Island!
            Facebook: Aruba.TV q

              Minister Marisol Lopez - Tromp:                                         SETAR Complete 60+

              “Now is the time to choose for

              nature conservation and not

              for its destruction”

                                                                                      ORANJESTAD — SETAR introduces  ages: the Startup Plan or the Pre-
                                                                                      their  newest  package  especially  mium Plan. With the choice of one
                                                                                      for  seniors  named  ‘SETAR  Com-  of  these  packages  the  client  will
                                                                                      plete  60+’  which  includes  an  in-  receive additional free minutes to
                                                                                      crease  in  free  minutes  for  fixed  fixed phone lines, more TV chan-
                                                                                      telephone lines.                   nels to choose from and a higher
                                                                                                                         internet speeds of 170 to 250 Mbs.
                                                                                      Since  last  year  October,  SETAR  All  these  great  services  for  one
              ORANJESTAD  —  Over  the  years,  fulfilled  a  vehicle  inspection.    launched  their  newest  package  price. The additional free minutes
              natural  /  protected  areas  suf-  The  procedure  involves:  control   SETAR  Complete  60+.  The  pack-  and also the use of both packag-
              fered damage caused by differ-     for  valid  insurance,  control  for   age  offers  very  attractive  rates  es  has  been  increased.  The  free
              ent factors, amongst others, from  number plate payment and the         for senior clients at the age of 60  minutes can be used anytime dur-
              the ATV / UTV vehicles. During a  overall  condition  of  the  vehicle.   years  and  older.  The  beneficial  ing the day.
              press  conference  held  on  May  These factors determine if the ve-    package consists of three services
              6th  2020,  Minister  Marisol  Lopez  hicle (in this case the ATV/ UTV),   which  are:  fixed  telephone  line,  For  more  information  check  out
              -  Tromp,  announced  that  the  will successfully complete the in-     cable  and  internet.  Clients  60+  the website or call
              Ministry  of  Spatial  Development,  spection.                          can  choose  between  two  pack-   +297 525-1700. q
              Infrastructure and Environment is  To  conclude,  Minister  Lopez  -
              working on ways of improving this  Tromp  indicated  that  very  soon
              situation.                         the  Aruban  community  will  see
                                                 more information from the Minis-
              The two primary aspects that Lo-   try on this matter. The focus will be
              pez-Tromp, the Minister of Spatial  on protecting natural areas, from
              Development, Infrastructure and  the damage caused by such ac-
              Environment, will be focusing on  tivities  in  the  future.  In  addition,
              are: (1) Protection of Aruba’s Nat-  achieving  a  higher  amount  of
              ural  areas,  (2)  but  also  the  pro-  ATV/  UTV  vehicles  to  complete
              cess of vehicle inspection which  the vehicle inspection at DTI.q
              is  carried  out  by  the  Depart-
              ment  for  Technical  Inspections
              (DTI). Remarkable is that Aruba is
              among the few countries that al-                                          Share your message from home
              low driving of ATV / UTV vehicles
              on highways. Considering this as-                                         ORANJESTAD — In these difficult times we would like to reach out
              pect, the safety of these vehicles                                        to  our  friends  abroad  who  were  supposed  to  spend  their  tropical
              (for drivers and general traffic) is                                      vacation on Aruba or who had to break up their vacation due to the
              a concern, as stated by Minister                                          COVID-19 situation. Aruba Today invites you to send us your picture
              Lopez - Tromp.                                                            and  words  expressing  your  memory  of  our  island  or  your  dream
                                                                                        vacation for the future.
              The ATV / UTV Vehicle inspection
              process                                                                   Send  us  your  picture(s)  together  with  completing  the  sentence:
              As  mentioned  above,  DTI  is  the                                       Aruba  to  me  is  ……..  (Email:  Please  do
              government  department  that  is                                          note:  By  submitting  photos,  text  or  any  other  materials,  you  give
              in  charge  of  vehicle  inspection,                                      permission  to  The  Aruba  Today  newspaper,  Caribbean  Speed
              including ATV / UTV vehicles. Cur-                                        Printers  and  any  of  its  affiliated  companies  to  use  said  materials,
              rently  a  relatively  small  group                                       as  well  as  names,  likeness,  etc.  for  promotional  purposes  without
              of  ATV  /  UTV  has  attended  and                                       compensation.
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