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locAl           Thursday 14 May 2020

            Perfect social distancing activity in nature

            SAN  NICOLAS  —  With  Aru-                               little windy and rough-, you
            ba slowly re-opening again                                will  see  the  island  from  a
            we imagine you are jump-                                  different  perspective.  You
            ing up and down to go out.                                can  even  make  a  stop  to
            On the other hand you are                                 do  some  snorkeling  at  the
            not keen on crowded plac-                                 reef. It’s fun, it’s healthy and
            es while the COVID-19 virus                               for sure something else.
            is  still  wandering  around.                             The  Shack  Aruba  offers
            For you and your family we                                kayak  and  snorkeling  ad-
            have  the  perfect  thing  to                             venture starting from Santo
            do:  kayaking  in  the  man-                              Largo,  Savaneta  through
            groves. You and your fam-                                 Aruba's Mangrove Lagoon,
            ily alone with nature!       ral  mangroves  is  simply  a  an  unspoiled  region  of
                                         beauty, but if you are into  Mangrove  forests,  winding   beautiful reefs with crystal-  adventure  you're  not  go-
            Mangel Halto at Savaneta  a more active way to enjoy  channels of the Isla di Oro      clear  waters,  home  to  an  ing to want to miss. Check
            is definitely a place not to  the  nature:  take  a  kayak.  with allot of history and first-  abundance  of  wildlife  in-  them out on Facebook The
            miss  out  on.  The  beauti-  While  you are  doing some  rate  snorkeling  territory  of   cluding sea-turtles and peli-  Shack  Aruba  for  more  de-
            ful  beach  with  the  natu-  workout  -as  it  might  get  a  Mangel  Halto.  You'll  pass   can. They offer eco-friendly  tails. q

            The Donkey Sanctuary has reopened!

            ST. CRUZ — After the obligatory lock-down be-   here to:
            cause  of  the  Corona  virus  on  the  island,  the  * no more than 10 visitors at a time are allowed
            Donkey  Sanctuary  has  officially  reopened.  A  inside the visitors’ center
            visit to the donkeys might be a great idea, com-  * there should be a distance of 6 feet between
            bining a learning experience with fun.          persons
                                                            * one visitor at a time is allowed inside our shop
            Of course the volunteers have kept on working  *  please  use  your  bank  card  –  preferably  no
            during the lock-down, as the donkeys needed  cash money
            to  be  fed  and  cared  for  and  the  sanctuary  * wash your hands with soap.
            needed cleaning on a daily basis as well.       All in all standard rules that you will find every-
            That is one of the reasons why their clean sanc-  where.  They  will  keep  you  safe  and  relaxed
            tuary is ready to receive you from 9 am until 4  while visiting the sanctuary. Please come and
            pm.                                             enjoy your time with their lovely animals. There is
            During your visit there is a number of rules to ad-  no entrance fee.q

            Philip's Animal Garden welcomes you again

            NOORD  —  Looking  into  was  founded  in  2009  and
            something  to  do  with  the  it  is  the  only  organization
            family this weekend?  Let’s  rescuing  and  rehabilitat-
            hop  to  an  amazing  place.  ing  exotic  animals  in  Aru-
            Something different, an ex-  ba,  which  has  resulted  in
            perience  that  is  to  be  en-  an  amazing  collection  of
            joyed by people of all ages.  these  animals.  They  pro-
            Welcome to Philip’s Animal  vide  a  suitable  living  envi-
            Garden, open again for vis-  ronment for all the rescued
            itors  from  Friday  May  15th,  animals.  Up  until  now  the
            yet  taking  care  of  all  the  owner,  Philip,  has  built  this
            needed precautions.          shelter with his own efforts;
                                         building all the cages from
            We  are  not  talking  about  scratch, designing all struc-
            a  zoo  here,  this  is  actually  tures  and  welding  them
            a  sanctuary  for  all  types  with his own bare hands. His  ban community and visitors  be open from 9am to 6pm  Facebook  Philips  Animal
            of  creatures,  from  horses  goal is to upgrade the facil-  they provide the best care  respecting  the  social  dis-  Garden  and  website  for
            to  peacocks,  kangaroos  ities to a world-class animal  for these animals.            tance  rule  and  no  groups  more information:
            to  turtles,  monkeys,  goats,  shelter with veterinary care                           allowed.                     www.philipsanimalgarden.
            and many, many more dif-     and round-the-clock staffs.  Starting  Friday  May  15th,                              com.q
            ferent  species.  The  place  With the input from the Aru-  Philip's  Animal  garden  will  Please  check  out  their
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