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A26    U.S. NEWS
                     Thursday 14 May 2020
            Paul Manafort released from prison due to virus concerns

            By MICHAEL BALSAMO                                                                                                  only  identifying  high  pro-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    file white collar inmates for
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Paul                                                                                           home  confinement,  is  ab-
            Manafort,  Donald  Trump's                                                                                          surd."  A  Bureau  of  Prisons
            onetime  presidential  cam-                                                                                         spokeswoman  said  more
            paign  chairman  who  was                                                                                           than  2,400  inmates  have
            convicted  as  part  of  the                                                                                        been  moved  to  home
            special  counsel's  Russia  in-                                                                                     confinement  since  March
            vestigation,  has  been  re-                                                                                        26, when Barr first issued a
            leased  from  federal  prison                                                                                       home confinement memo,
            to serve the rest of his sen-                                                                                       and more than 1,200 others
            tence  in  home  confine-                                                                                           have been approved and
            ment  due  to  concerns                                                                                             are in the pipeline to be re-
            about  the  coronavirus,  his                                                                                       leased.  But  prisons  officials
            lawyer said Wednesday.                                                                                              will not give out any demo-
            Manafort,  71,  was  let  out                                                                                       graphic information.
            Wednesday  morning  from                                                                                            The bureau has given con-
            FCI  Loretto,  a  low-security                                                                                      tradictory  and  confusing
            prison  in  Pennsylvania,  ac-                                                                                      guidance how it is deciding
            cording  to  his  attorney,                                                                                         who  is  released  to  home
            Todd  Blanche.  Manafort,                                                                                           confinement in an effort to
            jailed since June 2018, had                                                                                         combat  the  virus,  chang-
            been  serving  more  than                                                                                           ing  requirements,  setting
            seven years in prison follow-                                                                                       up inmates for release and
            ing his conviction.                                                                                                 backing off and refusing to
            His release comes as prison                                                                                         explain how it decides who
            advocates  and  congres-                                                                                            gets out and when.
            sional  leaders  have  been                                                                                         Attorney  General  William
            pressing    the  Justice  De-                                                                                       Barr  ordered  the  agenc
            partment  for  weeks  to  re-  In this June 27, 2019 file photo, Paul Manafort arrives in court in New York.        y in March and April to in-
            lease at-risk inmates before                                                                       Associated Press   crease  the  use  of  home
            a potential outbreak in the                                                                                         confinement and expedite
            system. They argue that the  who  have  served  half  of  preexisting  medical  condi-  sonal  lawyer  Michael  Co-  the release of eligible high-
            public  health  guidance  their  sentence  or  inmates  tions.  Manafort  was  hospi-  hen  and  lawyer  Michael  risk  inmates,  beginning  at
            to  stay  6  feet  (1.8  meters)  with  18  months  or  less  left  talized  in  December  with  Avenatti, who rose to fame  three  prisons  identified  as
            away from other people is  and  who  served  at  least  a  heart-related  condition,  representing    porn    star  coronavirus hot spots. There
            nearly  impossible  behind  25%  of  their  time.  The  bu-  two  people  familiar  with  Stormy  Daniels  in  lawsuits  are no confirmed coronavi-
            bars.                        reau  has  discretion  about  the  matter  told  The  Asso-  against  Trump,  have  been  rus cases at FCI Loretto.
            But Manafort did not meet  who can be released.           ciated  Press  at  the  time.  told they are getting out.   As  of  Tuesday,  2,818  fed-
            qualifications set by the Bu-  His  lawyers  had  asked  the  They  were  not  authorized  Kathy  Hawk  Sawyer,  a  se-  eral  inmates  and  262  BOP
            reau of Prisons for potential  Bureau  of  Prisons  to  re-  to  discuss  the  matter  pub-  nior  adviser  at  the  Bureau  staff members had positive
            release in the pandemic.     lease him to home confine-   licly and spoke to the AP on  of Prisons who formerly led  test results for COVID-19 at
            Under  the  bureau's  guide-  ment, arguing that he was  condition of anonymity.       the  agency,  said  in  an  in-  federal  prisons  across  the
            lines, priority is supposed to  at  high  risk  for  coronavirus  Other  high-profile  inmates  terview  in  late  April  that  country.  Fifty  inmates  had
            be  given  to  those  inmates  because  of  his  age  and  such as Trump's former per-  to  "suggest  that  we  are  died.q

                                                                      U.S. says Chinese hackers might be

                                                                      targeting virus researchers

                                                                      institutions  and  companies  guidance  for  those  who  their efforts related to CO-
                                                                      involved  in  work  on  vac-  may be targeted."           VID-19, the disease caused
                                                                      cines, treatments and test-  It comes amid heightened  by  the  coronavirus,  should
                                                                      ing for the novel coronavi-  tensions  between  the  two  assume that they would be
                                                                      rus  should  take  additional  countries    over  the  source  targeted  and  should  take
                                                                      security  measures  to  pro-  of the outbreak and Trump  precautions,  the  Depart-
                                                                      tect data and be aware of  administration  complaints  ment of Justice said.
                                                                      the potential threat.        that  China  did  not  ade-  "The  potential  theft  of  this
                                                                      "China's  efforts  to  target  quately  alert  the  world  to  information   jeopardizes
            In this March 22, 2019 file photo, an American flag flies outside   these sectors pose a signifi-  the  danger    posed  by  the  the  delivery  of  secure,  ef-
            the Department of Justice in Washington.                  cant  threat  to  our  nation's  new coronavirus.         fective, and efficient treat-
                                                     Associated Press  response  to  COVID-19,"  The  warning  also  echoes  ment options," it said.
                                                                      said  a  statement  from  the  long-standing  U.S.  com-  The FBI and the cybersecu-
            By BEN FOX                   Chinese  government,  ac-    U.S.  Cybersecurity  and  In-  plaints  that  China  has  en-  rity agency said they were
            Associated Press             cording to the FBI and the  frastructure  Security  Agen-  gaged  in  the  wholesale  issuing  the  alert  to  raise
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Or-     Department  of  Homeland  cy.  "This  announcement  is  theft  of  technology  and  public  awareness  of  the
            ganizations    conducting  Security.                      intended  to  raise  aware-  trade  secrets  to  build  its  potential  threat  and  said
            research  into  COVID-19  Neither  agency  cited  any  ness for research institutions  economy.                     additional technical details
            may be targeted by com-      specific examples Wednes-    and  the  American  public  Institutions  that  have  re-  would  be  released  in  the
            puter hackers linked to the  day, but they warned that  and provide resources and  ceived media attention for  coming days. q
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