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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 14 May 2020
            Virus restrictions fuel anti-government ‘boogaloo’ movement

            Continued from Front

            On Saturday, a demonstra-
            tion in Raleigh, North Caro-
            lina, promoted by a Face-
            book  group  called  “Blue
            Igloo”  —  a  derivation  of
            the term — led to a police
            investigation  of  a  confron-
            tation  between  an  armed
            protester and a couple pu-
            shing a stroller.
            Another anti-lockdown ral-
            ly is planned for Thursday at
            the state Capitol in Lansing,
            Michigan,  site  of  an  angry
            protest  last  month  that  in-
            cluded armed members of
            the Michigan Liberty Militia.
            Michigan  Gov.  Gretchen
            Whitmer,  a  Democrat,  has
            been  the  target  of  violent
            threats  on  Facebook  fo-
            rums,  including  a  private
            one  called  “The  Rhett  E.
            Boogie Group.”
            One  user  said  Whitmer
            should   be    “guillotined”
            after  another  suggested
            another  governor  should
            be  hanged  from  a  noose,   In this April 18, 2020, file photo, members of the boogaloo movement, attend a demonstration against the lockdown over concern
            according  to  a  screens-   about COVID-19 at the State House in Concord, N.H.
            hot  captured  by  the  Tech                                                                                                    Associated Press
            Transparency  Project  re-
            search initiative.           braced  the  term  before  ters  see  the  public  health  said  a  white  supremacist  mily’s home. An eyewitness
            The coronavirus pandemic  white  supremacist  groups  lockdowns  and  other  di-       group was inciting followers  said  Lemp  was  asleep  in
            has  become  a  catalyst  adopted  it  last  year.  And  rectives by states and cities  to shoot through their doors  his  bedroom  when  police
            for  the  “boogaloo”  move-  while  some  “boogaloo”  across the country as a vi-      at FBI agents and police of-  opened fire from outside his
            ment  because  the  stay-    followers   maintain   they  olation  of  their  rights,  and  ficers,  federal  prosecutors  house, according to an at-
            at-home  orders  have  “put  aren’t  genuinely  advoca-   they’re  aiming  to  harness  wrote  in  a  court  filing.  The  torney for his family. Police
            a  stressor  on  a  lot  of  very  ting  for  violence,  law-en-  public  frustration  at  such  warning  related  to  “asso-  said  he  was  armed  with  a
            unhappy people,” said J.J.  forcement officials say they  measures  to  rally  and  at-  ciates”  of  Bradley  Bunn,  a  rifle  and  ignored  com-
            MacNab,  a  fellow  at  Ge-  have  foiled  bombing  and  tract new followers to their  53-year-old  U.S.  Army  ve-  mands.
            orge  Washington  Universi-  shooting  plots  by  people  cause,” the project’s report  teran  who  was  arrested  On his Instagram account,
            ty’s Program on Extremism.  who  have  connections  to  says.  Facebook  has  since  on  May  1  after  FBI  agents  Lemp  had  posted  a  pho-
            MacNab said their rhetoric  the  movement  or  at  least  updated its policies to pro-  allegedly  found  four  pipe  tograph  that  depicts  two
            goes  beyond  discussions  used its terminology.          hibit use of “boogaloo” and  bombs  at  his  house  in  Lo-  people holding up rifles and
            about  fighting  virus  restric-  A   36-year-old   Arkansas  related  terms  “when  ac-  veland, Colorado, the filing  includes the term “booga-
            tions  —  which  many  pro-  man     whose    Facebook  companied  by  statements  said.  Authorities  haven’t  loo.” His death spawned a
            testers  brand  as  “tyranny”  page included “boogaloo”  and  images  depicting  ar-   publicly linked Bunn to any  hashtag  campaign  within
            — to talking about killing FBI  references was arrested on  med  violence,”  the  com-  group  or  movement,  but  the movement.
            agents or police officers “to  April 11 by police in Texar-  pany said in a statement.   a  federal  prosecutor  said  “A lot of individuals are very
            get the war going.”          kana,  Texas,  on  a  charge  In  March,  a  Missouri  man  agents  intercepted  Bunn  upset at the way this coun-
            “They  are  far  more  grap-  he  threatened  to  ambush  with  ties  to  neo-Nazis  was  on  his  way  to  an  armed  try is being run and the laws
            hic and far more specific in  and kill a police officer on  shot  and  killed  when  FBI  protest  at  the  state  Capi-  that  are  getting  passed
            their threats than I’ve seen  a Facebook Live video.      agents tried to arrest him. Ti-  tol  against  COVID-19  res-  that criminalize law-abiding
            in a long time,” she said.   “I feel like hunting the hun-  mothy Wilson, 36, was plan-  trictions.  Bunn  told  inves-  citizens,”  said  Mike  Harts,
            The  violent  rhetoric  is  dra-  ters,” Aaron Swenson wrote  ning to bomb a hospital in  tigators  that  he  would  be  a  U.S.  Army  infantry  vete-
            matic  escalation  for  a  on Facebook under an ali-      the Kansas City area on the  willing to “take out a few”  ran  who  befriended  Lemp
            online  phenomenon  with  as, police say.                 day that a COVID-19 stay-    officers to “wake everyone  through social media.
            its  roots  in  meme  culture  An  April  22  report  by  the  at-home  order  was  sche-  up,”  the  prosecutor  said  Harts,  27,  says  “boogaloo”
            and  steeped  in  dark  hu-  Tech Transparency Project,   duled  to  take  effect,  aut-  during a court hearing.   started  as  a  funny  meme
            mor.  Its  name  comes  from  which  tracks  technology  horities said. Wilson told an  While  the  anti-lockdown  but has evolved into a dee-
            the  panned  1984  movie  companies,  found  125  Fa-     undercover  FBI  agent  that  protests have provided the  per  symbol  for  the  “liberty
            “Breakin’ 2: Electric Booga-  cebook  “boogaloo”-rela-    his  goal  was  “to  kick  start  spotlight  on  the  “booga-  movement.”
            loo,”  which  has  become  ted groups that had attrac-    a  revolution”  and  referred  loo”  movement,  a  police  Lemp’s  family  appreciates
            slang  for  any  bad  sequel.  ted  tens  of  thousands  of  to  his  plans  as  “operation  shooting  in  Maryland  has  the  outpouring  of  support
            Another     derivation   of  members in the previous 30  boogaloo,”  according  to  galvanized its supporters.      but doesn’t want “any vio-
            “boogaloo” is “big luau” —  days.  The  project  pointed  an agent’s affidavit.        Duncan Lemp, 21, was shot  lence or unlawful actions to
            hence the Hawaiian garb.     to coronavirus crisis as a dri-  Earlier  this  month,  the  U.S.  and  killed  by  police  on  be taken in his name,” fa-
            Far-right  gun  activists  and  ving factor.              Department  of  Homeland  March 12 as officers served  mily attorney Rene Sandler
            militia  groups  first  em-  “Some  boogaloo  suppor-     Security issued an alert that  a search warrant at his fa-  said in a statement.q
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