P. 35

                                                                                                                  Monday 25 May 2015

Many questions in Mexico cartel battle that killed 43 

E. CASTILLO                      where patrol cars of many     Police officers walk near the entrance of Rancho del Sol, near Ecuanduero, in western Mexico. At
K. CORCORAN                      agencies could be seen        least 43 people died this weekend in what authorities described as a fierce, three-hour gunbattle
Associated Press                 parked, and police guard-     between federal forces and suspected drug gang gunmen at the ranch.
ECUANDUREO, Mexico (AP)          ed all entrances to the
— The call for backup went       property, even dirt paths                                                                                                       (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo)
out to local police after 8      lead onto the 112-hectare
a.m. There was a shootout        (277-acre) property known     the responsible group has      carrying armed men who       two smaller arms, a gre-
underway at a ranch in the       as Rancho de Sol.             its base in Jalisco state.     opened fire, and when        nade launcher that had
western reaches of Micho-        Photographs from the site     Government officials said      government forces chased     been fired and a .50-cali-
acan state and the federal       showed the bodies of men      the shooting broke out ear-    the gunmen onto the          ber rifle, Rubido said.
authorities needed help.         without shirts and some       ly Friday as federal authori-  ranch, they came under       He said eight vehicles also
One patrolman said he            without shoes strewn over     ties responded to a com-       heavy fire from others, Ru-  were confiscated, six of
sped with his colleagues         the ranch, in an area near    plaint of armed men taking     bido said.                   them set ablaze by a fire
from a town 20 minutes           the Michoacan border          over the ranch.                Authorities detained three   inside a storehouse that
away and arrived at the          with Jalisco state that is a  Federal forces heading         people and confiscated 36    created a black plume of
scene Friday to see bullets      stronghold of the Jalisco     to the ranch met a truck       semi-automatic weapons,      smoke seen for miles.q
flying and military and po-      New Generation cartel,
lice helicopters hovering        one of the most powerful
overhead in what would           and fastest-growing orga-
become the deadliest con-        nized crime groups to sur-
frontation with suspected        face in recent years.
cartel members in recent         The bodies, some appear-
memory.                          ing to lie with semi-auto-
“It looked like a battlefield,”  matic rifles, lay in fields,
the officer said Saturday,       next to farm equipment
insisting that on anonymity      and on a blood-stained
like everyone at the scene.      patio strewn with clothes,
The bloodshed at the ranch       mattresses and sleeping
left 42 suspected criminals      bags. Video of the battle
dead.                            obtained by The Associ-
One federal police officer       ated Press showed federal
died while trying to aid a       police officers coming un-
wounded comrade, gov-            der fire.
ernment officials said.          While National Security
Investigators and human          Commissioner Monte Ale-
rights officials continued to    jandro Rubido wouldn’t
work Saturday at the scene,      name the cartel, he said
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