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Friday 3 November 2023
Aruba to me
ORANJESTAD — You are back and as well as names, likeness, etc.
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Exploring the Mainstreet of San Nicolas
urban layout that makes A little bit of everything
it walkable. As you walk can be found in the main
around, the streets are silent street. Stores selling shoes,
but the walls are loud, filled clothing, jewelry you name
with bright, colorful murals it. Arts & crafts by Cosecha
painted by a collection store & Creative Center,
of artists from around the a design store in which
world. Thanks to the efforts you can immerse yourself
of various art organizations in discovering genuine
in Aruba, such as Art Rules and locally made arts
Aruba and Aruba Art Fair, and crafts which reflect
San Nicolas has had quite the diversification of the
the aesthetic makeover Aruban craft heritage
with regards to vibrant and the artistic supply of
street art. Each year more artisans. Don’t miss out on
and more stunning murals trying the exquisite food
SAN NICOLAS— At Just Flow of history colonial kitchen and are replacing broken down offered by the cafes and
11 miles southeast from if you are looking for history bedroom and 19th-century buildings with colorful restaurants or just enjoy a
Oranjestad you will enter San Nicolas has it. Here barbershop, just to name art pieces that keep peaceful walk admiring the
the city San Nicolas, also you will find three amazing a few of the items of old- brightening up SunriseCity. murals, mosaic benches
known as Sunrise City or museums, The Museum of time Aruba that has been and all the history San
Chocolate City. A city that Industry, the Community preserved. A collection of Must See, Do, Buy & Eat Nicolas has to offer.q
is rich in authentic culture Museum and the Carnival artifacts and other objects
and island charm. San Euphoria, all within walking of artistic, cultural, historical,
Nicolas is Aruba’s second distance from one another. or scientific importance
largest city and was once The Museum of Industry can be found here for the
a bustling company town is situated in the Water purpose of education or
dominated by the oil Tower in San Nicolas and enjoyment.
industry since the early narrates Aruba's industrial Carnival Euphoria is
1930’s. history which began in the showcasing Aruba’s
19th century. Here you will Carnival. See how are
Over the course of four learn about gold, aloe, Carnival has developed
decades, its demographics phosphate, oil and the over the past 65 years.
had changed immensely tourism industries which
due to a stream of Afro- made San Nicolas once a The new San Nicolas
Caribbean and South bustling business center. In the shadow of the
American workers who Experience the touching refinery, an art capital is
came to fill the jobs in the stories of those who were quietly beginning to grow.
oil refinery between the part of this history. This is the new San Nicolas,
1920’s until the 1960’s. a place that is starting to
To this day traces of the Nicolaas Store built in 1940 become a magnet for all
multicultural influences and renovated in 2014 is the that is young, cool and hip in
in culinary offerings and home of the Community Aruba. Indeed, San Nicolas
customs, housing and Museum. The collection has all of the ingredients of
population are clearly is remarkable and spans an emerging cultural hub
visible in San Nicolas - more millennia. Ancient fossils — varied history, interesting
than anywhere else on the stand next to tableaus of architecture, and, perhaps
island. an authentically recreated most importantly, an