Page 37 - min.vos 7 jan,2016
P. 37


SPORTSThursday 7 January 2016

Spanish Roundup:

Messi scores 2 & sets up 2, Barca beats Espanyol 4-1 in Copa 

JOSEPH WILSON                   FC Barcelona’s Lionel Messi, center left, duels for the ball against          crossbar.                          “It’s a deceptive result,”
Associated Press                Espanyol’s Victor Alvarez and goalkeeper Pau Lopez, left, dur-                Espanyol’s hopes took an-          said Aduriz, who scored
BARCELONA, Spain (AP)           ing a Copa del Rey soccer match at the Camp Nou stadium in                    other blow when Asensio            his 22nd goal in 30 games
— Lionel Messi scored two       Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2016.                                    was substituted after he           across all competitions. “It
goals and set up two more                                                                                     apparently picked up an            looks like we won, but it is
to lead Barcelona’s 4-1                                                            (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)  injury during the halftime         going to be very tough to
win over crosstown rival                                                                                      warm-ups.                          make it hold up at their
Espanyol, which finished a      last year’s finalist to Barce-  excellent first touch be-                     It was all Barcelona the rest      ground.”
hot-tempered Copa del           lona, scored three times in     fore slotting in a ball he re-                of the way, as Messi set up        Gary Neville also got his
Rey clash with nine men on      the second half to erase a      ceived from Asensio, who                      Pique to tap in his goal af-       first win as Valencia coach
Wednesday.                      two-goal deficit and beat       started a counterattack                       ter Iniesta’s incisive pass        over a topflight team af-
Felipe Caicedo grabbed          Villarreal 3-2, while Valen-    by intercepting Dani Alves’                   started the move.                  ter Alvaro Negredo scored
Espanyol a ninth-minute         cia, Sevilla, and Deportivo     pass.                                         Tempers flared as the game         a hat trick in a 4-0 rout of
lead at Camp Nou, but           La Coruna got positive re-      But Messi quickly respond-                    dragged on, with Messi,            Granada.
Messi hit right back four       sults.                          ed when he caught Espan-                      Neymar, and Suarez re-             Valencia is still without a
minutes later.                  Arda Turan and Aleix Vidal,     yol’s defense off-balance                     ceiving yellow cards, along        win through four Span-
The star forward put the        used as a substitute, de-       after Andres Iniesta played                   with eight for Espanyol.           ish league matches under
hosts ahead with an un-         buted for Barcelona, after      him forward to beat goal-                     Perez’s second booking             Neville, and had previously
stoppable free kick just be-    the club finished its ban on    keeper Pau Lopez.                             was followed by Diop see-          beaten only a third-division
fore halftime, and assisted     new players during 2015         Caicedo went down hold-                       ing red for something he           team in the cup since the
Gerard Pique soon after         for breaking FIFA’s rules       ing his left thigh near half-                 apparently said to Suarez in       former Manchester United
the interval.                   regarding the transfer for      time, but the visitors’ de-                   the 75th. The undermanned          player took charge.
Messi then set up Neymar        youth players.                  fense held firm until Messi                   Espanyol resisted until Messi      Sevilla took a 2-0 lead
for the fourth goal after       Espanyol found its opener       sent his free kick streaking                  flipped the ball forward for       from its victory at Real Be-
Espanyol’s Hernan Perez         when Caicedo used an            in off the underside of the                   Neymar to put in.                  tis in a one-sided Seville
and Papakouly Diop were                                                                                       Bilbao fell behind at home         derby, while Deportivo La
sent off, and Caicedo and                                                                                     after Villarreal scored twice      Coruna needed defender
Marco Asensio were lost to                                                                                    on counterattacks, finished        Alberto Lopo to head in
injury.                                                                                                       off by Leo Baptistao and           a late equalizer to claim
Espanyol, which held Bar-                                                                                     Samuel Garcia. But Benat           an away-goal advantage
celona to 0-0 in the Span-                                                                                    Etxebarria set up Inaki Wil-       from its 1-1 draw at second-
ish league on Saturday, will                                                                                  liams to pull one back,            division club Mirandes.
have the return leg of the                                                                                    striker Aritz Aduriz soon lev-     Atletico Madrid visited
round-of-16 tie at its stadi-                                                                                 eled, and Aymeric Laporte          crosstown rival Rayo Valle-
um next week.                                                                                                 completed the comeback             cano late.q
Elsewhere, Athletic Bilbao,                                                                                   in the 81st.

Italian Roundup:

Dybala performs like Pirlo as Juventus wins 8th straight 

ANDREW DAMPF                    Milan, which won 1-0 at         Inter’s Mauro Icardi vies for the ball during an Italian Serie A                 by winning only three of its
AP Sports Writer                Empoli with a first-half goal   soccer match between Empoli and Inter Milan, in Empoli, Italy,                   opening 10 matches, Ju-
ROME (AP) — With Paulo          from Mauro Icardi.              Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2016.                                                         ventus appears on course
Dybala performing like An-      Second-place Fiorentina                                                                                          for a fifth consecutive title.
drea Pirlo, Juventus picked     was one point off the lead                                                           (AP Photo/Paolo Lazzeroni)  While the Bianconeri strug-
up right where it left off be-  following a 3-1 win at Pal-                                                                                      gled to overcome the de-
fore the holiday break.         ermo, where Josip Ilicic        tus in front with an accu-                    up matches with a free             partures of Pirlo and Carlos
Dybala scored with a curl-      scored twice.                   rate free kick eight minutes                  kick is very important after       Tevez at the start of the
ing free kick and also set      Napoli was third, level on      in, and Bonucci doubled                       a break of more than two           season, new players such
up a goal as Juventus           points with Fiorentina, af-     the lead before halftime by                   weeks.”                            as Dybala and Mario Man-
swept aside last-place Hel-     ter beating Torino 2-1 with     redirecting a free kick from                  Zaza sealed it for Juventus        dzukic have settled in.
las Verona 3-0 for its eighth   goals from Lorenzo Insigne      Dybala with a header.                         after being set up by Paul         In Empoli, Icardi found the
straight win in Serie A on      and Marek Hamsik.               “(Dybala) has been prac-                      Pogba eight minutes from           target from close range
Wednesday.                      Also, Roma wasted a two-        ticing free kicks,” Allegri                   the end.                           by redirecting a cross from
Leonardo Bonucci and            goal lead in a 3-3 draw at      said. “Being able to open                     After starting the season          Ivan Perisic.
Simone Zaza also scored         Chievo Verona to remain                                                                                          Having tied for the Serie A
for the four-time defending     fifth.                                                                                                           scoring lead with 22 goals
champion, which hadn’t          With Mario Balotelli still re-                                                                                   last season, Icardi has eight
played in 17 days.              covering from pelvis sur-                                                                                        goals from his 12 shots on
“The lads did well to get       gery, AC Milan was beaten                                                                                        target this term.
right back into the league,     1-0 at home by Bologna,                                                                                          It was the 10th time Inter
which is never easy after the   which got a late winner                                                                                          won with a one-goal ad-
holidays,” Juventus coach       from Emanuele Giaccheri-                                                                                         vantage this season.
Massimiliano Allegri said.      ni.                                                                                                              Empoli, which had won four
“We weren’t very sharp, es-     Elsewhere, it was: Lazio 0,                                                                                      straight, was dangerous at
pecially at the start, but we   Carpi 0; Sassuolo 2, Frosin-                                                                                     times but couldn’t find a
didn’t concede anything.”       one 2; and Udinese 2, Ata-                                                                                       way past Inter goalkeeper
Juventus remained three         lanta 1.                                                                                                         Samir Handanovic.q
points behind leader Inter      In Turin, Dybala put Juven-
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