Page 39 - min.vos 7 jan,2016
P. 39
SPORTSThursday 7 January 2016
Golfer Jason Day has his own act to follow at Kapalua
Jason Day hits from the second tee during the Tournament of Champions golf pro-am, Wednes- easy. Once I saw her, she was on
day, Jan. 6, 2016, at Kapalua Plantation Course on Kapalua, Hawaii. While everyone in the field the ground, she was kind
has played tournaments of freaking out a little bit
(AP Photo/Matt York) over the last few months about her neck, and once
because of the wrap- they started doing the test
DOUG FERGUSON “I’m very motivated to get year in grand style. around season, Day brings on her — she’s moving her
AP Golf Writer back to No. 1,” Day said This is the strongest field at rust to this island paradise. legs, hands, feet, arms — I
KAPALUA, Hawaii (AP) — Wednesday. Kapalua in 10 years, with He hasn’t competed since knew everything was go-
Jordan Spieth isn’t the only “I’m very motivated to win Spieth and Day at Nos. 1 Oct. 11 at the Presidents ing to be OK. She had post-
player with a tough act to as many tournaments as and 2 in the world, along Cup. He has played only concussion symptoms.”
follow. I can this year, and to be with Rickie Fowler, Dustin four holes, that was a Day said he left his house
Jason Day is coming off a more dominant player. Johnson, Bubba Watson, month ago in Florida during twice and both times he
a monster year of his own Whether it happens or not, British Open champion a corporate day. He chose was on TV.
with five victories, includ- we’ll see at the end of the Zach Johnson and defend- to stay home in Ohio as his That’s the price of stardom
ing his first major at the year. But I’m going to give ing champion Patrick Reed wife gave birth to their sec- that he earned last year
PGA Championship and it a good shot. I’m going to among the 32-man field of ond child, a daughter they with a performance that
a pair of FedEx Cup play- work my tail off every single PGA Tour winners from the named Lucy. was better than all but one
off events that gave him day to try and achieve previous year. That doesn’t mean he player.
a brief spell at No. 1 in the that.” Day, much like Spieth, wasn’t in the news. Spieth is under a brighter
world. The first step is the Hyundai wants a continuation from Day was spotted in Detroit glare in Hawaii because of
His goal for 2016 is more of Tournament of Champions, the previous year. for a Thursday night NFL his two majors and sweep
the same. A lot more. which kicks off the new Only it might not be as game against the Pack- of all the awards, though
ers. He was on the sidelines he is approaching the new
holding a camera from year as if the old one never
some TV connections he ended. In some respects, it
had. That was a big thrill. didn’t. Spieth tied for sev-
More famously, he had a enth in Shanghai to regain
courtside seat to watch the the No. 1 ranking, he tied
Cleveland Cavaliers, where for second in the Austra-
the most watched highlight lian Open and he finished
was LeBron James going fourth in the Bahamas.
hard after a loose ball and Spieth has specific goals
crashing into Day’s wife, El- that he only shares with
lie, sending her to the hos- his team. The big picture
pital. hasn’t changed.
Social media being what it “Got to close tournaments
is, Day caught some grief out, so it goes to victories,”
for not jumping in front of he said. “Certainly, you’ve
his wife. got to be there in a couple
“It happened so quick. I’m of major championships
going to do that?” he said. come Sunday and have a
“I’m not going to stop a chance to do what we did
260-pound guy that’s 6-8 this past year, which we
running full speed. Ellie took had a chance each of the
it like a champ, though. four Sundays.
“I’ve been close a lot and
Irish golfer Christy O’Connor Jr dies at 67 closed out a little, and
you’ve got to have the
LONDON (AP) — Christy ropean team earn a 14-14 “He was a pioneer for pro- Couples, which won him breaks go your way,” he
O’Connor Jr., the Irish golfer draw to retain the trophy as fessional Irish golfers and his only Ryder Cup point said.
who produced the shot of defending champion. inspired a generation of having been 1 down to the “But closing it out is some-
his career to help Europe After Couple conceded players.” American with three holes thing that’s a different
retain the Ryder Cup in the match, O’Connor The nephew of Irish golf- to play. mental edge than I really
1989, has died. He was 67. looked up to the sky, with er Christy O’Connor, “I said to Christy, ‘Come on, knew the last couple years
O’Connor died in his sleep his arms outstretched, and O’Connor Jr. didn’t finish one more good swing for prior to the 2015 season.”
while on holiday in Tenerife was brought to tears as he outside the top 100 of the Ireland’ and, of course, he Day can replace Spieth at
in Spain’s Canary Islands, was mobbed on the green. European Tour’s Order of hit the shot of his lifetime,” No. 1 in the world ranking
the European Tour said on “It was the greatest and Merit in his first 21 seasons Jacklin said. “We couldn’t by winning, or even finish-
Wednesday. most emotional moment following its inception in have retained it without ing second depending on
The crowning moment of of my professional life,” 1972. He won the Senior Brit- him, no doubt.” what Spieth does. The bat-
O’Connor’s career came O’Connor, who won four ish Open in 1999 and 2000, O’Connor’s other Ryder tle for No. 1 figures to take
at The Belfry in his second events in 28 years on the and won two titles on the Cup appearance was in place for at least the first
appearance for Europe at European Tour, said in 2010 Champions Tour in 1999. 1975. “Christy played in the few months of the season.
the Ryder Cup. of the 2-iron. “We’ve lost a true Irishman, shadow of his uncle but he As for his desire to win more
O’Connor hit a 2-iron from The Golf Union of Ireland character and golfer,” for- became a legend in his and become a domi-
the fairway to about 3 1/2 described O’Connor, who mer Ryder Cup player and own right, especially in Ire- nant player? He was aw-
feet at the 18th, helping became heavily involved captain Paul McGinley land,” Jacklin said. “He will fully close to that the final
him to win the hole and in golf course design, as “a said. also be remembered for his four months of last season,
secure a 1-up victory over gentleman, an iconic fig- O’Connor will forever be architecture, and his name when he won four times
Fred Couples. The point ure of Irish golf, and a true remembered for his 2-iron will live on for a long time to and never finished worse
helped Tony Jacklin’s Eu- ambassador.” from 229 yards against come.”q than 12th in his last nine
events. q