Page 7 - HOH
P. 7
local Thursday 22 december 2022
Kids Computer Coding Club, Aru CoderDojo, Receives Raspberry Pi Donation
2022 presented the gift that intelligence and computer
kept on giving for the com- skills.
puter coding kids of the Aru
CoderDojo club thanks to Aru CoderDojo
the donation of Raspber- Aru CoderDojo marks the
ry Pi computers made by official membership of
Aruba Bank N.V. to the Full Aruba within the global
Stack Vision Foundation. CoderDojo community.
The FREE computer coding
Aruba Bank N.V. (also sessions that are hosted by
known as Aruba Bank) do- Aru CoderDojo are called
nated ten (10) Raspberry a Dojo and the participants
Pi single-board computers are called ninjas. During
to Full Stack Vision Founda- the Dojo, ninjas learn how
tion of which five (5) were to code, develop web-
gifted to children of the sites, apps, programs, and
Aruban community and games, and explore tech-
two (2) were given to Pius nology in a fun and cre-
X School in Dakota for their ative way.
students. The Raspberry Pi Full Stack Vision Foundation
recipients who are all ac- Full Stack Vision Foundation
tive Aru CoderDojo club is a nonprofit organization
members that have con- with a focus on develop-
tinued to showcase out- ing skills for future jobs in
standing computer coding the borderless economy
skills are the Following: Da- by making Aruba digitally
cian Coffy, Ruarth Lampe, both the Oranjestad and teca Nacional Aruba for their deepest gratitude to intelligent. Full Stack Vision
Harshaan Lulla, Avastha San Nicolas locations of the the entire academic year Aruba Bank for the dona- executes their vision and
Motyani, and Sehej Moty- local library, Biblioteca Na- of 2021/2022 where chil- tion of the ten (10) Rasp- mission through the educa-
ani. The remaining three (3) cional Aruba. dren of Aruba, ages 7 to berry Pi computers. Thanks tion of Aruba’s youth and
Raspberry Pi computers are Aru CoderDojo sessions 17 years, could attend the to this gift numerous chil- children, as well as industry
being utilized during the were actively hosted on club for free. Full Stack Vi- dren of Aruba are continu- professionals, with a focus
Aru CoderDojo sessions at a biweekly basis at Biblio- sion Foundation expresses ing to enhance their digital on 21st century skills.q
SMFA signed new lease agreement for the ex-Botica Aruba monument
ORANJESTAD – During a press con-
ference yesterday at the building Yesterday at the same building
of ex-Botica Aruba on Steenweg they signed the lease agreement
19, a new agreement was signed with Cocolishi Studios to rent the
between Stichting Monumenten- top part of the building. “We are
fonds and Cocolishi Studios to very pleased to announce that we
lease the second floor of the build- reached a lease agreement with
ing for a new purpose. Cocolishi Studios so we can lease
the top part of the building”, Nava
Mircla Nava, PR, marketing & edu- indicated.
cation manager of SMFA explained
that in the beginning of December She commented that one of the
the foundation was already pres- biggest challenges faced by the
ent in Steenweg 19 to announce foundation regarding monuments
that the building, which recently is to find a purpose for these build-
was restored by SMFA, will see a ings. In this case, she mentioned
new purpose with the restaurant that they have a building that is
KOAL opening in the beginning of ideal, with two separate entranc-
2023 in the first floor of the building. es, and thus they could combine two different purposes: a produc- 50 years, namely Botica Aruba. Af-
tion studio and a restaurant. ter the pharmacy closed its doors,
“What makes us very happy is that it became El Mercado of Palais
the building will also be accessible Hindu. In 2015, Stichting Monumen-
to the public in the future, seeing tenfonds Aruba bought the build-
the functions that will be taking ing. For a while it was used as an
place in the building, namely a res- art atelier by BEAM, and then in
taurant and production company. 2020 the restoration of the façade
This way the history of ex-Botica began.
Aruba will continue for the future
generations”, she commented. Finalizing, Nava said that the fol-
lowing phase after signing the
The building at Steenweg 19 is a lease agreement will be for SMFA
monument from 1925 built by Ad- together with Cocolishi Studios to
dison Croes, who together with work on the renovation of the in-
Gustave Nouel began with the first terior, so that next year the official
pharmacy in Aruba that lasted for opening can take place.q