Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
LOCAL Thursday 22 december 2022
The amount of drugs intercepted by the navy in the Caribbean
Region continues to rise
en Coastguard Caribbean
Region. ARUBA
Zr.Ms. Holland during the CLEAN
period of 2 months has
already been able to in-
tercept almost 10.000 ki-
lograms of drugs. Zr.Ms.
Friesland managed to
prevent almost 4,000 kilos
from reaching the mar-
ket and Zr.Ms. Groningen
was good for capturing a
total of more than 21.000 IS MORE
kilograms.q DUSHI
The Royal Dutch Navy this In recent captures, a go- can authorities for persecu-
year has summed up on fast was again and again tion in the United States of
her name a record quan- detected by the maritime America. The intercepted
tity of intercepted drugs patrol aircraft of the Coast- quantity of drugs in the
in the Dutch Caribbean guard Dutch Caribbean meantime have been
Region. That happened Region. For this a helicop- b=destroyed.
in collaboration with inter- ter of the USA Coastguard
national partners. Zr.Ms. and the rapid FRISC- pow- Navy Patrol Ship
Holland encountered 4 erboats were deployed. Zr.Ms. Holland since the
transports in recent weeks, These managed to bring middle of October 2022
good for almost 3,000 kilos the drug transportations to is the Navy Patrol Ship in
of cocaine. This brings the a stop. the Dutch Caribbean Re-
total to almost 35,000 kilos gion. The Patrol ship during
of intercepted contraband The suspects were arrest- counter-drug operations
in 2022. ed on the pot. They were works closely together with
handed over to the Ameri- the American Coastguard