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Entrevista cu Jhonny Romero
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Pagina 5
Diaranson 5 di Augustus 2020 Email: Tel: 582-7800 Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin
Rapport Grant • Ainda ‘Plan B’
despues di
Thornton FASE no ta cla
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tabata • Casonan
conoci pa Covid-19
Parlamento lihe Pagina 3
• Hulanda ta
transferi NAf.
19.3 miyon pa
Pagina 4 Pagina 9
August 5, 2020
T: 582-7800 Aruba to me is...
Page 31
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
‘Too many are selfish’: U.S. nears 5 million virus cases
By PHIL MARCELO, CARLA alth experts say the pro-
K. JOHNSON and LISA MA- blem has been compoun-
RIE PANE ded by confusing and
Associated Press inconsistent guidance from
BOSTON (AP) — Fourth of politicians and a patch-
July gatherings, graduation work quilt of approaches
parties, no-mask weddings, to containing the scourge
crowded bars — there are by county, state and fede-
reasons the U.S. has rac- ral governments.
ked up more than 155,000 “The thing that’s madde-
coronavirus deaths, by far ning is country after coun-
the most of any country, try and state after state
and is fast approaching an have shown us how we
off-the-charts 5 million con- can contain the virus,” said
firmed infections, easily the Dr. Jonathan Quick of the
highest in the world. Duke Global Health Institu-
Many Americans have re- te, who is leading a pande-
sisted wearing masks and mic initiative for the Rocke-
social distancing, calling feller Foundation. “It’s not
such precautions an over- like we don’t know what
reaction or an infringement works. We do.” Members of the Nevada National Guard install social distancing stickers while setting up a new
on their liberty. Public he- temporary coronavirus testing site Monday, Aug. 3, 2020, in Las Vegas.
Continued on Page 25 Associated Press