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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 13 January 2018
            American Living:

            Has flu season, in full swing, reached its height?

                                                                                                   the  world.  Preliminary  esti-  crept up last week to push
                                                                                                   mates  suggested  the  vac-  flu  to  an  epidemic  level.
                                                                                                   cine  barely  worked  there,  Flu  reaches  that  threshold
                                                                                                   and  the  U.S.  was  again  most  winters,  even  during
                                                                                                   facing the same H3N2 virus  seasons  that  are  not  con-
                                                                                                   with the same flu shot.      sidered particularly bad.
                                                                                                   That  virus  caused  one  of  Hospitalizations  of  the  el-
                                                                                                   the  worst  U.S.  flu  seasons  derly  are  climbing.  So  far
                                                                                                   in  recent  years,  2014-15,  they’re  not  shooting  up
                                                                                                   when  the  vaccine  was  a  quite like they did in 2014-
                                                                                                   poor  match.  It  was  back  2015,  but  health  officials
                                                                                                   last winter but the vaccine  are watching the numbers
                                                                                                   was a better fit.            closely. The CDC estimates
                                                                                                   Health  officials  say  this  there are tens of thousands
                                                                                                   year’s  shot  targets  the  of  deaths  each  year  from
                                                                                                   strains  that  are  making  flu and pneumonia.
                                                                                                   Americans  sick,  primarily  One  suburban  San  Diego
                                                                                                   H3N2. How well it is working  case  shows  how  serious
                                                                                                   won’t  be  known  until  next  the flu can be. Jennifer Bur-
                                                                                                   month but it’s expected to  rough and her family didn’t
                                                                                                   be better than the 10 per-   get flu shots this year after
             Ana Martinez, a medical assistant at the Sea Mar Community Health Center, gives a patient a flu
             shot, Thursday, Jan. 11, 2018 in Seattle. According to an update by the Centers for Disease Control   cent Australia reported.  hearing  reports  that  sug-
             and Prevention released Friday, Jan. 12, 2018, flu is now widespread in every state except Hawaii,   The report out Friday shows  gested  it  might  not  work
             but the good news is the flu season appears to be peaking.                            (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)  flu and pneumonia deaths  very well this season.q

            By MIKE STOBBE               start and cases surged over
            AP Medical Writer            the  holidays.  Patients  who
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Flu  is  went to the ER at Palomar
            now  widespread  in  every  Medical     Center   Escon-
            state  except  Hawaii,  but  dido,  north  of  San  Diego,
            the  good  news  is  the  sea-  then  had  to  wait  as  long
            son appears to already be  as  nine  hours.  The  hospital
            peaking.                     this week took down a tent
            It’s  been  a  rough  few  it used to handle the over-
            weeks:  Hospitals  have  set  flow but is still seeing a lot of
            up tents to handle patient  patients with fevers, aches,
            overflow.  Doctors  are  put-  chills  and  other  flu  symp-
            ting  in  double  and  triple  toms.  “We’re  having  to
            shifts.  Ambulances  have  treat people in hallways, in
            been sidelined while para-   chairs,  wherever  we  have
            medics waited to drop off  space,” said Michelle Gun-
            patients.                    nett,  the  director  of  emer-
            “This  morning,  I  couldn’t  gency  services.  There’s  a
            stand  up.  I  was  really  tent  in  place  at  Kaweah
            weak,” said Margaret Sha-    Delta  Medical  Center  in
            fer, who went to a Seattle  the  Central  California  city
            emergency room this week  of  Visalia,  where  doctors
            after a bout with the flu was  this  week  have  been  pull-
            followed by pneumonia.       ing double and triple shifts
            But  an  update  out  Friday  to keep up.
            from  the  Centers  for  Dis-  “It’s like a MASH unit,” said
            ease  Control  and  Preven-  Dr. Ed Hirsch, the hospital’s
            tion shows patient traffic for  chief medical officer.
            flu is no longer skyrocketing  In  Chicago,  paramedics
            the  way  it  was  in  Decem-  have  been  forced  to  wait
            ber.                         at  ERs  with  patients  for  as
            “It  looks  like  it’s  starting  to  long  as  two  hours  for  an
            level  out,”  said  the  CDC’s  open spot. That means the
            Lynnette  Brammer,  who  ambulances can’t be used
            oversees flu tracking.       for  other  calls,  said  Larry
            Still,  flu  is  unpredictable.  Langford, a spokesman for
            “I  don’t  know  where  it  will  the city’s fire department.
            end up,” she added.          What  had  some  people
            Many flu seasons don’t re-   worried  about  this  U.S.  flu
            ally get going until around  season was the bad season
            Christmas,  and  don’t  cre-  last  year  in  Australia.  That
            scendo     until   February.  country  was  hit  hard  by  a
            That’s  how  last  year’s  flu  flu bug that’s notorious for
            season  played  out.  This  causing severe illness, and
            season  got  off  to  an  early  flu  viruses  spread  around
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