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                                                                                                       sports Dialuna 2 november 2020

                        Florida's Mullen's uneven month ends in Darth Vader costume

            (AP) — Florida coach Dan  "It  was  really  cool  just  to
            Mullen  dressed  as  Darth  see  my  teammates  have  my
            Vader  was  fitting  consid-  back," Trask said.
            ering his last three weeks.
                                         So  did  Mullen,  who  started
            Mullen showed up following  screaming at the officials and
            a 41-17 victory over Missouri  in the direction of the oppos-
            wearing a full "Star Wars" vil-  ing sideline.
            lain costume, complete with
            a  red  lightsaber.  He  even  "I was trying to get our play-
            launched  into  character  at  ers off the field to make sure
            the beginning and end of his  we  didn't  have  issues  and
            news conference.             have a whole bunch of guys
                                         suspended  (against  Geor-
            Mullen  insisted  he  chose  gia)," Mullen said. "We're al-
            the outfit long before he was  ready a paper-thin outfit right
            in  the  middle  of  a  halftime  now."
            scuffle  between  the  teams
            Saturday  night.  Ultimately,  Players from both teams con-
            though, he admitted his attire  verged near Missouri's side of
            was "suitable tonight," and he  the  field,  and  wild  punches                        a  day  of  practice  before  his  Mullen had to be pulled away
            wasn't just talking about Hal-  could be seen flying and con-  Mullen found new critics in  eighth-ranked  Gators  (3-1)  several times and was so irate
            loween.                      necting.  Only  three  players  the past week, many of them  play  Southeastern  Confer-  by  the  end  of  the  exchange
                                         were ejected. The SEC could  rebuking  his  stance  on  the  ence  rival  and  No.  5  Geor-  — anger can lead to the dark
            It was closer to perfect given  hand  down  more  punish-  NCAA's  mandate  regarding  gia (4-1) next week in Jack-  side — that he came back out
            the coach's uneven October,  ments following a review.    sports-related  activities  on  sonville,  a  game  that  likely  of the locker room tunnel for
            which  included  eyebrow-                                 Election  Day.  He  bemoaned  will determine who wins the  a  curtain  call.  Fans  chanted
            raising   comments    about  "It's  an  ugly  scene  for  foot-  altering  a  team  voting  event  East Division and plays in the  his  name  as  he  returned  to
            wanting  to  pack  the  Swamp  ball, an ugly scene for college  —  which  is  still  permissible  league title game.  the  field  for  the  start  of  the
            — Florida Field, not Dagobah  football,"  Missouri  coach  under  NCAA  rules  —  and                               third quarter.
            —  during  a  pandemic  and  Eli  Drinkwitz  said.  "I'm  not  made  it  clear  his  biggest  is-  "We've had to cancel a bunch
            questioning an NCAA deci-    proud of it. I don't know who  sue was having to adjust his  of  those  things  that  we  had  Two hours later, Mullen was
            sion  regarding  practicing  on  started it. We've got to figure  routine.             planned," Mullen said. "We've  celebrating  a  lopsided  vic-
            Election Day.                it out and we've got to get it  "What it does is it throws you  had to kind of redo this en-  tory and firing up the 12,049
                                         fixed. It's disappointing."  completely  off  your  game-  tire schedule. It messes with  on  hand  with  the  "Gator
            Mullen's  month  concluded                                week  routine,  which  obvi-  your  preparation,  the  physi-  Chomp."  Then  he  trans-
            with  a  lopsided  victory  that  It  was  the  latest  chapter  for  ously  to  me  is  very  danger-  cal preparation of the players  formed into Darth Vader, the
            was  marred  by  a  benches-  Mullen, who was ripped na-  ous  because  you're  out  for  and the safety of them getting  iconic villain who ends up re-
            clearing melee at halftime.  tionally  for  saying  he  hoped  the  health  of  the  kids,  the  ready for the game. Kind of  deeming himself by defeating
                                         to get 90,000 fans inside Flor-  buildup of the game," Mullen  disappointing the NCAA did  the evil emperor.
            It  started  when  Missouri's  ida Field  for a home game,  said. "You kind of have a set  that."
            Trajan   Jeffcoat   delivered  a  stance  he  refused  to  back  routine,  a  set  schedule,  you                   Maybe  that's  where  Mullen
            what looked like a high, late  down  from  until  four  days  practice  certain  ways  build-  Florida's  faithful  dismissed  ultimately  lands,  with  wins
            hit  on  Florida  quarterback  later.  Even  then,  he  apolo-  ing up to Saturday. And now  Mullen's  strong  and  some-  against  Georgia  and  poten-
            Kyle Trask after he released a  gized "if I offended anyone."  you can't do it, especially here  what questionable stances as  tially  Alabama.  He  might
            Hail Mary at the end of the                               in Florida where most of the  typical brashness for an out-  want  to  keep  the  lightsaber
            second quarter. The ball fell  Mullen  tested  positive  for  guys, most people … I've al-  spoken  coach  who's  focused  handy just in case.
            incomplete, and Trask landed  COVID-19  a  few  days  later  ready voted."             on  winning.  They  found  "Never  know  with  Coach
            hard  on  his  back.  His  line-  and  spent  nearly  two  weeks                       themselves  defending  him  Mullen," safety Brad Stewart
            men came to his defense.     in  quarantine,  which  some  It's  quite  possible  that  Mul-  again Saturday night.  said. "It's (always) a surprise."
                                         attributed to karma.         len's  real  gripe  was  losing                           Image: ESPN.

                         Arsenal beats Man U to end wait for EPL win at Old Trafford

            (AP)  —  Pierre-Emerick  United  1-0  on  Sunday  to  With  both  teams  playing  ing run of poor form for the  left post.
            Aubameyang  scored  the  secure  its  first  win  for  14  a  cautious  game,  a  foul  by  Gunners  when  facing  Eng-
            only goal of the game from  years in a Premier League  United midfielder Paul Pog-     land's  biggest  clubs  on  the  Arsenal needed a slice of luck
            the  penalty  spot  as  Arse-  match at Old Trafford.     ba turned out to be decisive  road. Arsenal's last win at Old  to cling on  to  its lead when
            nal beat hosts Manchester                                 when he kicked Hector Bel-   Trafford in an EPL game was  a mistimed block from Mo-
                                                                      lerin's foot in the penalty area.  in 2006, when Alex Ferguson  hamed  Elneny  bounced  off
                                                                      Aubameyang sent goalkeeper  and Arsene Wenger were the  goalkeeper  Bernd  Leno's
                                                                      David De Gea the wrong way  managers and current United  head and onto the post before
                                                                      with  his  69th-minute  spot-  manager Ole Gunnar Solsk-  being cleared.
                                                                      kick to give Arsenal the lead.  jaer  was  still  playing  for  the
                                                                      "It's a bad afternoon. We just  club.                     The  defeat  leaves  United
                                                                      gave the ball away too much,"                             with only seven points from
                                                                      United captain Harry Magu-   Arsenal had the better chanc-  its first six games of the sea-
                                                                      ire  told  Sky  Sports.  "If  you  es in a quiet first half Sunday,  son  with  fatigue  from  the
                                                                      give the ball away as much as  with  Aubameyang  narrowly  extended  2019-20  campaign
                                                                      we did, especially in the first  missing a cross at the far post  appearing to play a role.
                                                                      half, you're not going to win  after  a  mistimed  lunge,  and  Arsenal moved  closer to the
                                                                      games of football."          Willian  brushing  the  cross-  Champions  League  spots
                                                                                                   bar with a lob. Maguire could  following  its  first  victory  in
                                                                      Arsenal hadn't beaten United  have given United the lead in  three league games after loss-
                                                                      away since an FA Cup game  the  55th  but  his  header  at  a  es  to  Manchester  City  and
                                                                      in 2015, part of a longstand-  corner went just wide of the  Leicester.
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