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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 24 June 2024

            Abortion access has won when it’s been on the ballot. That’s

            not an option for half the states

            By    KIMBERLEE     KRUESI,                                                            nessee,   where   Republi-   In  Georgia,  Democratic
            CHRISTINE  FERNANDO  and                                                               cans have gerrymandered  Rep.  Shea  Roberts  said
            LEAH WILLINGHAM                                                                        legislative  districts  to  give  she  frequently  fields  ques-
            Associated Press                                                                       them a supermajority in the  tions  from  her  constituents
            CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) —                                                               statehouse, House Majority  asking  how  they  can  get
            Tucked inside the West Vir-                                                            Leader  William  Lamberth  involved  in  a  citizen-led
            ginia Statehouse is a copy                                                             likened  ballot  measures  to  ballot  measure.  The  inter-
            of  a  petition  to  lawmakers                                                         polls  rather  than  what  he  est  exploded  after  voters
            with  a  simple  request:  Let                                                         described  as  the  legisla-  in  Kansas  rejected  an  an-
            the voters decide whether                                                              ture’s strict review of com-  ti-abortion  measure  from
            to reinstate legal access to                                                           plicated policy-making.      the Legislature in 2022 and
            abortion.                                                                              “We  evaluate  bills  every  was rekindled last fall after
            The  request  has  been  ig-                                                           single year,” he said.       Ohio voters overwhelming-
            nored  by  the  Republican                                                             As  in  West  Virginia,  abor-  ly  passed  an  amendment
            lawmakers  who  have  su-                                                              tion-rights   supporters   or  codifying abortion rights in
            permajority  control  in  the   People gather in the parking lot of the Hamilton County Board of   Democratic   lawmakers  the state’s constitution.
            Legislature  and  banned     Elections as people arrive for early in-person voting in Cincinnati,   have  asked  Republican-  Yet  when  she  has  brought
                                         Nov. 2, 2023.
            abortions  in  the  state  in                                         Associated Press  controlled  legislatures  in  a  legislation  to  create  a  citi-
            2022,  shortly  after  the  U.S.                                                       handful  of  states  to  take  zen  initiative  process  in
            Supreme Court overturned  strongly  that  this  is  what  rect  say  in  about  half  the  the   abortion   question  Georgia,  the  efforts  have
            a constitutional right to the  people believe, prove it.”  states.                     straight  to  voters,  a  tac-  been  ignored  inside  the
            procedure.                   The  court’s  ruling  to  over-  This  is  particularly  true  for  tic  that  hasn’t  succeeded  Republican-controlled Leg-
            The  petition,  with  more  turn  Roe  v.  Wade  was  those living in the South. Re-   anywhere  the  GOP  has  a  islature.
            than 2,500 signatures, is es-  praised  by  abortion  op-  publican-controlled legisla-  majority.                  “Voters are constantly ask-
            sentially meaningless given  ponents as a decision that  tures, many of which have  “This means you’re going to  ing  us  why  we  can’t  do
            the current makeup of the  returned  the  question  to  been  heavily  gerryman-       say, ‘Hey Legislature, would  this,  and  we’re  constantly
            Legislature.  But  it  illustrates  the  states.  Former  Presi-  dered to give the GOP dis-  you like to give up some of  explaining that it’s not pos-
            the frustratingly limited op-  dent  Donald  Trump,  who  proportionate power, have  your power? Would you like  sible under our current con-
            tions  millions  of  Americans  named three of the justices  enacted some of the strict-  to  give  up  your  monopoly  stitution,”  Roberts  said.  “If
            face in trying to re-establish  who  overturned  Roe,  has  est abortion bans since the  on  policymaking?’”  said  almost  half  of  states  have
            abortion rights as the coun-  repeatedly  claimed  “the  Supreme Court ruling while  Thad  Kousser,  professor  of  this  process,  why  shouldn’t
            try marks the two-year anni-  people” are now the ones  shunning efforts to expand  political science at the Uni-   Georgians?”
            versary  since  the  Supreme  deciding abortion access.   direct democracy.            versity of California, San Di-  The contrast is on stark dis-
            Court’s ruling.              “The people are deciding,”  States began adopting the  ego. “You need a political  play  in  two  presidential
            West Virginia is among the  he  said  during  a  recent  initiative process during the  momentum and then have  swing states. Michigan vot-
            25 states that do not allow  interview  with  Fox  News  Progressive Era more than a  the process cooperate.”       ers  used  a  citizen  initiative
            citizen  initiatives  or  consti-  host Sean Hannity. “And in  century ago, giving citizens  In  South  Carolina,  which  to  enshrine  abortion  rights
            tutional  amendments  on  many ways, it’s a beautiful  a  way  to  make  or  repeal  bans  nearly  all  abortions,  in their state constitution in
            a  statewide  ballot,  an  av-  thing to watch.”          laws through a direct vote  a      Democratic-backed  2022. Voters in neighboring
            enue of direct democracy  But  that’s  not  true  every-  of  the  people.  Between  resolution  to  put  a  state  Wisconsin  don’t  have  that
            that  has  allowed  voters  to  where.  In  states  allowing  1898  and  1918,  nearly  20  constitutional  amendment  ability.
            circumvent their legislatures  the  citizen  initiative  and  states approved the citizen  on  the  ballot  never  got  a  Instead,  Wisconsin  Demo-
            and preserve abortion and  where abortion access has  initiative.  Since  then,  just  hearing this year. Attempts  crats,  with  a  new  liberal
            other reproductive rights in  been  on  the  ballot,  voters  five states have done so.  to  attach  the  proposal  to  majority  on  the  state  Su-
            a number of states over the  have resoundingly affirmed  “It  was  a  different  time,”  other  pieces  of  legislation  preme  Court,  are  working
            past two years.              the right to abortion.       said  John  Matsusaka,  pro-  were quickly shut down by  to  overturn  Republican-
            Republicans  there  have  Voters  in  seven  states,  in-  fessor  of  business  and  law  Republicans.             drawn legislative maps that
            repeatedly  dismissed  the  cluding  conservative  ones  at the University of Southern  “If you believe you are do-  are among the most gerry-
            idea  of  placing  an  abor-  such  as  Kentucky,  Mon-   California. “There was a po-  ing the right thing for all the  mandered in the country in
            tion-rights  measure  before  tana and Ohio, have either  litical movement across the  people of South Carolina —  the hope of eventually flip-
            voters, which in West Virgin-  protected abortion rights or  whole  country  when  peo-  men and women and ba-      ping the Legislature.
            ia is a step only lawmakers  defeated  attempts  to  cur-  ple were trying to do what  bies — you should have no  Analiese     Eicher,   direc-
            can take.                    tail them in statewide votes  they saw as good govern-    problem putting this to the  tor  of  communications  at
            “It  makes  you  wonder  over the past two years. Re-     ment.”                       people,”  said  Democratic  Planned Parenthood Advo-
            what they’re so afraid of,”  productive  rights  support-  Some  lawmakers  argue  Sen.  Margie  Bright  Mat-       cates  of  Wisconsin,  said  a
            said  Democratic  Del.  Kay-  ers are trying to put citizen  citizen  initiatives  bypass  thews, alleging that Repub-  citizen-led  ballot  measure
            la  Young,  one  of  only  16  initiatives  on  the  ballot  in  important checks and bal-  licans fear they would lose  process  would  have  been
            women in the West Virginia  several states this year.     ances  offered  through  the  if the issue went directly to  especially  valuable  for  her
            Legislature.  “If  they  feel  so  But voters don’t have a di-  legislative  process.  In  Ten-  voters.            cause.q
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