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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 24 June 2024
            Netanyahu  again  claims  the  U.S.  is  withholding  arms  shipments,

            days after Washington denies it

            By TIA GOLDENBERG                                                                      to Netanyahu’s comments.  crats to take a tougher line
            Associated Press                                                                       The official, who requested  against  Israel,  and  he  has
            TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Israeli                                                        anonymity to discuss a dip-  sharpened  his  warnings  to
            Prime Minister Benjamin Ne-                                                            lomatic issue, said U.S. offi-  Netanyahu  over  military
            tanyahu  told  his  Cabinet                                                            cials  were  looking  forward  tactics  in  the  Gaza  Strip.
            on  Sunday  that  there  had                                                           to  “constructive  consulta-  But  after  threatening  to
            been a “dramatic drop” in                                                              tions”  this  week  in  Wash-  impose  a  more  sweeping
            U.S. weapons deliveries for                                                            ington  with  Israel’s  visiting  ban on arms transfers over
            Israel’s  war  effort  in  Gaza,                                                       defense minister, Yoav Gal-  an  assault  on  Rafah,  the
            doubling down on a claim                                                               lant.                        administration  has  avoid-
            that  the  Biden  administra-                                                          Gallant,  a  rival  of  Netan-  ed  any  suggestion  that  Is-
            tion has denied and under-   People attend a protest against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin   yahu’s  inside  the  ruling  Li-  rael’s expanding push into
            scoring  the  growing  strains   Netanyahu’s government and demanding elections, in Tel Aviv,   kud party, was traveling to  the southern Gaza city has
            between the two allies.      Israel, Saturday, June 22, 2024.                          Washington on Sunday. His  crossed a red line.
            Netanyahu  told  his  Cabi-                                           Associated Press  office said he would discuss  During  an  election  year,
            net that the drop had oc-                                                              “maintaining  Israel’s  quali-  Biden  is  also  facing  critics
            curred  four  months  ago,  istration  fought  back  last  Netanyahu’s   video   last  tative  edge  in  the  region”  on the right who say he has
            without  specifying  which  week against Netanyahu’s  week  sparked  an  uproar  but  made  no  mention  of  moderated  his  support  for
            weapons,  saying  only  that  charges  that  other  ship-  among critics in Israel and  the weapons issue.          an essential Mideast ally.
            “certain  items  arrived  spo-  ments  had  also  been  af-  was  met  with  denial  and  The war in Gaza, which was  For  Netanyahu,  the  grow-
            radically  but  the  munitions  fected.                   confusion from White House  sparked by Hamas’ Oct. 7  ing  daylight  with  the  U.S.
            at large remained behind.”   Netanyahu  told  the  Cabi-  officials.  White  House  na-  attack  on  southern  Israel,  also poses political risks and
            The spat highlights how high  net  that  he  was  driven  to  tional  security  spokesman  has tested the U.S.-Israel re-  opportunities. His critics see
            tensions  have  surged  be-  release  a  video  in  English  John Kirby said the U.S. was  lationship like never before.  the  public  spats  as  the  re-
            tween Israel and Washing-    last week after weeks of un-  “perplexed”  by  Netanya-   While the U.S. has staunchly  sult of a leader prepared to
            ton  over  the  war  in  Gaza,  successful pleas with Amer-  hu’s  claims.  White  House  supported  Israel’s  aims  of  wreck  important  alliances
            particularly surrounding the  ican  officials  to  speed  up  press   secretary   Karine  freeing   hostages   taken  and tarnish Israel’s image in
            Israeli  military’s  conduct  deliveries. He said a resolu-  Jean-Pierre said, “We gen-  into  Gaza  and  defeating  the world for political gain.
            in  the  beleaguered  terri-  tion appeared close.        uinely  do  not  know  what  Hamas,  it  has  grown  in-  But the rift grants the long-
            tory  and  the  harm  to  civil-  “In  light  of  what  I  have  he’s talking about.”  creasingly concerned over  serving leader a chance to
            ian life there. President Joe  heard over the past day, I  A  White  House  official  on  the rising Palestinian death  show his base that he isn’t
            Biden has delayed deliver-   hope and believe that this  Sunday said the administra-   toll  and  the  humanitarian  beholden  to  the  U.S.  and
            ing  certain  heavy  bombs  matter will be solved soon,”  tion has repeatedly stated  crisis created by the war.    that he is putting Israel’s in-
            since  May  over  those  he  said,  without  elaborat-    its  position  on  the  matter,  Biden  has  felt  pressure  terests first.q
            concerns,  but  his  admin-  ing.                         and  declined  to  respond  from  progressive  Demo-

            Yemen’s  Houthi  rebels  target  ship  in  the  Gulf  of  Aden  as  the

            Eisenhower aircraft carrier heads home

            By JON GAMBRELL              a twice-extended tour.                                                                 However, many of the ships
            Associated Press             The captain of the ship tar-                                                           attacked  have  little  or  no
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-  geted late Friday saw “ex-                                                             connection  to  the  Israel-
            ates  (AP)  —  An  attack  by  plosions in the vicinity of the                                                      Hamas war.
            Yemen’s  Houthi  rebels  tar-  vessel,”  the  British  military’s                                                   The  Eisenhower,  based  in
            geted  a  commercial  ship  United  Kingdom  Maritime                                                               Norfolk, Virginia, is returning
            traveling  through  the  Gulf  Trade  Operations  center                                                            home  after  an  over  eight-
            of  Aden  but  apparently  said. A later briefing by the                                                            month deployment in com-
            caused  no  damage,  au-     U.S.-overseen  Joint  Mari-                                                            bat that the Navy says is its
            thorities  said  Saturday,  in  time  Information  Center                                                           most  intense  since  World
            the latest strike on the ship-  said  the  vessel  initially  re-  The  USS  aircraft  carrier  Dwight  D.  Eisenhower,  also  known  as   War II. The San Diego-based
            ping lane by the group.      ported  two  explosions  off   ‘IKE’, sails in the Red Sea on Wednesday, June 12, 2024.   USS  Theodore  Roosevelt
            The  Houthi  attack  comes  its port side and a third one                                          Associated Press  will  take  the  Eisenhower’s
            after  the  sinking  this  week  later.                                                                             place  after  a  scheduled
            of  the  ship  Tutor,  which  “The vessel was not hit and  The  U.S.  military  separate-  targeted  the  Houthis  since  exercise in the Indo-Pacific,
            marked  what  appears  to  sustained no damage,” the  ly  destroyed  three  drone  January,  with  a  series  of  said Pentagon press secre-
            be  a  new  escalation  by  center said. “The vessel and  boats  in  the  Red  Sea  over  strikes May 30 killing at least  tary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder.
            the Iranian-backed Houthis  crew  are  reported  to  be  the last day, Central Com-    16  people  and  wounding  The  Roosevelt  anchored
            in their campaign of strikes  safe  and  are  proceeding  mand said.                   42 others, the rebels say.   Saturday  in  Busan,  South
            on  ships  in  the  vital  mari-  to their next port of call.”  The Houthis have launched  In   March,   the   Belize-  Korea,  amid  Seoul’s  ongo-
            time corridor over the Isra-  The Houthis, who have held  more  than  60  attacks  tar-  flagged  Rubymar  carrying  ing tensions with North Ko-
            el-Hamas  war  in  the  Gaza  Yemen’s  capital,  Sanaa,  geting specific vessels and  fertilizer  became  the  first  rea.
            Strip.                       since 2014, claimed the at-  fired  off  other  missiles  and  to sink in the Red Sea after  The  Eisenhower  had  al-
            Meanwhile, the U.S. military  tack  Saturday  night.  Brig.  drones  in  their  campaign  taking  on  water  for  days  ready  reached  the  Medi-
            ordered the USS Dwight D.  Gen. Yahya Saree, a Houthi  that has killed a total of four  following a rebel attack.   terranean  Sea,  said  a  U.S.
            Eisenhower,  the  aircraft  military  spokesman,  identi-  sailors.  They  have  seized  The  Houthis  have  main-  official, who spoke on con-
            carrier  leading  America’s  fied the vessel targeted as  one  vessel  and  sunk  two  tained  that  their  attacks  dition  of  anonymity  to  dis-
            response  to  the  Houthi  at-  the  bulk  carrier  Transworld  since  November.  A  U.S.-  target ships linked to Israel,  cuss ship movements.q
            tacks, to return home after  Navigator.                   led  airstrike  campaign  has  the United States or Britain.
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