Page 39 - min.jus sept 4,2015
P. 39

                                                                                                                                                                        Friday 4 September 2015

Kentucky clerks to license marriages as their boss is jailed 

Edgar Orea, left, and Dwayne D. Beebe-Franqui argue on the steps of the Carl D. Perkins Federal                                  In a landmark ruling,           jected the comparison.
Building in Ashland, Ky., Thursday, Sept. 3, 2015. Orea, a supporter of Rowan County Clerk Kim Da-                               the  U.S. Supreme Court on      “Ms. Davis is in an unfortu-
vis, and Beebe-Franqui a supporter of same sex marriage were waiting for the arrival of Kim Davis                                June 26 found that gay          nate situation of her own
in Federal Court. Davis and her deputy clerks have been summoned to a hearing Thursday before                                    marriage bans are uncon-        creation. She is not a mar-
Judge David Bunning. Davis stopped issuing licenses to all couples in June after the U.S. Supreme                                stitutional and the vast        tyr. No one created a mar-
Court legalized gay marriage.                                                                                                    majority of government of-      tyr today,” Landenwich
                                                                                                                                 ficials around the country      said. “She is not above the
                                                                                                   (AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley)  have since adhered to that      law.”
                                                                                                                                 ruling.As word of Davis’        Speaking earlier from the
                                                                                                                                 jailing spread outside the      bench, Bunning said it
                                                                                                                                 federal courthouse, hun-        would set up a “slippery
                                                                                                                                 dreds of people chanted         slope” to allow an individu-
                                                                                                                                 and screamed, “Love won!        al’s ideas to supersede the
                                                                                                                                 Love won!”                      courts’ authority.
                                                                                                                                 But Davis’ lawyer, Roger        “Her good faith belief is
                                                                                                                                 Gannam, compared her            simply not a viable de-
                                                                                                                                 willingness to accept im-       fense,” Bunning said. “I my-
                                                                                                                                 prisonment to what Martin       self have genuinely held
                                                                                                                                 Luther King Jr. did to ad-      religious beliefs ... but I took
                                                                                                                                 vance civil rights, and said    an oath.”
                                                                                                                                 “everyone should lament         “Mrs. Davis took an oath,”
                                                                                                                                 and mourn the fact that         he added. “Oaths mean
                                                                                                                                 her freedom has been tak-       things.”
                                                                                                                                 en away for what she be-        Davis is represented by
                                                                                                                                 lieves.”                        the Liberty Counsel, which
                                                                                                                                 Laura Landenwich, an at-        advocates in court for reli-
                                                                                                                                 torney for the plaintiffs, re-  gious freedom. q

ADAM BEAM                      will not allow” her to follow   But Kim Davis rejected the
Associated Press               federal court rulings on gay    offer, choosing jail instead.
ASHLAND, Kentucky (AP)         marriage.                       With that, the hearing
— A defiant county clerk       “God’s moral law conflicts      ended, and gay and les-
went to jail Thursday for re-  with my job duties,” Da-        bian couples vowed to ap-
fusing to issue marriage li-   vis told the judge before       pear at the Rowan County
censes to gay couples, but     she was taken away. “You        clerk’s office yet again Fri-
five of her deputies agreed    can’t be separated from         day, to see if the deputy
to end the church-state        something that’s in your        clerks keep their promises.
standoff in Rowan County,      heart and in your soul.”        “We’re going to the court-
Kentucky.                      The judge later tried to        house tomorrow to get
U.S. District Judge David      keep Davis out of jail after    our marriage license and
Bunning said he had no         all, saying she could go        we’re very excited about
choice but to jail Kim Davis   free if her staff agreed to     that,” said April Miller, who
for contempt after she in-     comply with the law and         has been engaged to Kar-
sisted that her “conscience    she agreed not to interfere.    en Roberts for 11 years.


Democratic support piles up for Iran deal

ERICA WERNER                   wide relief from economic       United States must recog-
Associated Press               sanctions.                      nize that to make this deal
WASHINGTON (AP) — Now          The announcement from           work, we must be more vig-
a done deal, the Iran nu-      Booker, in particular, was      ilant than ever in fighting
clear agreement gained         closely watched because         Iranian aggression.”
critical backing from three    he was under immense            Warner and Heitkamp
more Democratic senators       pressure from segments of       added their voices not
Thursday, deflating oppo-      the Jewish community in his     long after. Warner called
nents and boosting White       home state of New Jersey        the accord negotiated
House hopes of blocking        to oppose the deal, and         by the United States, Iran,
a disapproval resolution       New Jersey’s other Demo-        Britain, France, Germany,
in the Senate and sparing      cratic senator, Bob Menen-      Russia and China “the best
President Barack Obama         dez, is an outspoken oppo-      option for advancing the
from resorting to a veto.      nent.                           goal of keeping Iran from
Democratic Sens. Cory          In a statement, Booker          obtaining a nuclear weap-
Booker, Mark Warner and        voiced deep reservations        on.” Heitkamp declared:
Heidi Heitkamp announced       but concluded: “It is better    “If we reject this deal, Iran
their support in quick suc-    to support a deeply flawed      will be closer to develop-
cession for the deal that      deal, for the alternative       ing a nuclear weapon, and
aims to curb Iran’s nuclear    is worse. Thus, I will vote in  we will reduce our standing
program in exchange for        support of the deal. But the    and authority in the world.”
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