Page 40 - min.jus sept 4,2015
P. 40


U.S. NEWSFriday 4 September 2015

Clinton camp urged ex-State Dept. employee to testify                                                                                               Trio charged with
                                                                                                                                                  running $54M green
MATTHEW DALY                    Former Clinton chief of staff during her tenure as secretary of                  cluding the U.S. ambassa-         energy Ponzi scam 
Associated Press                state, Cheryl Mills, right, arrives to be interviewed before a House             dor to Libya. The investiga-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Aides         panel on the Benghazi investigation on Capitol Hill in Washing-                  tion has widened in recent      PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Three
to Democratic presiden-         ton, Thursday, Sept. 3, 2015. Others shown are unidentified.                     months to focus on  Clin-       people were charged
tial candidate Hillary Rod-                                                                                      ton’s use of a private email    Thursday with running a $54
ham  Clinton  urged a for-                                                               (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)  account and server.             million Ponzi scheme built
mer State Department                                                                                             Clinton  has dismissed both     on promises of a green
employee who helped set         spoke only on condition of    asked not to be identified                         controversies as “partisan      energy technology that
up her private email server     anonymity.                    when discussing personnel                          games.”                         would turn trash into fuel
while she was secretary of      Attorneys for Pagliano sent   matters.                                           She also has said she re-       and “carbon-negative”
state to appear before a        the committee a letter        Rep. Elijah Cummings,                              grets using a personal          housing developments,
congressional investigative     Monday saying their client    the top Democrat on the                            email account to conduct        neither of which were ever
panel, but the former staff-    would not testify at a hear-  Benghazi panel, said he                            government business.            fully developed, federal
er has said he will assert his  ing planned for next week.    was not surprised that Pa-                         Nick Merrill, a spokesman       prosecutors said.
constitutional right not to     The panel subpoenaed Pa-      gliano would refuse to tes-                        for  Clinton’s  campaign,       Troy Wragg, 34, of Geor-
testify.                        gliano last month. Pagliano   tify, given the “wild and un-                      said in a statement Thurs-      gia; Amanda Knorr, 32, of
Clinton, the Democratic         was a State Department        substantiated accusations”                         day that  Clinton  and her      Pennsylvania; and Wayde
front-runner for the 2016       employee from 2009 to         against Clinton.                                   team “have been confi-          McKelvy, 52, of Colorado
nomination, has been            2013 and is now a private     The special committee was                          dent from the beginning         were charged with wire
dogged by criticism about       contractor working in the     established last year to in-                       that Clinton’s use of a per-    and securities fraud and
her use of a private email      department’s Bureau of        vestigate the Obama ad-                            sonal email was allowed         conspiracy.
server for government busi-     Information Resource Man-     ministration’s response to                         and that she did not send       Prosecutors said the trio
ness during her tenure as       agement, according to a       the Benghazi attacks that                          or receive anything marked      lied to investors that their
secretary of state, and she     department official who       killed four Americans, in-                         classified, facts confirmed     “biochar” technology and
has struggled to explain her                                                                                     by the State Department         “carbon-negative” hous-
decision.                                                                                                        and the inspector general”      ing in Tennessee made mil-
The response of Bryan Pa-                                                                                        for the department.             lions, but they had almost
gliano to a committee sub-                                                                                       Clinton  “has made every        no earnings and used the
poena was unwelcome                                                                                              effort to answer questions      money to repay earlier in-
news to  Clinton  aides who                                                                                      and be as helpful as pos-       vestors and for themselves.
had pressed him to be in-                                                                                        sible, and has encouraged       The scam allegedly ran
terviewed by the Repubi-                                                                                         her aides, current and for-     from 2005 until 2009, even
can-led panel investigat-                                                                                        mer, to do the same, in-        after the Securities and Ex-
ing the deadly 2012 terrorist                                                                                    cluding Bryan Pagliano,”        change Commission filed a
attack in Benghazi, Libya.                                                                                       Merrill said.                   civil lawsuit against Wragg
The aides were not autho-                                                                                        Clinton  is set to testify be-  and Knorr’s Mantria Corp.
rized to publicly discuss                                                                                        fore the Benghazi commit-       They were ordered in 2012
private conversations and                                                                                        tee next month.q                to pay $37 million each.
                                                                                                                                                 “The scheme alleged in
Report: Church shooting suspect to face death penalty                                                                                            this indictment offered in-
                                                                                                                                                 vestors the best of both
MEG KINNARD                     state, adult and juvenile     in that system. U.S. Attorney                      A federal indictment says       worlds — investing in sus-
Associated Press                criminal record and other     General Loretta Lynch has                          Roof planned for months         tainable and clean energy
COLUMBIA, South Carolina        conduct, as well as his ap-   said federal charges were                          to increase racial tensions     products while also mak-
(AP) — The white man ac-        parent lack of remorse for    necessary to adequate-                             throughout the country          ing a profit,”  U.S. Attorney
cused of killing nine black     the killings.                 ly address a motive that                           and seek retribution for per-   Zane Memeger said in a
churchgoers during a Bible      Roof faces state charges in-  prosecutors believe was                            ceived wrongs he thought        news release. “Unfortu-
study will face the death       cluding nine murder counts    unquestionably rooted in                           had been committed              nately for the investors, it
penalty, according to court     in the June 17 slayings at    racial hate. South Carolina                        against white people.           was all a hoax and they
documents filed Thursday.       Emanuel African Methodist     has no state hate crimes                           And when it came to pick-       lost precious savings. These
The documents said pros-        Episcopal Church.             law.                                               ing a target, he purpose-       defendants preyed on the
ecutors would pursue the        He is expected in court       Roof is white and purport-                         fully selected the historic     emotions of their victims
death penalty against           again on those charges in     edly wrote online of fo-                           church — a centuries-old        and sold them a scam.”
Dylann Roof, 21, because        October.                      menting racial violence,                           religious institution rooted    The investors got back
more than two people            He also faces federal         and federal authorities                            in South Carolina history —     about $6 million in June as
were killed, and that oth-      charges including hate        have said he used a per-                           “in order to make his attack    part of a class-action law-
ers’ lives were put at risk.    crimes and obstruction of     sonal manuscript in which                          more notorious,” according      suit against former Mantria
Prosecutors also said they      the practice of religion,     he decried integration and                         to the indictment. Survivors    employees, according to
intended to present evi-        some of which are also eli-   used racial slurs to refer to                      told police he used racial      attorney Patrick Howard.
dence on Roof’s mental          gible for the death penalty   blacks.                                            insults during the attack.q     Wragg and Knorr were not
                                                                                                                                                 part of that suit.q
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