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Wednesday 28 december 2022 locAl
The Dabajuroid style EpisodeCLXXXVI186
Etnia Nativa, through Island Insight, shares native cul- Then, by adding water, we purify the
tural awareness, educates and safeguards Aruba’s material, thus contributing to the clean-
heritage, and encourages readers to experiment with ing process. During this stage, the clay is
an island keeper state of mind. Live and discover the purified, detoxified, and dehydrated to
true destination values behind our beaches. Discover the point where it is ready to be molded
more reasons to love Aruba through this native cultural into the desired shapes.
Consider tracing cultural and social
In this episode, we will try to share our perspective re- transformations through works that in-
garding the native art of Aruba. Several series of ce- corporate all four major elements:
ramic designs have been discovered in the archaeo- earth, wind, fire, and water—a method
logical field. These one-of-a-kind decorations define that connects us with our ancestral ori-
an era as well as a cultural heritage identity. In Aruba, gins through this simple and abundant
our Caquetian ancestors developed an original style material called clay, a billion-year-old
clsified as Dabajuroid by prehistory scholars, a name material that gives our planet its name.
related to the nearby city of Dabajuro in the south-
western region of the Venezuelan state of Falcón. Every handmade piece is a unique ce-
ramic design, pride it owner. For Etnia
The designs used in our Etnia Nativa gallery are based such large pots in a simple open-air kiln. Nativa working with clay teaches us to
on geometric decorations and motifs in the Dabaju- As soon as temperature differences de- be calm and relaxed in order to focus in
roid style. By understanding decoration as a commu- velop within such kilns, large pots like to ourselves.
nicative instrument, our designs and productions start these are prone to crack. The decorat-
from the moment we locate the right source, to extract ed pottery was finer and of superb qual- Now if you have been touched by our
the same raw earth material that would have gener- ity. Two main decorating techniques island`s life and you’re intrigued by its
ated the products according to the procedure of the have been applied: painted designs origins and cultural heritage, we en-
ancestral inhabitants of the island, who used local clay and applique modeling. The painted courage you to do something different
for their ceramic vessels and ritual objects. parts are mostly darker compared to outside the tourist grid. Become one of
the background color or lighter color of the exclusive visitors to the Etnia Nativa
The Dabajuro style is among the most complex works in the boat. Colors such as brown, reddish Experience, a private residential setting
this region. The classic painted on designs were made brown, red, and black were used. The where you will be able to touch and be
in red, black or white, including various forms of inci- other decoration technique is model- touched by an authentic Aruban as-
sion, applications and stippling were also part of their ing. From simple motifs like wavy edges semblage of native art, archaic as well
pottery décor. and extra application rings around the as archaeological artifacts, lithic tools,
edge of the vessel, more complex works colonial furniture, and other collections.
The larger pots demonstrate the mastery and excel- like interpreting stylized animal heads Get connected inside a recycled envi-
lence of the Dabajuro potters, as it is difficult to bake like frogs, bats, birds, and turtles were ronment full of peace and relaxation,
created. knowledge, information, and a ground-
ed lifestyle.
The clay works in our peculiar and
unique museum reflect our energy in a Anthony, our acclaimed columnist, lo-
mystical silence. Every shape and detail cal artist, and island expert, has lived on
printed on what we create says some- Etnia Nativa since 1994, and he guides
thing about who we are and what we and lectures his guests through his re-
represent as a cultural entity. Working splendent home.The sole place to rec-
with clay is a work of self-knowledge reate and be introduced to an authen-
where creativity arises through emo- tic glimpse into native Aruba Something
tion and fluidity. Etnia Nativa treats raw completely different for a change—a
clay in the traditional indigenous way. contemporary Native Aruba experi-
We identify the best material by look- ence! An appointment is required. +
ing for raw clay. For this, we distinguish 297 592 2702 or.etnianativa03@gmail.
high-quality clay from the rest of the soil. comq