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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 28 december 2022
            Aruba conquers Muay Thai championship in Quito, Ecuador

            ORANJESTAD  –  Last  week,                                                                                          Aruba had a great perfor-
            in  a  friendly  atmosphere,                                                                                        mance in the South Ameri-
            minister  of  Sport,  Mr.  Endy                                                                                     can Muay Thai champion-
            Croes received a visit from                                                                                         ships,  winning  various  titles
            Aruba  athletes  who  fought                                                                                        and the champion belt.
            in  the  international  WWC
            Battle of the Grand Cham-                                                                                           Minister  Endy  Croes,  in  the
            pion  Warrior  of  the  World                                                                                       name  of  the  government
            Championship in Quito, Ec-                                                                                          of  Aruba,  awarded  the
            uador.                                                                                                              athletes  a  commemora-
                                                                                                                                tive  medal  as  a  token  of
            Present during this meeting                                                                                         gratitude  and  apprecia-
            was the president of Muay                                                                                           tion for their excellent per-
            Thai  in  Aruba,  Mrs.  Rutmila                                                                                     formance.  The  minister  of
            Gonzalez, Stacy Hassel and                                                                                          Sport  congratulated  them
            Roony  Boye.  Some  weeks                                                                                           for  their  achievement  for
            ago,  the  athletes  from                                                                                           our country. q

            University of Aruba and Utrecht School for Administration and

            Organization collaborate on research project in Aruba

            ORANJESTAD  –  On  the  15th  of  December,                                                     Mieke de Droog together with the rector of the
            students of the University of Aruba and the Utrecht                                             University  of  Aruba,  dr.  Viola  Heutger  opened
            School  for  Administration  and  Organization                                                  the  symposium.  The  students  presented
            presented  the  results  of  their  investigation  on                                           their  results,  where  those  present,  including
            good governance done in Aruba.                                                                  organizations  who  took  part  in  the  research,
                                                                                                            asked questions and exchanged opinions. The
            The research project was collaboration between                                                  symposium was successful, with representatives
            the  Utrecht  School  for  Administration  and                                                  from  different  organizations  appreciating  and
            Organization  and  the  University  of  Aruba  and                                              applauding the work done by the students.
            was organized by the Dutch students. During the
            months  of  November  and  December,  groups                                                    Finally, the students thanked the organizations
            of students carried out research on successful                                                  that made this research possible: Stichting voor
            governance  practices  in  Aruba,  namely                                                       Verstandelijk  Gehandicapten  Aruba  ,  Famia
            positive  aspects  of  governance  in  Aruba.  In                                               Planea  Aruba,  Formacion  Social,  Horacio
            the last two months they carried out interviews  in order to define the success factors and what  Oduber  Hospital  Aruba,  Aruba  National  Park
            and observations in different sectors of public  can be learned from this for the future.       Foundation,  Scubble  Bubbels  Foundation,
            service. They analyzed what were the aspects                                                    Censo  Aruba,  Aruba  Tourism  Authority,  Aruba
            that help different organizations be successful  The  goal  of  the  investigation  was  to  learn  Today and CEDE Aruba. A special thanks goes
                                                            about  the  public  service  sector  in  Aruba  and  out  to  the  team  of  the  University  of  Aruba,
                                                            promote academic collaboration between the  Mieke  de  Droog,  Nurianne  Arias,  Luc  Alofs,
                                                            universities.  The  topic  of  research  was  chosen  Thaïs Franken and from the University of Utrecht,
                                                            to empower and contribute to the community  Professor  Wieger  Bakker  and  Drs.  Nienke
                                                            of Aruba. The collaboration offered the unique  Kuitenbrouwer. q
                                                            opportunity for students to develop and apply
                                                            their  knowledge  and  abilities  to  carry  out
                                                            research in a multicultural environment.

                                                            To conclude the research project, the students
                                                            presented their results at the University of Aruba
                                                            on the 15th of December. There were 10 groups
                                                            in total who presented their results, where the
                                                            dean  of  the  Faculty  of  Arts  and  Science,  dr.
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