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A28    u.s. news
                   Diamars 1 Februari 2022

                           Georgia DA investigating Trump asks FBI for security help

                                                                      ever had in Washington, D.C,  with  county  officials  on  the  tia  James,  who  recently  said
                                                                      in New York, in Atlanta and  need for extra security mea-  her office has uncovered evi-
                                                                      elsewhere, because our coun-  sures as the investigation pro-  dence that Trump’s company
                                                                      try and our elections are cor-  gresses.                  used “fraudulent or mislead-
                                                                      rupt,” Trump said.                                        ing” valuations of his proper-
                                                                                                   But  she  said  security  con-  ties  to  secure  loans  and  tax
                                                                      The comments were particu-   cerns  were  “escalated”  over  benefits. That includes play-
                                                                      larly  notable  given  Trump’s  the  weekend  as  Trump  fo-  ing a video at a previous rally
                                                                      role  in  inciting  the  Jan.  6,  cused  on  the  prosecutors  that  features  footage  of  her
                                                                      2021,  storming of the Capi-  looking into his actions, call-  vowing to take on Trump as
                                                                      tol building. Trump also sug-  ing  them  “vicious,  horrible  she ran for election.
                                                                      gested he might pardon those  people”  and  “racists.”  The
                                                                      charged for their role in the  rhetoric  is  especially  alarm-  Trump  did  not  mention
                                                                      riot  if  he  runs  for  president  ing, Willis wrote, in light of  James,  Willis,  or  any  of  the
                                                                      again and wins reelection.   Trump’s suggestion that if he  others by name Saturday.
                                                                                                   returns to the White House,
                                                                      Willis last year opened an in-  he  could  give  pardons  to  Willis  has  declined  to  speak
                                                                      vestigation into any potential  people who stormed the U.S.  about the specifics of her in-
                                                                      attempts to improperly influ-  Capitol last year in an effort  vestigation,  but  in  a  recent
                                                                      ence  the  2020  general  elec-  to  block  the  certification  of  interview  with  The  Associ-
                                                                      tion in Georgia by Trump and  Biden’s win.                ated  Press,  she  confirmed
            (AP)  —  The  prosecu-       the FBI to provide protective  his associates. A special grand                         that its scope includes — but
            tor  who’s  investigating  resources, “to include intelli-  jury  is  set  to  be  seated  May  “We  must  work  together  to  is not limited to — a Jan. 2,
            whether  Donald  Trump  gence and federal agents.”        2 to aid in that investigation  keep the public safe and en-  2021,  phone  call  between
            and  others  broke  the  law                              and  Willis  asked  the  FBI  to  sure  that  we  do  not  have  a  Trump and Georgia Secretary
            by trying to pressure Geor-  At  his  rally  Saturday  night  take  the  steps  she  requested  tragedy  in  Atlanta  similar  to  of  State  Brad  Raffensperger,
            gia  officials  to  overturn  outside  Houston,  Trump  well in advance of that date.  what happened at the United  a November 2020 phone call
            Joe  Biden’s  presidential  lashed out against the ongo-                               States  Capitol  on  January  6,  between  U.S.  Sen.  Lindsey
            election  victory  is  asking  ing  investigations  in  New  “My  staff  and  I  will  not  be  2021,” Willis wrote in the let-  Graham  and  Raffensperger,
            the  FBI  for  security  help  York,  Georgia  and  Washing-  influenced  or  intimidated  ter to the FBI.          the abrupt resignation of the
            after the former president  ton  and  called  on  his  sup-  by  anyone  as  this  investiga-                       U.S.  attorney  in  Atlanta  on
            railed against prosecutors  porters to stage mass protests  tion  moves  forward,”  Willis  Jenna  Sellitto,  a  spokesper-  Jan.  4,  2021,  and  comments
            investigating him.           if  he  is  mistreated  by  them.  wrote.                 son  for  the  FBI  in  Atlanta,  made during December 2020
                                         In  her  letter,  Willis  quoted                          confirmed receipt of the let-  Georgia  legislative  commit-
            Fulton  County  District  At-  comments  Trump  made  at  She added that her office has  ter but declined to comment  tee hearings on the election.
            torney  Fani  Willis  on  Sun-  the rally.                already taken steps to address  further.
            day wrote a letter to the FBI                             security  concerns  “consider-                            In  a  statement  earlier  this
            office in Atlanta asking for a  “If these radical, vicious, rac-  ing  the  communications  we  In  his  pushback  against  the  month,  Trump  said  his  call
            risk assessment of the county  ist  prosecutors  do  anything  have  received  from  persons  various  investigations  cen-  to  Raffensperger  was  “per-
            courthouse,  where  her  of-  wrong or illegal, I hope we are  unhappy  with  our  commit-  tered  on  him,  Trump  has  fect” and said he did not say
            fice  is  located,  and  govern-  going to have in this country  ment  to  fulfill  our  duties.”  taken particular aim at New  anything wrong. Graham has
            ment  center.  She  also  asked  the  biggest  protest  we  have  She  said  she’s  also  working  York  Attorney  General  Leti-  also denied any wrongdoing.

                       Ahmaud Arbery’s parents object to DOJ’s hate crime plea deal

            (AP)  —  Federal  prosecu-                                ments  were  filed  with  the                             Arbery because they reason-
            tors have proposed a plea  “Ahmaud  is  a  kid  you  can-  court late Sunday. There was  A  national  outcry  erupted  ably  suspected  he  had  been
            agreement  that  would  not  replace,”  Arbery  said.  no  mention  of  a  deal  with  when  the  graphic  video  committing  crimes  in  their
            avert  a  hate  crimes  trial  “He  was  killed  racially  and  their  co-defendant,  William  leaked  online  two  months  neighborhood. Travis McMi-
            for  the  son  and  father  we want 100% justice, not no  “Roddie”  Bryan.  No  details  later. Georgia was one of just  chael testified he opened fire
            convicted  of  murdering  half justice.”                  were disclosed in court Mon-  four  U.S.  states  without  a  only  after  Arbery  attacked
            Ahmaud  Arbery. His par-                                  day  morning.  Federal  pros-  hate  crimes  law  at  the  time.  him  with  fists  and  tried  to
            ents  denounced  the  deal  Cooper-Jones  described  the  ecutors  didn’t  mention  the  Legislators  quickly  approved  grab his shotgun.
            on Monday, and the judge  U.S.  Justice  Department’s  deals in the court’s morning  one, but it came too late for
            proceeded  with  plans  to  decision to propose the plea  session.                     state  hate  crime  charges  in  The  federal  judge  ordered
            summon  potential  jurors  deal despite her objections as                              Arbery’s killing.            that  a  jury  pool  be  chosen
            next week.                   “disrespectful.”             Federal  deals  would  not  af-                           from throughout the South-
                                                                      fect state murder convictions  During the state trial in Glynn  ern  District  of  Georgia,
            Arbery’s   mother,   Wanda  “I fought so hard to get these  in Arbery’s killing. All three  County  Superior  Court,  the  which covers 43 counties, to
            Cooper-Jones,  will  ask  the  guys  in  the  state  prison,”  men were sentenced to life in  defense argued that the white  improve odds of seating a fair
            judge when the pretrial hear-  she  said.  “I  told  them  very,  prison  on  Jan.  7  after  a  trial  men  had  authority  to  chase  and unbiased jury.
            ing  resumes  Monday  after-  very adamantly that I wanted  last fall.
            noon  to  reject  the  deal,  her  them to go to state prison and
            lawyer, Lee Merritt, told re-  do their time. ... Then I got  The  hate  crime  charges  ac-
            porters  outside  the  federal  up  this  morning  and  found  cuse McMichaels and Bryan
            courthouse in Brunswick.     out they had accepted this ri-  of  violating  the  25-year-old
                                         diculous plea.”              Black  man’s  civil  rights  by
            The slain man’s father, Mar-                              chasing  him  through  their
            cus Arbery, told reporters he’s  U.S. District Judge Lisa God-  neighborhood   in   coastal
            “mad  as  hell”  over  the  deal,  bey  Wood  continued  prepa-  Georgia  on  Feb.  23,  2020.
            which Merritt said could en-  rations  to  summon  sum-   The    McMichaels    armed
            able Travis and Greg McMi-   moning the first 50 potential  themselves  and  pursued  Ar-
            chael  to  spend  the  first  30  jurors  to  the  courthouse  on  bery  in  one  pickup  truck
            years  of  their  life  sentences  Monday,  Feb.  7,  for  ques-  while Bryan joined the chase
            in federal prison, rather than  tioning.                  in another and recorded vid-
            state prison where conditions                             eo of Travis McMichael blast-
            are tougher.                 The  proposed  plea  agree-  ing Arbery with a shotgun.
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