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world news Diamars 1 Februari 2022
WHO says it’s probing alleged racism, abuse by top director
(AP) — The head of the WHO staffers complained corded snippets of meetings
World Health Organiza- that Kasai’s abusive, racist where Kasai is heard mak-
tion says an investigation and unprofessional behavior ing derogatory remarks about
is underway into alleged compromised the agency’s his staff based on national-
reports that the U.N. response to the COVID-19 ity. Eleven former or current
health agency’s top offi- pandemic. Kasai has denied WHO staffers who worked
cial in the Western Pacific the allegations. for Kasai told the AP he fre-
engaged in racist, unethi- quently used racist language.
cal and abusive behavior, The claims were laid out in
following a report last an internal complaint filed During Saturday’s closing
week by The Associated in October and again in an session of WHO’s executive
Press. email last week, sent by un- board meeting, several coun-
identified “concerned WHO tries pressured the organiza-
At a meeting of the WHO’s staff” to senior leadership tion to investigate the allega-
executive board over the and the executive board and tions of misconduct reported
weekend, Tedros Adhanom obtained by the AP. Two of by the AP.
Ghebreyesus said the agency the authors said more than
was first made aware of staff 30 staffers were involved in Britain’s representative to
complaints about the report- writing it, and that it reflected WHO called on the agency ethical standards and too of-
ed misconduct of Dr. Takeshi the experiences of more than to “promptly investigate” the Tedros said because an inves- ten, that hasn’t been the case
Kasai in late 2021. 50 people. claims and said “we regret to tigation was now underway, with WHO,” he said.
have heard of this first in the he could not share more de-
“We take these this allegations The internal complaint and media,” saying WHO should tails about it. The WHO staffers who first
seriously and we have acted the email describe a “toxic at- have shared the information reported the claims of abuse
with urgency,” said Tedros. mosphere” with “a culture of with its executive board as Lawrence Gostin, of George- said they have not been in-
He said WHO headquarters systemic bullying and public soon as it learned of the con- town University, called formed of any investigation.
was told of the claims in late ridiculing” at WHO’s West- cerns. Tedros “the moral con-
2021 and was now “following ern Pacific headquarters in science” of the pandemic. France’s diplomatic mission
due process with the coop- Manila, led by Kasai, director The U.S. said the reported in Geneva last week said that
eration of the staff member,” of a vast region that includes racist and abusive behavior “But the only way you can if the reports prove to be true,
without specifying Kasai. China and his home country “undermines the core values have credibility in your mor- the consequences could in-
of Japan. and essential lifesaving work al standing is if you’re leading clude Tedros consulting with
Last week, the AP published of W.H.O. and its regional of- an organization which itself the executive board to have
an investigation that found The AP also obtained re- fices around the world.” is behaving at the highest Kasai’s contract terminated.
Slain Mexican reporter described vulnerability in last show
(AP) — Mexican journal- the press. He said that his nalist,” which has a What-
ist Lourdes Maldonado Her words eerily predicted government guarantees free Journalists and watchdog sApp chat where journal-
dedicated her last pro- her fate. Five days later, Mal- speech but “very few jour- groups say reported threats ists alert each other to their
gram to a fellow journal- donado was shot outside her nalists, women and men, are are still not taken seriously whereabouts and any risks.
ist one day after he was home at 7 p.m. in the eve- fulfilling their noble duty to enough and when something
gunned down outside his ning. She was the third jour- inform. Most are looking to does happen police often are The attorney general of Baja
home, and then she de- nalist this year to be killed in see how we fail.” slow to investigate it. California, Ricardo Carpio,
scribed her own vulnera- Mexico. said they have found no evi-
bility covering the violent, According to the Committee More than 90% of murders dence Maldonado’s killing
border city of Tijuana. Their deaths over the span of to Protect Journalists, since of journalists and rights de- was linked to her work. They
a month is an unusually high the current administration fenders remain unsolved, ac- also have not found any con-
In her trademark bold style, toll in such a short period began on Dec. 1, 2018, at cording to Mexico’s Interior nection between Martinez’s
she blasted Mexico’s corrup- even in Mexico and drew least 32 journalists have been Undersecretary Alejandro death and the attack on Mal-
tion and accused a state offi- the largest protest yet over killed and 15 disappeared, de- Encinas. The New York- donado. Baja California Gov.
cial of drug ties before telling the killings with thousands spite a government program based Committee to Protect Marina del Pilar Ávila has
her viewers she had been un- demonstrating nationwide to protect them. Journalists puts the percent- said she is appointing a spe-
der state government protec- on Tuesday. The murders age at 95%. cial prosecutor to look into
tion for eight months. have left journalists working “The government’s protec- the murders of the Tijuana
in the most dangerous place tion is worthless,” said Tijua- There is a lack of political will journalists.
“They take good care of you,” for their trade in the Western na radio and television jour- to stop the impunity, in part,
she said on her internet radio Hemisphere — feeling angry nalist Odilón García, who because such a large percent- Maldonado had gone further
and television show called and hopeless. was under it for three years. age of the cases are believed than most to let her fears be
“Brebaje” or “Potion.” “But “They give you a phone and to have ties to public servants, known publicly, flying in
no one can avoid—not even On Friday, a day after Mal- if something happens you according to Article 19, an 2019 to Mexico City where
under police supervision— donado’s funeral, President can call a central office that international human rights she stood up in a televised
getting killed outside your Andrés Manuel López Ob- then notifies the police who organization that works to press conference and person-
house in a cowardly manner.” rador returned to criticizing then locate where you are defend and promote freedom ally challenged López Obra-
and by then you are dead.” of expression. The president dor to help her.
demonizing the press also is
García’s own problem ended contributing to the hostility She got state protection and
when the two people threat- against journalists, said Paula police were assigned to pa-
ening him died. One was Saucedo, an advocate with trolling her home but they
killed by organized crime. the organization’s chapter in only passed “once in a while,”
The other died of COV- Mexico. said García, who met her in
ID-19 after the court ruled 1989 when they were launch-
in Garcia’s favor and ordered In Tijuana, journalists have ing their careers in the gritty,
the man to compensate Gar- turned to each other for safe- newsy city of Tijuana.
cia for his lawyer’s fees and ty. They have organized into
other damage his threats had groups, such as “Yo sí soy pe- “A lot of people are afraid,”
caused. riodista,” or “Yes I am a jour- García said.