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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 4 December 2020

                              Trump expected to flex pardon powers on way out door

            (AP)  —  Advocates  and  lawyers  quent critic of Trump.
            anticipate  a  flurry  of  clemency
            action  from  President  Donald  Senate  Democratic  leader  Chuck
            Trump in the coming weeks that  Schumer  decried  the  notion  of  the
            could test the limits of presiden-  president asking staff whether he can
            tial pardon power.                  issue preemptive pardons for himself,
                                                his family members and his attorney,
            Trump is said to be considering a slew  Rudy  Giuliani,  with  whom  Trump
            of pardons and commutations before  has discussed potential action.
            he leaves office, including potentially
            members of his family, former aides  “There’s  a  simple  answer:  No.  No,
            and even himself. While it is not un-  Mr. President, that would be a gross
            usual  for  presidents  to  sign  contro-  abuse of the presidential pardon au-
            versial pardons on their way out the  thority,” Schumer said.
            door, Trump has made clear that he
            has  no  qualms  about  intervening  in  Presidents  enjoy  expansive  pardon
            the cases of friends and allies whom  powers  when  it  comes  to  federal
            he believes have been treated unfairly,  crimes. That includes granting clem-
            including his former national securi-  ency to people who have not yet been
            ty adviser Michael Flynn.           charged, as President Gerald Ford did
                                                in 1974 when he pardoned his prede-
            The list of potential candidates is long  cessor, Richard Nixon.
            and  colorful:  Trump's  former  cam-                                   doesn’t  have  to  deal  with  the  ‘deep  her  sentence  in  2018  after  her  case
            paign chairman, Paul Manafort, im-  But presidents cannot issue pardons  state.’ He doesn’t have to go through  was championed by Kardashian West.
            prisoned for financial crimes as part  for  state  crimes  nor  can  they  side-  congressional oversight or judicial re-  Trump then featured Johnson's story
            of  the  Russia  investigation;  George  step the law by pardoning people for  view.”                       in a Super Bowl ad and pardoned her
            Papadopoulos,  who  pleaded  guilty  crimes  that  have  not  yet  occurred,                                during  this  year's  Republican  Na-
            to lying to the FBI, just like Flynn;  according to legal experts. It remains  In previous administrations, pardons  tional Convention.
            Joseph Maldonado-Passage, aka “Joe  unclear whether a president has the  have  gone  through  a  formal  review
            Exotic," who starred in the the Net-  power to pardon himself. No one has  process  at  the  Justice  Department  Johnson, who has already successful-
            flix  series  “Tiger  King”;  and  former  tried.                       in  which  lawyers  carefully  examine  ly lobbied the president to take action
            contractors  convicted  in  a  Baghdad                                  cases  before  making  recommenda-  on the cases of several other people,
            firefight that killed more than a doz-  A decades-old opinion by the Justice  tions to the White House. Trump has  said she again met with Trump at the
            en  civilians,  including  women  and  Department’s Office of Legal Coun-  largely  sidestepped  that  process  —  White  House  several  weeks  ago  to
            children.                           sel suggests presidents cannot pardon  instead relying on a more haphazard  present additional cases, all for people
            Trump, long worried about potential  themselves because it would require  approach that has favored candidates  with  “just  incredible  rehabilitation
            legal exposure after he leaves office,  them to serve as judges in their own  whose cases have resonated with him  and incredible prison records."
            has expressed worry to confidants in  cases, but it also posits that a presi-  personally  or  that  have  been  cham-
            recent weeks that he, his family or his  dent could declare himself unable to  pioned  by  celebrities  like  Kim  Kar-  “Personally, I'm hoping to see people
            business might be targeted by Presi-  serve, transfer power to his vice presi-  dashian West.               home  before  Christmas,”  she  said.
            dent-elect Joe Biden’s Justice Depart-  dent and receive a pardon that way.                                 "Families  around  the  country  are
            ment, although Biden has made clear                                     As  the  results  of  last  month's  elec-  praying for a Christmas miracle.”
            he  won't  be  part  of  any  such  deci-  Presidents  often  make  controversial  tion have become clear, those seeking
            sions.                              grants of clemency to prominent fig-  pardons  before  Trump  leaves  office  The  White  House  did  not  respond
                                                ures as they leave office: Bill Clinton  have  redoubled  their  efforts  to  gar-  to questions and press secretary Kay-
            Nonetheless,  Trump  has  had  infor-  pardoned  wealthy  financier  Marc  ner  White  House  attention,  leaning  leigh  McEnany  said  she’d  “heard
            mal  conversations  with  allies  about  Rich,  and  Ronald  Reagan  pardoned  on high-profile Washington lawyers,  no  mention  of  any  pardons  in  any
            how he might be able to protect his  New  York  Yankees  owner  George  re-upping PR efforts and, in the case  conversations  I’ve  had  in  the  White
            family, though he has not taken any  Steinbrenner.                      of Papadopoulos, writing a book, ap-  House" other than for Flynn.
            steps  to  do  so.  His  adult  children                                pearing on Fox News and speaking to
            haven't  requested  pardons  nor  do  But Trump’s position is notable given  news outlets.                  Trump has so far used his clemency
            they feel they need them, according  the sheer number of former aides and                                   power  less  often  than  any  president
            to  people  familiar  with  the  discus-  allies who have been imprisoned, in-  “I  simply  want  the  facts  to  get  out  in modern history, according to Jus-
            sions who spoke on condition of ano-  dicted or are facing legal jeopardy.  about  exactly  what  happened  in  my  tice Department data compiled by the
            nymity to discuss private matters.                                      situation and for the American public  Pew Research Center.
                                                They  include  Manafort,  Manafort  to  determine  its  logical  conclusion.
            Trump  has  also  discussed  poten-  deputy  Rick  Gates,  the  president's  Which  I  hope  is  a  pardon.  I  do  not  It shows he has granted clemency 44
            tially  shielding  himself,  The  New  longtime  friend  and  adviser  Roger  expect it, but I would be honored to  times,  less  than  any  other  president
            York Times first reported. In a video  Stone,  his  former  chief  strategist  accept one,” he told The Associated  since at least William McKinley.
            posted  on  Facebook  on  Wednesday,  Steve  Bannon  and  his  former  law-  Press.
            he made a glancing reference to his  yer Michael Cohen. Stone and Flynn                                     “You've got over 13,000 petitions filed
            potential vulnerabilities.          are among those Trump already has  Giuliani, meanwhile, has spoken di-  by all these people who followed the
                                                granted clemency.                   rectly with the president about a par-  rules,” submitting  applications,  hav-
            “Now I hear that these same people                                      don. The two men have had prelimi-  ing people write letters on their behalf
            that  failed  to  get  me  in  Washington  In  most  administrations,  99%  of  nary  conversations  about  the  topic,  and waiting years for their cases to be
            have sent every piece of information  those who receive pardons are people  but  it  is  unclear  how  serious  those  processed, said Mark Osler, a former
            to New York so that they can try to  the public never hears of, while the  have been.                       federal  prosecutor  and  professor  at
            get me there,” he said.             remaining 1% receive 99% of the at-                                     the  University  of  St.  Thomas.  He
                                                tention,  said  Michigan  State  Uni-  Beyond  the  bold-face  names,  how-  has  participated  in  several  meetings
            The speculation prompted a slew of  versity law professor Brian Kalt. But  ever,  are  the  regular  people,  behind  at the White House during Trump's
            preemptive pushback from critics.   Trump’s  interest  in  celebrities  and  bars, who have tried to make the case  term as officials brainstormed poten-
                                                high-profile figures has thrown those  that they were unfairly sentenced or  tial  changes  to  the  formal  clemency
            “Typically if someone is being given  percentages off-kilter.           deserve a second chance.            process.
            a  pardon  it  suggests  they  may  have
            committed a crime. That’s not some-  “You can see the appeal of the pardon  "So  many  people  are  crying  out  for  “For  those  people  that  should  be
            thing I would want to have associated  power  to  someone  like  him,”  Kalt  help,” said Alice Marie Johnson, who  free,"  he  said,  Trump's  friends-and-
            with  my  family,”  said  Republican  said.  “It’s  the  one  thing  where  the  had been serving a life sentence with-  family approach to pardons is "a deep
            Sen.  Mitt  Romney  of  Utah,  a  fre-  president says it and it gets done. He  out  parole  until  Trump  commuted  and real tragedy."
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