P. 3
U.S. NEWS Monday 28 august 2017
Tillerson says Texas:
Trump ‘speaks Gov. Abbott praises Trump, federal response to Harvey
for himself’ on
racial violence By HOPE YEN
Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — Sec- President Donald Trump
retary of State Rex Tiller- sought to showcase the
son indicated Sunday that federal government’s re-
President Donald Trump’s sponse to Hurricane Har-
values should be consid- vey in a tweetstorm of his
ered separate from Amer- own Sunday, marveling
ica’s values when it comes over its size like a TV host
to race, appearing to re- and announcing a visit to
pudiate the president’s Texas with the natural di-
response to violence at a saster only just beginning
white supremacist march to take its catastrophic toll.
in Virginia. In a series of tweets, Trump
Trump’s statement con- said his administration was
demning the “egregious handling its responsibilities
display of hatred, bigotry well and, in a tangential
and violence, on many aside, hawked a book on
sides” in Charlottesville race and crime in America
drew criticism that he was written by a supporter.
morally equating neo-Na- “Wow - Now experts are
zis with the individuals pro- calling #Harvey a once in
testing against them. 500 year flood! We have
Appearing on “Fox News an all out effort going, and President Donald Trump gives the thumbs-up as he walks with his granddaughter Arabella Kush-
ner on the South Lawn from Oval Office of the White House Washington, Friday, Aug. 25, 2017, to
Sunday,” Tillerson said the going well!” Marine One en route to Camp David, Md.
nation’s commitment to He later added: “Even ex- (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
fighting racial injustice was perts have said they’ve
unquestioned. never seen one like this!” of health and human ser- Trump for being “extremely Long for “doing a great
“We express America’s Trump, who spent most of vices.” professional, very helpful” job” and touted the “great
values from the State De- the weekend at the presi- The devastating storm has in moving quickly to grant coordination between
partment. We represent dential retreat at Camp dumped more than 2 feet his request Friday for an im- agencies at all levels of
the American people, we David, convened a Cabi- of rain, sending thousands mediate disaster declara- government.”
represent America’s val- net meeting by telephone of people in Houston to tion, which triggers addi- He also tweeted Sunday
ues, our commitment to Sunday which included rooftops for rescue and tional federal assistance to morning about his Cabinet
freedom, our commitment Vice President Mike Pence. prompting a warning from aggrieved areas. meeting to address Har-
to equal treatment of He tweeted a promise of a Federal Emergency Man- Abbott said the focus was vey. The Department of
people the world over and Texas visit “as soon as that agement Agency director on rescue in the Houston Homeland Security, which
that message has never trip can be made without Brock Long of a “landmark area, citing multiple high- oversees FEMA, is currently
changed,” he said. causing disruption” — later event” that could require level vehicles sent in late without a secretary.
When asked about announced by the White years to get damaged ar- Saturday night that were “Major rescue operations
Trump’s values, Tillerson House as Tuesday. eas back on track. being manned by the underway!” he wrote.
said “the president speaks Texas Gov. Greg Abbott “All across the board, from National Guard, but that Trump’s tweets had their
for himself.”Tillerson was loaded heavy praise on the White House to the boats and helicopters will oddities and non-sequiturs.
the second White House Trump and the federal federal administration to be available all across east He also addressed the
official in recent days to government, describing an FEMA, they’ve been very Texas for swift water rescue. North America Free Trade
appear to more explicitly “A-plus” effort. helpful,” Abbott said. Still, in many areas, Hous- agreement, the need for a
criticize Trump. “I’ve got to tell you, I give Harvey made landfall ton officials were reporting wall along the U.S.-Mexico
Last week, Trump’s top FEMA a grade of A+, all along the Gulf Coast on flooding so widespread border and tax cuts.
economic adviser, Gary the way from the presi- Friday night as a Category that rescuers were getting Trump also found time to
Cohn, sharply denounced dent down,” Abbott said. 4 storm near Corpus Chris- too many calls to respond promote a book by Mil-
the president’s response, “I’ve spoken to the presi- ti, and moved northeast to each one and had to waukee County, Wiscon-
telling the Financial Times dent several times, to his along the Texas coast over prioritize life-and-death sit- sin, Sheriff David Clarke,
that he wrote a letter of Cabinet members, such Houston. uations. a Trump supporter often
resignation but never sub- as secretary of homeland Abbott said he expected “We’re measuring rain on television discussing his
mitted it. Some other White security, such as the ad- heavy rain “for days to these days not in inches but conservative views of race,
House officials, including ministrator of FEMA, such come.” in feet,” Abbott said. crime and law enforce-
Treasury Secretary Steven as Tom Price, the secretary The governor commended In his tweets, Trump praised ment. q
Mnuchin, have defended
Trump.Trump’s response
to the Charlottesville vio- Trump:
also prompted a rebuke Canada, Mexico being “very difficult” on NAFTA
lence earlier this month
from a top United Nations
body on racial discrimina- WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- nate the deal.Trump tweet- U.S., Mexico and Canada press the need for his prom-
tion, which urged the Unit- dent Donald Trump is ac- ed on Sunday morning that began formal negotiations ised southern border wall,
ed States to “unequivo- cusing Canada and Mexi- NAFTA is the “worst trade earlier this month to re- tweeting that Mexico will
cally and unconditionally” co of being “very difficult” deal ever made.”Trump work the 23-year-old trade pay for it “through reim-
reject racist hate speech at the negotiating table said at a rally last week in pact that Trump blames for bursement/other.” Mexico
and crimes after the rally over the North American Phoenix that he would “end hundreds of thousands of has repeatedly said there’s
in Virginia and called on Free Trade Agreement, and up probably terminating” lost U.S. factory jobs.Trump no chance of that happen-
Trump to take the lead. q threatening anew to termi- NAFTA “at some point.”The is also taking to Twitter to ing. q