P. 8
Monday 28 august 2017
Merkel vows to enhance German wealth, security in 4th term
By K. GRIESHABER improve schools and edu- the German public. Merkel,
Associated Press cation, and to push for in a rare reference to her
BERLIN (AP) — Chancellor more electric automobiles. challenger, rejected the
Angela Merkel said Sunday Merkel’s main challenger characterization and said
she wants to continue ruling was questioned in a sepa- she wants to “continue
Germany to help improve rate interview on ARD tele- serving the wellbeing of the
the wealth and security of vision. Social Democratic German people.”
its 82 million residents and Party leader Martin Schulz, Schulz, 61, is trailing Merkel,
to foster solidarity among who was president of the 63, in pre-election polls
all parts of society. European Parliament until and, with Germany enjoy-
Merkel is running for a January, also vowed to in- ing record-low unemploy-
fourth term as chancellor in vest more money in educa- ment, a balanced budget
a national election on Sept. tion as chancellor. and a strong economy,
24. She said in an interview In the ARD interview, Schulz faces an uphill battle to un-
with public broadcaster accused Merkel of being seat her.
ZDF that she also wants to aloof and detached from The latest poll results, re-
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is pictured in the set of the
ZDF show “Berlin direct” in Berlin, Germany, 27 August 2017.
(Joerg Carstensen/dpa via AP)
leased Saturday by the Large campaign posters
Emnid agency, showed show a smiling Merkel in
Schulz’s Social Democrats front of the black, red and
at 23 percent behind yellow of the German flag
Merkel’s conservative bloc and with the slogan, “For a
at 38 percent. Germany in which we like
Merkel’s campaign strat- to live and live well.”
egy has been to mainly The chancellor and Schulz
ignore Schulz. The platform are scheduled to face
of her Christian Democratic each other in a televised
Union party is focused more debate on Sept. 3, the
on Merkel as a person than only one of the election
pressing issues. campaign.q
UK’s Labour backing staying in
EU’s single market after Brexit
By SYLVIA HUI Starmer said his party wants
Associated Press Britain to keep abiding by
LONDON (AP) — the terms of its current EU
Britain’s main opposition membership during a tran-
party announced Sunday sition period before a final
that it backs the U.K. stay- shift to a new Britain-EU re-
ing in the European Union’s lationship.
single market and customs He says that should avoid a
union during a “transition “cliff edge” situation for the
period” after Brexit, argu- British economy. He did not
ing that would give much- specify how long this transi-
needed certainty to busi- tion period should last, only
nesses and consumers. that it would be “as short
The Labour Party says the as possible, but as long as
ruling Conservative Party’s is necessary.”“By remaining
Brexit position — taking inside a customs union and
Britain out of the EU single the single market in a tran-
market immediately after sitional phase we would
March 2019, when Britain be certain that goods and
formally leaves the bloc — services could continue to
would be “unnecessary” flow between the EU and
and “a highly risky path to the U.K. without tariffs, cus-
take.” toms checks or additional
Labour Brexit secretary Keir red tape. q