P. 12

                  Monday 28 august 2017


            President expels UN anti-corruption chief; court blocks order

                                                                                                   Sunday  showed  Morales  in the country. It was key to
                                                                                                   declaring  Ivan  Velasquez  bringing down former Presi-
                                                                                                   “non  grata”  and  ordering  dent  Otto  Perez  Molina,
                                                                                                   him  to  leave  the  country  who was forced to resign in
                                                                                                   immediately.  He  also  an-  2015 and remains in prison.
                                                                                                   nounced he was firing For-   Chief  prosecutor  Thelma
                                                                                                   eign  Minister  Carlos  Raul  Aldana,   working    with
                                                                                                   Morales for failure to carry  the  U.N.  commission,  an-
                                                                                                   out the expulsion.           nounced on Friday that she
                                                                                                   Morales  said  nothing  of  was  asking  the  Supreme
                                                                                                   kicking out the entire com-  Court to recommend strip-
                                                                                                   mission  of  foreign  experts,  ping Morales of his immuni-
                                                                                                   but  the  expulsion  would  ty from prosecution in order
                                                                                                   leave  its  future  unclear.  to  investigate  financing  of
                                                                                                   Two  years  remain  on  its  his  2015  campaign,  when
                                                                                                   mandate.                     he ran on the slogan “Nei-
                                                                                                   However, by midday Fran-     ther corrupt nor a crook.” If
                                                                                                   cisco de Mata Vela, head  the court agrees, the deci-
                                                                                                   of  Guatemala’s  Consti-     sion on immunity would be
                                                                                                   tutional  Court,  said  that  it  made by Congress.
                                                                                                   had  issued  a  temporary  The prosecutor said Morales
                                                                                                   injunction  blocking  the  or-  had  refused  to  account
            Constitutional Court President Jose Francisco de Mata Vela leads a press conference in Guate-  der  to  expel  Velasquez.  for  more  than  $800,000  in
            mala City, Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017. The court announced it has blocked Guatemalan President   The court will now analyze  campaign  financing  and
            Jimmy Morales’ order to expel the head of a U.N. anti-corruption commission, Ivan Velasquez,   the  case  before  reaching  had  hidden  his  own  par-
            who had said he would seek the removal of Morales’ immunity so the president could be investi-  a definitive decision. It was  ty’s  accounts.  Velasquez
            gated for campaign finance violations.                                                 not  clear  how  long  that  said in the joint news con-
                                                                               (AP Photo/Luis Soto)  would take.                ference  with  Aldana  that
            By SONIA PEREZ D.            Sunday  he  was  expelling  to have the order blocked     Velasquez      heads     a  financing  of  some  cam-
            Associated Press             the  head  of  a  U.N.  anti-  hours later by the country’s   10-year-old  commission  of  paign  expenditures  could
            GUATEMALA  CITY  (AP)  —  corruption commission that  top court.                       experts  that  has  worked  not be explained.
            Guatemalan        President  is  investigating  his  cam-  A video posted on the gov-  with Guatemalan prosecu-     Morales  has  repeatedly
            Jimmy Morales announced  paign’s  financing  —  only  ernment’s  Twitter  site  early   tors  to  root  out  corruption  denied any wrongdoing.q
              Venezuela shuts 2 radio stations, holds military exercises

            By FABIOLA SANCHEZ           ber,  said  this  weekend  in  of  Colombian  TV  stations  ern Caracas where dozens  Critics  call  the  assembly’s
            Associated Press             a  statement  that  the  Na-  Caracol  and  RCN.  Mad-    of  snipers  practiced  their  creation a blatant, authori-
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)  tional  Telecommunications  uro  had  sharply  criticized  aim.Washington       accuses  tarian  power  grab,  while
            —  Authorities  have  shut  Commission did not renew  foreign  news  coverage  of  Maduro of imposing a dic-        Maduro allies argue it offers
            down  two  radio  stations  the  stations’  permits  when  the country and its months-  tatorship  after  the  recent  a way out of the country’s
            that aired critical coverage  they  expired  and  ordered  long political crisis.      installation of an all-power-  political  and  economic
            of President Nicolas Madu-   them to cease transmitting.  About  900,000  people,  in-  ful  constitutional  assembly  crisis.“To  greater  democ-
            ro’s  government  by  refus-  The  National  Media  Work-  cluding  soldiers  and  mem-  that  has  targeted  political  racy in Venezuela, the em-
            ing to renew their licenses,  ers’  Union  accused  the  bers of civilian militias, were  opponents and taken over  pire  responds  with  more
            a broadcast executive an-    government  of  taking  “ar-  expected  to  take  part  in  lawmaking  powers  from  aggression,” Padrino Lopez
            nounced,  as  the  country  bitrary”  action  and  violat-  the two days of martial drills  the  opposition-controlled  said,  promising  that  the
            staged  military  exercises  ing freedom of expression.   over the weekend. Defense  congress. In remarks earlier  armed  forces  will  support
            in defiance of Washington  The closures came less than  Minister  Vladimir  Padrino  this  month,  President  Don-  the  government  in  stand-
            and new U.S. sanctions.      48 hours after the commis-   Lopez inaugurated the ex-    ald  Trump  would  not  rule  ing up to the sanctions an-
            Enza Carbone, president of  sion ordered cable provid-    ercises  Saturday  at  a  Na-  out  a  “military  option”  for  nounced the previous day
            the country’s Radio Cham-    ers  to  remove  the  signal  tional Guard facility in east-  Venezuela.               by Washington. q
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