P. 9
WORLD NEWS Monday 28 august 2017
Another arrest 8 climbers die in 3 accidents in European alps
in Buckingham
Palace incident bris.German news agency
dpa reported the ages of
the climbers who died as
By SYLVIA HUI 34, 56, 65, 69 and 70. It said
Associated Press the survivor is 75 years old.
LONDON (AP) — London None of the climbers was
police arrested a second named in keeping with
man Sunday in connection German privacy law.
with a suspect who drove Three Italian mountain
up to a police van not far climbers also died this
from Buckingham Palace weekend, two of them on
then reached for a 4-foot Sunday after falling into a
(1.2-meter) sword, an inci- crevasse in the Italian Alps.
dent detectives called a The Italian news agency
terrorism attempt. ANSA said one of the cre-
Scotland Yard said three vasse victims had been
officers were slightly injured rescued Sunday in grave
when they confronted the condition, but later died.
26-year-old man who al- The accident involved a
legedly drove at the po- group of nine mountain-
lice van then stopped in eers roped together while
a restricted area outside climbing on a glacier in
the gates of Queen Eliza- Adamello Brenta Park near
beth II’s London residence Rescue workers stand next to a police helicopter in Krimml in the Austrian province of Salzburg, Trento in northern Italy. All
Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017. The Austrian Red Cross said five mountain climbers died Sunday in the
Friday night.The driver Austrian Alps in Wildgerlostal on Mount Gabler, east of Innsbruck, and a sixth climber was severely of the climbers, including
reached for the sword in injured, the Austrian news agency APA reported. two 13 -year olds, were in-
his car and repeatedly (AP Photo/Franz Brinek) jured, ANSA reported.
shouted “Allahu akbar!” The group was believed
(“God is great” in Arabic) By KIRSTEN GRIESHABER was severely injured, the hospital in Salzburg and is to be made up of two
during the incident, police BERLIN (AP) — Eight moun- Austrian news agency APA in stable condition, public families from northern Ita-
said. tain climbers have died in reported.The group of six broadcaster ORF reported. ly. What caused the two
The officers used tear gas three different accidents men from Altoetting in the Apparently one member of to fall wasn’t immediately
to incapacitate the man this weekend in the Austri- southern German state the group slipped and fell known, ANSA said..
and arrested him at the an and Italian Alps. of Bavaria was roped to- on a glacier, bringing the Another Italian climber
scene.No one other than The Austrian Red Cross said gether when they fell in a others down with him, the died Saturday after be-
the man and the officers five mountain climbers very remote area of the head of the rescue teams, ing hit by boulders in the
were injured. Two of the died Sunday in the Austri- mountain at an altitude of Martin Reichholf, said. The Valtellina Alpine area, fur-
officers were treated for an Alps in Wildgerlostal on about 2,000 meters (6,562 group fell down 200 meters ther west of Trento near the
minor cuts in the hospital, Mount Gabler, east of Inns- feet.) The lone survivor was (yards) on a steep slope border with Switzerland.
while the third did not re- bruck, and a sixth climber taken by helicopter to a covered with ice and de- q
quire hospital treatment.
Police said a second sus- Finland:
was detained Sunday in Police say stabbing suspect lied about name, age
pect, a 30-year-old man,
west London on suspicion
of involvement in terror- By MATTI HUUHTANEN Helsinki. “For reasons relating to the 1994, which would make
ism. Officers were search- Associated Press National Bureau of Inves- criminal investigation, no him 22 or 23.
ing an address in the area HELSINKI (AP) — tigation Detective Inspec- information is released on On Saturday, another Mo-
as part of the probe.Police A Moroccan man who is tor Crista Granroth said the the contents of his state- roccan detained in con-
had said Saturday they be- facing charges in a stab- man gave a false name ment at this point in time.” nection with the stabbings
lieved the first suspect was bing attack that killed two and age when he was first The man is being held on was released as he was
acting alone and were not people and wounded interviewed. suspicion of murder and “no longer suspected of
looking for potential ac- eight others in Finland, lied International police con- attempted murder with ter- any crime,” police said.
complices. The force has about his name and age, tacts provided Finnish in- rorist intent. Three others, believed to
obtained a warrant to de- Finnish police said Sunday. vestigators with his true Investigators said he had be Moroccans, were still
tain him until Sept. 1.“This is The suspect has been hos- identity, Granroth said. become radicalized, but being held on suspicion
a timely reminder that the pitalized since officers shot “The police have inter- did not elaborate. they helped plan the at-
threat from terrorism in the him in the thigh to stop the viewed the main suspect, Although he originally iden- tack.
U.K. remains severe,” Met- Aug. 18 knife attack in the and he is willing to commu- tified himself as 18-year-old Investigators have said
ropolitan Police counter- southwestern city of Turku, nicate with the interviewing asylum-seeker Abderrah- they are exploring possible
terrorism chief Dean Hay- 170 kilometers (105 miles) police officer,” she said in a man Mechkah, police said links to the recent extremist
don said. q west of the Finnish capital, statement. he actually was born in attacks in Spain. q