P. 13

                                                                                                                           Monday 28 august 2017

                  Vibrant Fashion Show by Local Designer Gigliola Gomez

            PALM  BEACH  -  The  first  in
            line of a series was last Fri-
            day’s  fashion  show,  per-
            fectly organized by events
            planner  Aruba  Fashion
            Society.  Local  designer
            Gigliola  Gomez  showed
            the public her collection A
            Breeze of Summer at Pure
            Ocean.  Barefoot  was  the
            thing, so we sank our heels
            into  the  sand  and  were
            blown away by butterflies,
            vibrant  colors,  waving  tu-
            nics and summery joy.

            “It  is  important  that  local
            designers get a chance to
            be platformed like this by
            Aruba Fashion Society. We
                                                                      how we live on the island,
                                                                      keeping in her mind the cli-
                                                                      mate too. “The clothes are
                                                                      very flowing, elegant and
                                                                      chic  but  also  very  useful.
                                                                      Bikinis for in the pool, tunics
                                                                      for  around  the  pool  and
                                                                      little dresses and more for

                                                                                                                                a great sunset to finish with
                                                                                                                                an  elegant  dinner.”  The
                                                                                                                                colors  yellow,  blue  and
                                                                                                                                black are dominant in this
                                                                                                                                collection,  there  are  also
                                                                                                                                special pieces painted by
                                                                                                                                hand  for  this  one  unique
                                                                                                                                occasion.  “My  love  is  in
                                                                                                                                the  passion  of  what  I  am
            have  talents  here  on  the  my environment, this is my                                                            doing;  creating  beautiful
            island and in this way peo-  island. That is why I want to                                                          clothing for women. Beau-
            ple can enjoy their art,” as  make fashion on this level                                                            tiful is what we all are, we
            commented  one  of  the  for my people. This was the                                                                are  the  women  on  earth
            organizers. Gigliola Gomez  big  opportunity  to  show                                                              who  can  create  every-
            mingled  with  the  crowd  my new collection.”                                                                      thing we want.”
            right  after  her  show  and                                                                                        For   more    information:
            had  a  chat  with  Aruba          For all women                                                                    Facebook  Gigliola  Go-
            Today. “I am so happy to  As a real Aruban she likes                                                                mez.  www.gigliolagomez.
            feel this positive vibe. This is  to reflect in her collection                                                      comq
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