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LOCALFriday 28 August 2015
From the Hollywood Smokehouse:
Jordan Paskel chosen for Caribbean Barbecue Team 2015
EAGLE BEACH – Aruba’s only eration and the Texas Beef
authentic smokehouse, the Council to be a part of the
Hollywood Smokehouse, team that spends 6 days in
co-sponsored an educa- Texas leaning about beef
tional opportunity for their and pork products.
pit master in training, Jor- Jordan is currently in Col-
dan Paskel. Jordan was lege Station, Texas taking
chosen to be a part of the classes at Texas A & M’s
U.S. Meat Export Federa- Meat Science & Technolo-
tion’s Caribbean Barbecue gy Center, studying the ba-
Team for 2015. Chefs and sics of meat and pork pro-
pit masters from around the duction. The team will also
Caribbean are chosen by travel to Austin and Amaril-
the U.S. Meat Export Fed- lo, visiting some of the most
famous barbecue joints in invaluable for his future in ket, pulled pork, fish, and
the world, as well as tour- this business—pit masters chicken served with home-
ing harvesting plants and are a rarity in the Carib- made southern side dishes,
local ranches. bean region, and we are as well as healthy lettuce
This opportunity marks Jor- proud to offer this unique wraps and salads. The res-
dan’s first trip abroad. “We opportunity to Jordan,” taurant has been featured
are thrilled to be able to Tina says. in international press and
help make this happen for The Hollywood Smoke- television programs, and
Jordan,” say Hollywood house, located near Ea- most recently their craft
Smokehouse’s owners Mi- gle Beach at Alhambra “front porch” cocktails,
chael and Tina Bislick. “Jor- Casino & Shops, is locally made with fresh herbs and
dan came to us with zero owned and operated, and fruits, were featured in USA
kitchen experience, but his features smoked beef bris- Today’s travel special. q
enthusiasm and willingness
to learn, combined with his
dedicated work ethic, has
earned him a position as a
supervisor in our kitchen,”
say Michael.
“Smoking meats is an art
and a science—it’s noth-
ing like grilling. A pit mas-
ter is responsible for several
hundred pounds of meat
smoking at the same time,
and every smoked batch
of meat is different, every
piece of meat is distinc-
tive, every type of wood
unique…the courses Jor-
dan is taking in Texas are