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P. 38

                 Friday 23 February 2018

            In  various  traditions  and  from  thought,  vising  from
            religions, the act of renun-  thought identification.
            ciation  is  regarded  one  of  Why  is  this  true  and  the
            the highest virtues one can  rest  isn’t?  It  is  just  that  the
            do to attain the ultimate or  dimension  of  no  thought
            pinnacle  of  wisdom  and  brings  forth  wisdom  from
            knowledge. It could be any  ones  deepest  waters  with-
            type of renunciation, may-   in,  flows  through  oneself
            be  from  food,  from  sexual  and into the external world.
            activities,  from  materiality,  In  this  state  of  no  thought
            etc.                         is where the secrete of the
                                         universe  lies  within  oneself
            True  renunciation  is  none  and  lies  the  pure  poten-
            of the above ideologies. It  tiality  for  creativity  and
            is just a simple renunciation  intelligence.q

              Suresh Mirchumal is a spiritual writer. “Well, you can
              categorize  it  like  that,  although  I  don’t  call  myself
              one. These thoughts come in effortlessly.” His aim is in
              a way to reach out to whoever gets inspired or has an
              eye opening event within them that may transcend
              their current state of consciousness. “Or let’s say cur-
              rent emotional state too. If one in a thousand ben-
              efits, that is already great.” Due to the current world
              state, lots of struggles and stresses, we seem to lose
              touch with that inner peace that we long for, Suresh
              explains. “I wish to ease that through these small ar-
              ticles or tidbits.” You will find his tidbits in Aruba Today
              from now on, like a sunray of the day.

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                                           THROUGHOBRED AND HARNESS                                York,  and  Ms.  Marylou
                                                                                                   Andrews     of   Appleton,  Congratulations to all!q
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